Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 566: Air potential collision



The demon heard, but they all nodded. My heart is very convinced that Fox Mei Niang makes sense. What's more, they have been waiting for so long, and there is inevitably grievance in their hearts. It is the young Yaozu who used to think of the demon knife as an idol. At this time, the mind is not firm, and there is a slight drop in the perception of the demon knife.

Time is still flowing, and two quarters of time have passed without knowing it. The old people are still okay, and the temper is calm. However, some young demon monks were somewhat unsettled, and some monks who could not understand the knives of Gao Litian had already opened their mouths.

At this time, a knives were suddenly violently emerged from the residence of the Qingniu family. The knives and awns spread like a practice to the central square, shining under the sunlight.


On the way to the spread of the knife, the "squeaky" knife sounded, and if there was a light bridge out of thin air.

A figure rises from the place where the Qingniu family lived, and the light bridge formed by the knives of the feet, fluttering in white, with a fascinating beauty on the face, and the light bridge that spreads along the knives. .

He is the demon knife high plowing the sky, the foot stepping on the knife mans, walking between, issued a "squeaky" knife, domineering, and forced the momentum to the piano double.

He is looking forward to the wind and his eyes are smiling. Be prepared for the cheers. Even raised his hand and waved toward the crowd.


His smile was stiff and his arm in the air was stagnant. He found no cheers!

"How can this be?"

When he used to fight in the past, wasn’t it a cheering crowd?

Why didn’t there be a monk cheering this time?

So quiet?

Even if I don't appear, I can't stop the enthusiasm of those idiots. Why are you so calm this time?

Where did he know that the admirers of her past were severely reprimanded by the elders, and that Qinqin was the master of Dan Dao, and that there was no strength that was not weaker than the demon knife. How could it be like before, when he saw the demon knife, he cheered?

On the high-rise building around the square, there is a group of demon old people sitting in the window. In front of a window, the phoenix dance stood side by side with the graceful woman. Feng dance whispered:

"From the point of view of the knife released from the demon knife, his strength is indeed good. The young master is also a real name."

Grace woman nodded: "The strength is good, but also a little smart. Just a little flashy, not enough precipitation."

"All the way, triumphant, no setbacks, natural glitz."

Feng Dance chuckled: "How does Feng Tian Shijie think Feng Ming?"

Feng Tian's gaze looked at Feng Ming, his eyes shimmering and shining: "The body that she radiates is indeed a pure Feng nationality, and the grade is not low. It is our phoenix who do not doubt."

"The grade is not low?" Feng dance eyebrows pick one.

"Yeah!" Feng Tian nodded: "The worst is also the qualification of six products. If you can't say it can be seven products. Dare to challenge the monster knife, how can her qualifications be worse?"

"So, Feng Tian Shijie thinks that the two of them can laugh at the end?"

Feng Tian shook his head and said: "I have some understanding of the demon knife, but I don't know anything about Fengming. How can we determine the difference between them?"

"We have got the news that Fengming has only the third layer of the demon god. The demon knife is already a half-step demon."

Feng Tian shook his head again: "The duel between the two monks can not only be repaired. There is also their qualifications. A qualified person is able to break out beyond his own strength. And they practice. The practice of a good method can also make the strength of the monk beyond its own cultivation. The same is true of the repair of the Tao, as well as their mentality, experience, war, spirits, etc., regardless of these aspects, On the one hand, it can complement the gap between Fengming and the knives. If Fengming is very good in all aspects, it may not be able to kill the knives more and more. Of course, the knives must be good in all aspects. Look at the two of them who are better in every respect."

"Not bad!" Feng Wu nodded: "Feng Ming is really good in these aspects, we don't know. But in this aspect, it has fallen behind the monster knife, and it is not one star and a half behind. To fill this gap, There must be more than that in other areas."

"Not bad!"

"The battle between the juniors has made me look forward to it."

At this time, the demon knife Gao Li Tianzheng gently put the raised hand down, looking in the crowd below to find the familiar monks, that is, the group of idiots in his heart, has been fanatically admiring his demon monks .


He saw these monks and monks, but when they saw the eyes of the monks and he touched them, they dropped their eyes and did not look at him.

"There must have been something happening!"

In the heart of the knives, the invincible momentum that broke out suddenly has a weak face, and his face becomes ugly. He has an anger in his heart. This is a kind of anger that has been held, but suddenly finds that no one cares about him again. The outburst of anger, the demon knife turned the anger into an incomparable momentum, and went to the piano. That vast momentum is how a knife river is forced to the piano.

The face of the cracked high and the fox Mei Niang instantly became pale, and the momentum that rushed like a knife river, like a torrent of water, made people feel desperate.

The demon knife Gao Litian step by step and step on the knife to the double line of the piano. Every step forward, the momentum will rise by one point. With the step by step, his momentum seems to be connected with the sky. His body is only two feet. I, but at this time, I gave the cracking height and the fox Mei Niang a feeling of a giant. Splitting Gao and Fox Mei Niang suddenly lost confidence.

"This Feng sister is probably going to be killed..."

At this time, not only the crack high and the fox Mei Niang have this feeling, many demon monks have this feeling. In their vision, the momentum of the demon knife is more and more prosperous, while the piano double is a completely suppressed appearance. If you go on like this, you don't have to fight at all. The piano double will collapse confidence and lie on the ground.

"Sure enough, as Fox Mei Niang said, any race has a unique person. But my piano is sitting on the ground. Before I could kill the demon, I thought I was the first person under the demon. No one is my opponent. It seems that I did not encounter the real genius of the Yaozu.

This demon knife Gao Litian definitely has the strength to kill the demon saint, but ... I am not bad! ”


In the body of Qin double, a sword screamed, and his hands were behind him. He looked up and looked at the knives on the air knife.



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