Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 567: Kill

The sword and the sword collided in the air. In the vision of the demon, the slender figure of Qin Shuang seemed to be high in the festival and became tall and tall, and resisted with the demon knife.

"Feng Ming, are you ready to die?"

The demon knife suddenly released and drunk, and with his violent drink, a sigh of suffocation spewed out of his mouth and turned into a huge green cow. On the head of each green cow, the two horns were like two handles. The long knife was pushed by a green cow and rushed toward the piano.


The piano doubles with a cold bang, a fire and phoenix is ​​born around the body, the phoenix tail is wrapped around the legs of the piano pair, the phoenix body is wrapped around the upper body of the piano pair, two phoenix wings are wrapped around the double arms of the piano, one Feng Shou peeked out from the back of Qin Double, and the green cow rushing in the air screamed.


The huge phoenix suddenly looked up, and the sharp screams shot like a sharp arrow to the blue cow that swooped down. The one-on-one green spurt was riddled with riddled holes and dissipated.

The horror of the phoenix spreads arbitrarily, so that the demon are not only heart-wrenching, but the low-level demon people only feel that there is a blank in the brain.

The face of the knives changed slightly, and today's things made him unexpected. The first is that he did not receive the warm cheers of the Yao youth as before. Secondly, I did not think that the momentum of Qin double is not weaker than myself.


The demon knife Gao Litian fell on the stage of life and death, staring at the piano double, showing a dignified weight.

The piano doubles a step, and the feet are burning. The volley walked toward the death and death stage, step by step, and a colorful bridge formed by the fire phoenix in the sky. Waiting for the piano to fall on the stage of life and death, the fire and phoenix flew up and down around the piano, hovering and beautiful.

The gaze of Gao Yaotian's gaze shrinks, and he sings into the secret channel to the piano: "Feng Ming, you made a lie with the cracked high and the fox Mei Niang, but I did not reveal it. Do you know why?"


"Because I know that you have entered the depths of the inheritance, you must have got a lot of great treasures or inheritance. You can let Li Gao and Fox Mei Niang lie to you, you must have given them a lot of benefits.

However, if I kill you, the treasures and inheritance you get are mine. So, how can I expose you and let others focus on those treasures and inheritance?

Ha ha……

Feng Ming, I am already a half-step demon, you are just a three-layered demon god, I admire your courage, but you are dead. ”


The big feet of the knives slammed on the stage of life and death, and the knives of the sky blew open the air, with a firm and firm mind, standing like a knife, kneeling down to the piano.


At this moment, Gao Litian’s palm burst into a magnificent knife, and the glory of the glory shines.

Qin double refers to the sword, obliquely stabbed. It is like a slanting sun.


Gao Litian feels that his knife is like a deflated ball, and it instantly languishes. The swaying sword was spurting toward him.

"Good and wise kendo!"

One of Gao Li’s hearts was in the middle of his heart. The two palms went one by one and went across, forming a cross knife and squinting toward the piano. The intersection of the cross knives smashed a slanted sword and slammed toward the piano.

Wrapped in Fengqin!

The piano has a pair of feet on the ground, and the body shape is facing the knife. The right arm is pulled back, and the big vertebrae behind it arches like a full bow. Then a punch bursts and instantly penetrates a layer of space. The air burst and the dense popping sound was heard.


Ten fire phoenixes hovered around the arm, screaming and whistling out. Suddenly bombarded at the intersection of the cross knife, the cross knife smashed from the middle. The right fist has not been exhausted, and the left fist has blasted.


Twenty fire phoenixes hovered around the arm and roared out. Suddenly bombarded in the front chest of the demon knife, the shape of the demon knife became parallel and the dead platform was bombarded.

Qin double did not idle last night, but entered the town demon tower, using the time flow rate, in which the Fengfeng boxing was realized to the top ten complete, plus shocking, blasting twenty fire phoenix.


The demon knife squirted a blood, and said: "I am a little kid!"


Gao Litian pulled out a long knife backhand!


Qin double has the experience of fighting invincible with A, knowing that the ordinary road can not be high plowing days, the backhand pulls out the giant sword of Feng Yu, the fire phoenix body opens, and thorns toward Gao Litian.


The sword shadow is empty.

The shape of the piano double and the high plowing sky disappeared.

"Sword field!"

The demon look is a glimpse.

"Seven quality qualifications!" Feng Tian whispered.

In the sword field. The double hand of the piano stood on the top of the sword, overlooking the high plowing day holding the long knife. The high plowing day also burst out with a knife and pulled out the posture.

"Hey..." The piano double fuses three attributes, and the momentum is skyrocketing.


Three hundred and sixty-six phoenix feathers came out of the body and instantly set up a large Zhoujian sword array. The blade of the sword trembled, and the sword smashed into a starry sky, eliminating the knife and shrouded the high plowing sky in the sword array.


A huge sword, the phoenix giant sword in the hands of the piano, a sword stabbed.

"Little Zhoutian Kendo!"

Xiao Zhoutian Kendo and the big Zhoutian sword array rotate, like the grinding disc, which will grind the body of Gao Litian.


Three hundred and sixty handles of Feng Yu Xiaojian retracted the body, Qin double inserted Feng Yu giant sword back into the scabbard behind. Unmerge the attributes and dissipate the fire phoenix body. The airborne swords and shadows dissipated, showing the figure of the piano double red.

There was a **** rain in the sky, and the life and death suddenly became blood red.

The central square is silent! It is the face breathing that has become completely absent. Every monk held his breath and looked at the stage of life and death incredulously.

On the stage of life and death.

A flaming piano doubles hands and stands, and there is a **** rain on her sky.

The central square is silent.

Splitting Gao and Fox Mei Niang looked up and down on the piano pair on the stage of life and death, but still have not reacted.

How can it end so fast?

I thought that when the piano was invincible, I experienced a bitter battle, and the strength of the demon knife Gao Litian was stronger than that of the invincible. I thought it would be a hard fight, and I thought that Qin double would be at a disadvantage. I did not think that victory was so easy.

Where did they both know that this time the piano double came up with full force. The demon knife Gao Litian did not understand the piano pair.

Even if he pays attention to the piano double, he did not expect that the piano double opened the fire phoenix body. After combining the three attribute spiritual powers, the real combat power has surpassed him.

I did not even think that Qin double actually realized the sword field!

In fact, when the piano double card is fully open, even if the monster knife Gao Litian knows this, it is not the opponent of Qin double, let alone he does not know?

In this way, it is no surprise that it has been killed by the piano doubles.


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