Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 568: Another person to a family



"It’s a moment of life and death!"

Such a decisive victory makes the old Yaozu in the high-rise buildings not only sigh. At this time, the eyes of these old Yao people are gathered on the piano on the stage of life and death.

"How many years have passed? The demon world has rarely seen such a wonderful battle."

"This Fengming is now the third layer of the demon god. If she breaks through to the demon sacred, she will definitely shine in our demon world."

"Whether it is the demon world? The human race is a genius piano, the devil has a genius and a red fly. Now our demon has a Fengming. The future is the moment when these juniors fight for each other. I hope Fengming will not humiliate our demon."

"The Golden Dragon of the Terran Wu Zong Dian has been very active recently. It is said that the strength is not weaker than that of the Qin double. Right, how come there is no news of Qin double?"

"Maybe retreat at a retreat!"

"I heard that the Terran is at the other side of the sea, and there is still hope for the cultivation of the Taoist law, Samsung, called Mo Zi, Du Fu and hair like snow."

"They are too weak!"

"The demon knife Gao Litian places great emphasis on Fengming, and there is still a contempt for Fengming in his heart." Fengfan said in front of the window.

Next to Feng Tian's face calmly said: "This is flashy, but he did not have the opportunity to wash away the glitz."

"Feng Ming, you are so bold!"

Suddenly a sound broke out in the silence, and a strong figure slammed into the double, like a hill. The momentum that erupted on the body was soaring.

"The demon holy!"

Qin doubled his face again, he did not expect that after the end of the life and death, there will be a demon suddenly shot to her. At this time, it is too late to release the Taoist method. Qin Double only uses the power of the ontology and slams out to the opposite side with both fists.


A loud bang, the piano double felt the bones of both arms should be broken, and the squatting backwards continuously backwards. "噗", a spurt of blood.

"The fourth floor of the demon!"

In the heart of the piano is a glimpse, the opposite demon sacred is a look, he did not think, Qin double can actually catch him a punch without death.

"Kill her!"

"Revenge for the high school brother!"

The monks of the Qingniu family shouted, and their faces were full of anger and anger.


Qin did not hesitate to open the fire phoenix body, combining three attributes. Although it is only a third of the fusion, it has also raised her cultivation to the peak of the three levels of the demon.


Three hundred and eighty-seven fengfeng feather swords came out and formed a pair of armor to wear on the body of the piano.


At this time, the third layer of the demon sanitation also reacted. I screamed and rushed toward the piano.

The eyes of the piano doubled, the left arm was pulled back, and the back of the big vertebra was arched like a dragon, shaped like a bow.


Wrapped in Fengqiquan and shocked, the power of Qin double can be improved again. Twenty fire phoenixes roared out. Suddenly bombarded with the fist of the demon.

In the huge roar, the figure of the demon saint retreats, his body sweats like a pulp, and his eyes are unbelievable. It should be known that Qinqin was not in the three forces before entering the sword field, but she did not expect the strength of the piano pair to be so strong. Originally thought that the piano double is only strong.


Feng Yu giant sword out of the sheath.


Sword shadows!

"It’s another sword field!"

The demon is in the heart.


A big drink, a figure flew out from the Qingniu family, and took a palm in the air, and took it to the sword.

"Do you deceive my phoenix?"

The figure of the phoenix dance flew out of the window, and turned his hand to the palm of the Qingniu family.


The big hand of the Qingniu demon sacred smashed and smashed, and then the phoenix dance's palm continued, and the slap in the palm of the demon sacred out. The demon saint of the Qingniu family rolled a few laps in the air, stabilized the figure and stared at the phoenix dance:

"Do you want to manage this?"

"How to drop?"

"You want to fight the Qingniu family?"

"How to drop?"


The shadow of the sword suddenly burst, and the body shape of the piano doubled out, and a blood was sprayed up. The eyes of the blue-eyed family in the air are bright, but then the face changes.

A headless body fell from the air. It was the demon sac that was shrouded in the sword field by the double piano. At first glance, the head was broken by the piano.

"You..." The demon who was flying by the phoenix dance fan looked at the piano with the eyes of the dead.

"Feng Ming, Feng Dance has protected you for a while, can't protect you for a lifetime. You will hide in Wansha City for a lifetime!"

The piano raised his hand and rubbed the blood stain on the corner of his mouth with his back.

"I would like to see if my Fengming died first, or if your Qingniu family first died."

The central square is a quiet, the public must look at the piano double.


"Others want to kill her, she will destroy the family!"

"If this Fengming can't be killed once, it's best not to provoke her."

Every look that looks at the piano has become much more cautious.

"Good! Good! Good!"

The demon of the Qingniu family stared at the piano for a while, then turned to look at the phoenix dance. Shouting to the young cattle below:

"let's go!"

The demon sac flew to the place where the Qingniu family lived. The monks of the Qingniu family on the ground stared at the piano and looked at the piano. Then they "hula lala" drove away.

The piano doubled his eyes and then took a deep breath and his look returned to calm. Take out a medicinal dress and then practise a ritual to the phoenix dance:

"Thank you for the phoenix dance."

Feng dance saw the piano double eyes, the corner of the mouth slightly cocked: "Hello you!"

The words fell, and the figure of the phoenix dance disappeared into the air. Feng Tian of the window also looked at the piano and disappeared.

"Feng Ming Master! I am a stalwart of the Lijiang Mountain, a small gift, not a tribute."

"Feng Ming Master! I am the clearing of Laishan, a small gift, not a respect."

"Feng Ming Master! I am..."


Representatives of the strengths of all parties have come over and surrounded the piano. One by one, while giving gifts, while doing self-introduction.

The piano double took the gift and saw that the eyes were bright. These forces send herbs and are the best herbs like the four-leaf marijuana. Although there is only one strain, it is extremely precious.

Such a gift, the piano double will not refuse. All of them were accepted, and they also communicated with the great monks of these Yaozu.

After receiving the gift, I simply exchanged a few words. Qin Double Road: "You friends, Feng Ming suffered some injuries..."

"Yes! Right! Right! Feng Ming master quickly went back to heal, and then we invited Feng Ming master to feast, to celebrate the death of Master Feng Ming."


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