Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 569: Strong




Qin double has just got rid of the representatives of these parties, and he heard another voice coming. Looking back, it is the four demon masters. I just had to stop and walked:

"I have seen four masters!"

The firethorns smiled and returned, and looked down at the piano. "When you see the injury of Fengming Daoyou, you will be cured tomorrow. I will wait for a banquet in Huixianlou to celebrate the demon world and have another Dandao master. ”

Qin Double knows that as long as he still wants to mix in the Yaozu as Fengming, he can't refuse, and he smiles:

"my pleasure."

"Okay, that's it. We will talk again tomorrow, and we will not delay the healing of Feng Mingdao."

After Qin Double and the four Dandao masters quit, they walked with Qing Gao and Fox Mei Niang to the Qingqiu Mountain. Qin double looked at the direction of the Qingniu family who had just left, and secretly said:

"You are forcing me to start with the Qingniu family!"

Qinqin returned to the Qingqiu Mountain residence and returned to the room. Qingqiu Mountain also knows that Qin double needs healing, and also sent two Yaozu to the piano to protect the law outside the door.

Qin double is entering the town demon tower, after taking the medicine to heal. Then began to comprehend the burning of the eight.

The next day.

Qin double brother town demon tower came out with a smile on his face. In the town demon tower for more than three hundred days of comprehension, let her burn the end of the eight years to understand the Xiaocheng peak.

When the mind was moved, the fire was smashed out and the phoenix was called out. Then the town demon tower was turned into a dust, and it was held in the hands of Fengming. When the piano doubled his mind, he entered the town demon tower.

Qin double left the Qingqiu Mountain residence and walked toward Huixianlou. She is going to the banquet of the four demon kings. Shortly after leaving the Qingqiu Mountain residence, Fengming casually waved his sleeves and threw the town demon tower into an alley.

Not a while.

The figure of Qinshuang appeared in the hutong, and the town demon tower was collected, and the appearance was turned into a walk outside the city.

Out of the city gate, looking at the front of Tantan Avenue, a sneer in the corner of his mouth, the heart secretly:

"The young cattle, you should have the disciples of this multi-ethnicity on the way. Are you going to kill me? Then I will kill you first. Just by your head, I will just break through." The realm."

The shape of the piano double is gone, and the next moment is already thousands of miles away. The figure fell on a mountain and sat down on the knees. Here is a must-see place for the Wanxue City. The Qinsong communicates with Fengming, and Qinshuang and Fengming immediately resemble one person. Qin double can see and hear everything around Feng Ming, Feng Ming can also see everything around the piano.

At this time, Feng Ming is sitting around the table with the four demon masters. The table was just full of delicacies, and in the mutual enthusiasm, I have not begun to exchange Dan Dao experience.

After three rounds of wine, the dishes were over five flavors, and the four demon Dandao divisions began to communicate with Fengming. The piano on the top of the mountain listened to the exchanges of the four demon masters, and passed the words of the response to Fengming, and then said in Fengming’s mouth. Qin double masters the realm of the right, to maintain the level of the peak of the Dan Dao master. Even so, the four demon Dan Dao masters were shocked. The firethorn can not help but sigh:

"Feng Ming master, it seems that it will take a long time, you will break through the second class Dandao master."

The five Dandao masters exchanged their memories and forgot the time. Until dusk, the five Dan Dao masters were reluctant to separate. At the gate of the restaurant, the firethorn said warmly:

“Feng Mingdao friends, how can we continue to communicate tomorrow?”

Feng Ming’s rumors refused: “Today, I have communicated with four Taoist friends, and I have gained a lot of money. I also want to communicate with my four friends. I just want to deal with Feng Ming’s personal affairs. When Feng Ming handles the private affairs, he must go to the door. Visit four friends."

"Well, I will wait until I can wait!"

Feng Ming left his words and walked slowly along the crowd. There was a slight sneer in the corner of her mouth. She was keenly aware that a monk was tracking herself and locking her mind on her.

Feng Ming paused and walked to the monk who followed his own Qingniu family. The monk's gaze narrowed, quickly convinced the gods, pretending that there was nothing, and welcoming the piano. The two monks quickly walked opposite. Feng Ming licked his teeth and slammed a punch and banged at each other. The other party who had prepared for it ushered in a punch.


A burst of sound, the monk of the Qingniu family, the figure flew out, the whole arm is like a noodle, the bone inside is bombarded and shattered.

Feng Ming's spiritual power is not as good as the body piano, but the body repair is far beyond the Qin double. Don't forget, she is made from the ancestral-level phoenix skeleton. When it is made into a avatar, it has the strength of the first layer of Wusheng. Moreover, she spent more time in the town demon tower to practice the copper body quenching body than the piano. Now her body strength and strength have reached the sixth floor of Wusheng.

Feng Ming slowly pushed toward the monk of the young family. The monk lay on the ground, with one arm on the ground, his feet on the ground, and his back, and said:

"You, you, what are you doing?"


Feng Ming smashed his ankles, causing the monk's monk to make a scream and attract a large number of demon monks around to watch.

"Hey, isn't that Fengming?"


"What is she doing?"

"It should be that the monk of the Qingniu family tracked Fengming and let Fengming discover it."

"It seems that this Fengming and Qingniu are completely opposite!"

“It’s exciting to listen to one person to one family.”

"This time I can watch it lively."

"I heard that the Qins of the Terran once used to be on the fire family before the opening of the demon door. I did not expect that our demon now has such a monk!"

"This is the hero of our Yaozu, and we can't fall behind the Terran."

Feng Ming raised his head and looked at the figure above the roof.

"If you want to fight, you will wait for a battle outside the city of Wanxue. In the city of Wanjue, you can't kill and kill. What do you mean? If you want to master my whereabouts, just keep it at the gate of the city. If you are at Tracking me in the city, bothering my life, don't blame me for killing you one by one."


The monk of the younger family above the ridge fell into the front of the piano pair. Yin channel:

"It is in the city of Wanxue, we will not let you better." Today, you meet with the four Dandao masters, so we just track. Waiting for tomorrow, our young cattle will continue to besiege you, daily. You are disabled."

Qin Shuang’s gaze shrank: “Well, I am waiting for you. But you have to be prepared.”


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