Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 571: Dangerous situation



Wan Yaocheng.

The place where the Qingniu family lived, several demon saints gathered in the hall, one by one, the brows were locked, and one demon sanctuary:

"Five elders, how haven't my family monks come to Wanxue City in the last ten days?"

The five elders frowned slightly and said: "Maybe it is delayed on the road?"

"But... other monks' monks have arrived in large quantities for ten days."

The five elders indulged in a moment: "Have you found Fengming recently?"

"No! Since she hurt our people that day, she disappeared. There was no trace of her departure at the gate. The monk had been thrown out for more than ten days, and there was still no trace of her."

"Let's find it, I must find her for me."

"Good!" The demon screamed: "I will increase the number of monks searching."

a long distance away.

The peak of the mountain.

Qin Shuang and Feng Yan stood side by side at the peak and looked down. They saw a team of more than 300 monks. This is the largest number of Qingniu monks that Qin Double has seen so far. And you don't need to look at your eyes, you can feel the monsters, and there is more than one demon.

Qin Shuang and Feng Yan immediately regained their gaze, fearing to be perceived by the demon saint below. The piano doubled down the voice:

"The monk who came this time is amazing!"

Feng Yan nodded: "It is estimated that it is a true master of the Qingniu family."

Qin double closed his eyes and felt for a while: "I feel that there is no monk with a demon sacred peak."

"Those monks should be the ancestors of all the ancestors, and their disciples are not coming back from the demon world, so the ancestors of the Qingniu family should not come. The elders below should be the elders. The worst is also the late Wushen. With your current cultivation, even if you open the fire and body and combine the three attributes, it is not an opponent. What's more, there are so many demon monks below?"

Qin double nodded slightly: "Yes, there should be five demon saints below, with the elite of the Qingniu family come to participate in the Wan Yao Conference. If you can destroy these demon people, the Qingniu family is definitely hurt. ”

"Are you crazy?" Feng Yan condensed.

"I am not crazy!" Qin said calmly: "I and the Qingniu family have not died, not because they are dying, or that I am dead."

"I know this!" Feng Yan hurriedly said: "But you are going to die."

"not necessarily!"

"You... want to use the swordsmanship?" Feng Yan looked a glimpse, then looked into the distance: "There is another team of the Yaozu, and there should be at least five demon sacs. Unless you kill them all, you must be exposed to the use of the sword."

"So you need your help." Qin double smiled.


"Yes! How much have you cultivated the inheritance of the magical demon?"

"Zhongcheng Fengfeng! This realm can not be confused with the demon holy." Feng Yan said seriously.

"There is no need to confuse them. Just cover the exploration of the demon people behind them. Can you do that?"


"This will do! The young cattle will arrive, you will enter my sea of ​​knowledge, let us go."

"it is good!"

Feng Yan turned into a black light, entered the Qinshui's knowledge of the sea, and the piano doubled to the bottom and fell to the side.


Two kilometers away from the opposite side, the demon saint of the Qingniu family saw the figure of the piano double falling, and the eyes could not help but condense. When he saw that it was just a young woman, and the demon temperament was just a demon, he relaxed his mind and thought it was the young man of the Yaozu, waiting to see himself in front. Therefore, the team of these hundreds of monks did not stop, but there was no warning, and they continued to walk towards the piano double.

They really don't need to be on guard, just a demon god. There are no more than ten demon gods in this team, and there are five demon saints, dozens of demon emperors and more than a hundred demon kings. There is absolutely no need to guard.

Qin's eyebrows sneaked into the sea and built a magical array.

The tiger family came behind the Qingniu family. At this time, they walked behind in the near future.

When more than 300 monks of the Qingniu family were more than 500 meters away from the Qinshuang, they had completely entered the scope of the Fengyan illusion.

In the sea of ​​Qin double, Feng Yan’s hands are smashing, and the mouth is scorned:


"Well? Why are they gone?"

A monk in the back of the tiger family suddenly found that more than 300 monks in front of them suddenly disappeared.

He screamed and stunned the tiger's demon sacred, and the tiger sacred sacred face again, screaming:


His "stop" just exported, he heard a bright and dense sword in front.


"you dare……"

The Tiger Demon St. also heard the scream of the Green Bull Demon, and then lost his voice.


Feng Yan's illusion finally couldn't stand the piano and released all the five swords, and exploded. At the moment of the explosion, Qin double also erected food and pointed it into the air.


In the eyes of the tiger monks, they saw the disappearing young monks suddenly appear in their eyes, but they were bombarded by tyrannical energy, and some monks were smashed into powder in midair. . After the roaring disappeared, there was a piece of broken meat on the ground, and it was able to maintain a relatively complete corpse, and only the five demon sacred.

"This...has all died?" The tiger demon stalked at everything, and then the heart was a glimpse: "This monk will not kill them all?"

Only in an instant, his body broke out with fierce murderousness. At the same time, other tiger monks also sacrificed the spirits, and the murderously looked at the opposite pair.

The piano looks the same, but the heart is swaying.

"It's not good, these tiger monks will not avenge the Qingniu family? Just the highest-ranking green cow demon holy is too strong, forcing me to release all five swords, now one There is no sword, this is really my intention, I should make more swords."

"These tigers have seen the monks who have killed more than 300 young cattle. I am bound to fight alone with me. I will definitely be able to embrace them, so I must not be an opponent.

I am dead! ”

"Xuanwu, you join hands, do you want to kill a **** road, escape the birth day?" Qin double look calm, gaze, but quietly asked in his heart.

"It's very difficult, you don't have the possibility to escape from the sky."

In the heart of Haoran, the voice of Xuanwu came: "Even if you open the cards, it is impossible to be the opponent of so many well-prepared demon sacred.


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