Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 572: Tigers



Even if you escape, your speed can't escape the few demon saints, and those demon saints are all late demon. ”

A heart of Qin double has sunk to the bottom of the valley, and Xuanwu has vetoed all her possibilities for life.

"You only have one way!" Xuanwu’s voice came again: "Enter the town demon tower. Just so, you have to expose the town demon tower, I am afraid there is no possibility of escape. Those demon holy will never let go of the town demon tower. A treasure of the fairy level."

Suddenly in the heart of the piano: "Xuanwu, if I enter the town demon tower, and then make swords in the town demon tower, wouldn't it be possible to kill them all?"

“Impossible!” Xuanwu immediately denied: “The reason why you can successfully kill the demon saints of the Qingniu family is because they are completely unprepared. Now those tiger demon saints are alert to you. Not to mention them. Whether you can resist your sword, you can't resist it, they can avoid it, you can't kill them all. When your swords are released, they will chase you again.

Not only have you exposed the town demon tower, but also the exposed swords, I am afraid that it is not the pursuit of the tiger, but the pursuit of the entire demon. Do not say whether your sword symbol will reveal your identity, that is, the town demon tower, it will make all the demon monk crazy, and in the end I am afraid that will lead to the demon level of the demon ancestors. You have no chance.

Don't forget, this is not the mainland of the warrior, but the demon world. There are demon people everywhere, and you have no chance to fight alone. ”

"That can't wait here, they are killed by them. Only one fights."

Qin Double just wanted to get into the town demon tower, and he suddenly heard a demon saint on the opposite side, condensing toward the piano:

"This friend invited!"

The thoughts that Qinqin just emerged could not help but gaze at the opposite demon. The demon saint is the eighth layer of a demon. At this time, his mind was also a little erratic. With his cultivation, it is possible to judge that the opposite piano is only the third layer of the demon god. How could it be possible to kill all the monks of more than 300 young people in the Qing Dynasty?

He knows that among the five demon saints who died in the Qingniu family, there is one of the eighth layers of the demon saint. In his heart, he suspected that there was a big killer in the hands of the piano, and he was already sure in his heart that Qinqin was still a mage.

What is the most embarrassing thing?

Today, although he can be sure that he will not fall into the law at this time. But who knows if the next moment will fall into the law?

"This tiger family friend invited!" Qin doubled quietly.

The tiger's demon is a glimpse of the Sacred Heart. He calls the Qin as a Taoist friend. That is a temptation. If Qin double calls him a predecessor, it means that the piano is timid, at least not qualified for him. However, Qinqin now calls him a Taoist friend, which means that Qin double has a card and he is on an equal footing.

"Tiger, Banao!"

"Feng, Fengming!"

"Feng nationality!"

The heart of the phoenix is ​​a move. The phoenix is ​​not as simple as the big family, but like the tigers, it is a long-standing family. Then he tentatively asked:

"I don't know why Fengming Daoyou is waiting to kill the Qingniu family here?"

"Nothing." Qin double said: "In the Wanxiong City, the demon knife Gao Litian injured my friend who split the Tianzhu and Qingqiu Mountain, and challenged me, I will kill it on the death platform. The family dared to threaten me and kill me. I told them that since they were going to kill me, then I would destroy them."

"Oh..." Ao can't help but **** a cold breath: "One person challenges a family! Great strength and a ferocious personality."

There are some convergences in the Olympics. Some people like Qinshuang are too horrible. If they can't kill her at once, then there will be endless troubles.

The body of more than 300 young monks in front of the family is a living example, and before this, the monks of the Qingniu family did not know how much they were killed by Fengming. Thus, a tone of goodwill was released in the tone:

"Feng Mingdao friends, no matter how strong your card is, unless you can say that the Feng and Qing dynasties are fighting, it is impossible for you to fight against the entire Qingniu family with your own strength. You are impulsive."

Qinqin’s face showed a disappointing look: “You don’t have to help the family. I am a master of Dan Dao. I can’t make a reward with a medicinal herb, kill a young monk, and then reward the medicine.”

“Ah?” Banao said with amazement: “Are you a Dan Dao master?”

"Not bad!" Qin double nodded proudly: "I have refining a master class of medicinal herbs at the Dan Dao Conference in Wanxue City. After a few days with the Firethorn Master and others, I came. I am going to kill the young cattle here. After killing this time, I am ready to return to the Wanxue City. The four masters are still waiting to exchange Dan Dao’s experience with me. What? You don’t believe?”

"Oh..." Ao Yao said: "Letter, how can you not believe?"

The piano doubled and snorted: "As long as you go to Wan Yaocheng, these things are naturally easy to understand."

The eye-catching eyeball turned and turned: "Fengmingdaoyou, our tigers and the Qingniu family have a bad relationship, and there are frequent battles. As long as they are the monks of the demon world, they know it. We didn't walk together. You killed the Qingniu family, and our tigers are only happy. Why don't we go to Wanxiong City together?"

Qin double thought about it, it really is such a thing, if the two Yaozu are not opposite, so will not go together? The heart of this piano pair was slightly loosened, but it was still a grin:

"Are you sure to walk with me?"

At this time, Yao has also come to realize that Qinqin has killed a large number of Qingniu monks. If he and her enter the Wanxiong City together, isn’t it suspected by the Qingniu family that they are teaming up with the tiger and the piano?

Moreover, I am afraid that the Qingniu people will think that the most powerful is the tiger. After all, there is only one person in the piano. At the moment, I played two haha, and for a while, I didn’t know how to be good.

Qin Double’s mood was a lot easier at this time. After she reported the identity of Master Dan Dao, she clearly felt that the attitude of Yao was much better. After thinking about it, the days of the Wan Yao Festival are almost coming, and I have also killed many monks of the Qingniu family. It definitely makes the Qingniu people feel hurt and hurts. They should return to the Wanxiong City. I smiled and said:

"Forget it, or I will go back alone. However, when I kill the Qingniu family, the Taoist friends don't have to hide it for me. I just want the Qingniu people to know that these monks are killing me."


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