Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 575: Old ancest



Feng Tian waved his sleeve to open the main hall door, so that Feng Xiaoying, who was waiting outside the door, took the piano to rest. It seems that the Feng people still attach great importance to the Qin double, and arranged an independent courtyard for the piano. Qin double sent Feng Xiaoyan away, and then entered the room, and then set up a formation, and flew into the town demon tower. Since the fire and phoenix method reached the critical point of breakthrough, Qin Shuang also thought of accumulating the Xuan Shui method and the Ruijin method to the critical point of breakthrough.

In the town demon tower, a year has passed. Qin double has pushed all aspects of cultivation to the critical point of breakthrough. Then she began to understand the hundred and eight movements that Feng Tian taught her.

Qin double just did nine movements, the muscles of his body blew open, and the piano double hurriedly put away the action, took the drug, and then carefully thought about it.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the piano doubles. His own physique is not a Yaozu, and the most important thing is that he does not have the blood of the Feng nationality. This phoenix inheritance must be suitable for the blood of the Feng nationality. How can it be that I want to brand the symbol of the idea on the bone?

If you stick to it, I am afraid that your bones will be fried into powder.

"Feng Ming!"

When the piano doubled in the heart, it looked at the direction of Fengming. At the beginning of the Qin double view of the one hundred and eight movements, Feng Ming naturally got comprehend. When the piano doubled his mind, he captured Feng Ming.

At this time, Feng Ming is standing on the top of a southern volcano, doing the one hundred and eight movements very slowly. Let the piano look straight and the eyes are straight. Although Fengming is slow, it is extremely smooth and full of rhythm.

Qinqin immediately sat down with his knees and figured out with Fengming's mind, and carefully perceive Fengming's comprehension and body changes.

When I was comprehending, I heard the knock on the door. The piano doubled out of the town demon tower, put away the flag and opened the door. I saw that I was standing outside with a small phoenix. When I saw the piano, I went up and pulled the hand of the piano pair:

"Feng Ming sister, the elders are waiting for you!"

"Small sister, wait a minute, I will wash it!"

Qin double closed the door and quickly removed Feng Ming from the town demon tower. She entered the sea of ​​Feng Ming. Qin double has already guessed that this time I am afraid that the Fengzu ancestors are coming. She is really afraid that her ancestors will recognize her feet, so she is still ready to let Feng Ming go to see her ancestors.

Open the door again, Feng Ming walked out and said: "Small, let's go."


Feng Xiaoying jumped and walked while chatting with Feng Ming:

"Feng Ming sister, you really killed hundreds of monks in the Qingniu family?"


"Wow, you are too powerful! But..." Feng Xiaoying’s face showed a worrying color: "In the past few days, the Qingniu family has repeatedly asked you for the Phoenix people. They were rejected by the elders. I think they won't let you go."

"I know!" Qin doubled a little.

"You have to be careful!"

On both sides of the piano, listening to Feng Xiaoyu, while moving forward, he soon came to the main hall. But I saw Feng Tianzheng standing on the steps of the main hall. When I saw the arrival of the piano, I walked down the steps:

"follow me!"

The piano pair followed Fengtian toward the back garden and passed through the heavy portal to the front of a small building. Feng Tian walked into the small building with Qin double, and saw a beautiful woman sitting in the small building. She couldn’t see the age, saying that she was old, but her appearance was comparable to that of Qin, saying that she was young. The eyes are deep and incomprehensible, full of vicissitudes and wisdom. Sitting there, giving the piano a kind of volcano like a volcano that breaks out at any time, feels tremendous pressure.

"See the ancestors!" Qin double stepped forward.

"You are Feng Ming?" The voice of the ancestors sounded softly.


"You know that you have caused conflicts between the Feng and Qing dynasties. In today's situation, there will be a family war between the two races at any time?"

Qin’s original slightly curved upper body slowly straightened, looking directly at the opposite Fengzu ancestors. The corner of the mouth slowly emerged with a smile that didn’t matter:

"My ancestors, I was originally alone, and I was used to loneliness. The nine-color light inheritance I got was left to the Phoenix, and I will leave here."

"What do you mean?" The ancestors of the Feng nationality sank.

Qin double smiled and said: "It doesn't mean anything. I didn't have to live in the Feng nationality. So, I didn't belong to the Feng nationality before, and I don't belong in the future. So, there is no conflict between the Feng and Qingniu families. As for Qing The cattle family, I will be myself."

The spine of the double piano is quite straight, and the warfare on the body is arrogant.

"One person is a family, I am looking forward to it!"

The ancestors of the Feng nationality said coldly: "Do you know that only the young cattle are looking for the phoenix, and there is no reason for other races to kill you?"

That is because we are Feng!

Do you think that there is no friend in the Qingniu family, and there is no ethnicity in the league?

Do you believe it?

If the Feng nationality declares that you do not belong to the Feng nationality, no longer protect you. Will not be a race of a young cow to chase you, you will encounter multiple races jointly pursued. Now your reputation has spread all over the demon world, known as blood phoenix. Not to mention the Qingniu family and their alliance, the monks of the entire demon world will challenge you like you and want to kill you.

One person to one family?

Ha ha……"

The piano is stunned, and the heart is awful.

The old ancestors sneered: "As long as you leave the city of Wan Yao, you will be severely intercepted. Do you think that our phoenix is ​​not important to you?"

"Old ancestors!" Feng Tian said on the side: "Feng Ming is just a person used to be alone, then some wild. You should not blame."

The ancestors no longer speak, just staring coldly at the piano. Feng Tian mouth has a smile and no longer speaks. Qin double silence, if the Feng nationality does not accept themselves, even if they stay in the Wan Yao City, I am afraid will encounter constant challenges. Although due to the rules of the Wanxue City, those strong people will not kill themselves, but they will continue to ruin themselves, and finally destroy their own roots and let themselves become waste.


You are a human race, can you take shelter and the demon?

The inheritance given to the Feng nationality is also a reward for the Feng nationality. After all, he had endless benefits from the ancestor-level fire phoenix. I thought that when I was still weak, I could be a one-person family in the mainland of the warrior. Was it true that I saw the Yaozu, and I was afraid of it? The face once again showed a smile:

"Old ancestors, Feng Ming is one person facing everything from birth. Asking for shelter is worse than strengthening yourself. Even if you die, you don't regret it."

"It's really wild and difficult to train!" The ancestors violently screamed, and the fierce momentum slammed into the face.

At this time, Feng Xiaoyu’s voice came from outside the door: “The ancestors, the Qingniu family sent a gift to Fengming’s sister.”

The ancestors of the Feng nationality will take the momentum and sigh: "What gift?"

"Yes... a coffin!"


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