Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 576: Decide



Qin double's face is a black, the ancestors' faces are sneer: "Since it is a gift for you, you should accept it."

"The younger generation will go out and see!"

When Qin double gave a gift, he walked out of the small building and saw Feng Xiaoying standing in an ugly face. When he saw the piano double, he said:

"The green cattle are too much..."

"Not too much!" Qin said faintly: "I killed so many monks, and gave me a look."

When the words fell, they walked toward the gates of the Feng nationality.

When I came to the front door, I saw a young monk standing in front of the gate, and placed a coffin in front of him. When he saw the piano double coming out, he chilled:

"Feng Ming, this is a gift from my young cattle family. I will not die with you."

Qinqin nodded calmly and reached for a trick. He took the coffin into the storage ring and looked at the monk’s monk indifferently:

"I have accepted the coffin, are you still having something?"


Qin double turned and walked toward the door, and the voice faintly came out: "Let your ancestors wash their necks and wait, one day, one day, I will use this coffin to decorate your ancestors' bodies."


The monk of the Qingniu family couldn’t help it anymore, and slammed a punch at the back of the piano. Qin double hogan turned and punched.

The sound of a loud explosion, the body of the Qingniu monk fell out, the piano double cold channel:

"You are too weak! Leave your life and bring my words back."

When the words fell, the piano double turned and walked into the door.

Inside the small building.

The old ancestors and Feng Tian took back their knowledge and looked at each other. Feng Tian couldn't help but smile:

"Her temper is too wild!"

In the eyes of the ancestors, there is a hint of appreciation: "We are now lacking such wild people."

Qinqin slowly walked toward the small building in the back garden, followed by Feng Xiaoying, who was full of small stars. In her heart, she is a secret:

"I can teach the Phoenix people a perfect understanding of the nine colors of light, but they can only impart eight colors of light. If I pass the nine colors to the Phoenix, I will expose the light bridge that I passed the last level and enter the inheritance. At the end of the earth. This will also let the Yaozu know that the collapse of the inheritance land is caused by me. I can't bear the consequences. At the very least, I can't take it with my current repairs. It will also hurt the cracking days that help me lie.兕和狐媚娘."

Qinqin once again entered the small building and looked at the ancestors:

"My ancestors, I will pass on the magic to you."

"Feng Ming, how much do you understand the magical power?"

"Perfect degree!"

The eyes of the ancestors of the Feng family suddenly screamed: "Perfect?"

"Not bad!" Speaking of this, Qin Shuang’s face showed a trace of regret: "I must have heard of the ancestors, I did not understand the nine-color light, but I realized the eight-color light. When I realized the nine-color light, Suddenly it was transmitted. So, lost the opportunity."

"Well, I heard that, you are telling me in detail."

"When I, the cracking height of the Split Heavenly Terran, and the Fox Mei Niang of Qingqiu Mountain, when comprehending the ninth layer of magical power, the demon knife and the invincible have passed the last level, then the two of them hit it, and finally The demon knife killed A invincible. The demon knife went to the depths of the inheritance. As for what he encountered in it, we didn't know. Then we were sent out of Wanxue Mountain."

"It's a pity!" The Feng family ancestors looked at the piano and said: "No wonder you will kill the monster knife, he interrupted your chance!"

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

"You will show me the inheritance."

The piano nodded twice, and then sorted out the understanding from one-color light to eight-color light, and transmitted a stream of light from the eyebrows to the ancestors of the Feng nationality. The ancestors of the Feng nationality incorporated it into the eyebrows and then closed their eyes. After about an hour, I opened my eyes and looked at the colorful flow:

"Good! It really is a perfect comprehension. It is a pity that the last layer is missing."

I once again fell on the body of Qin Double, condensing the voice: "Feng Ming, after this Wan Yao Conference, let me be a family."

Qin double looked up to the ancestors of the Feng nationality, his eyes revealed the color of the inquiry, the ancestors laughed:

"As long as you have the blood of the Feng nationality and have not done anything to the phoenix, then you are a member of the phoenix. Even if you are causing a great disaster outside, there is a family to take care of you. Otherwise, no. Let other races look down on the outside phoenix?

However, the family can be in your head, but it does not mean helping you kill the opponent. The family can only provide you with a safe place, and your affairs will still need to be solved by yourself. Of course, if the Qingniu family dares to attack the Feng nationality, it is the same thing, and our Feng people can kill the Qingniu.

So, let me know the family. In the family, the Green Bull family can't help you. Wait until you fix it and then improve it, then go out and travel. ”

Qin double thought for a moment: "My ancestors, I must go back to the ethnic land, but it is not now. If I hide in the ethnic land now, I am afraid of the green cattle. I have fear in my heart, and the way of cultivation is also It’s broken.”

The ancestors of the Feng nationality stared at the double and half of the piano, and finally sighed a sigh: "You are still too wild. You are a genius, but you know that there are too many geniuses in the world before they grow up. Then it is broken?"

"I know!" Qin double said: "Even if you die, you have to lose your aggressive heart. You can't do it all your life."

"Good!" Feng ancestor slammed: "Since your idea has been fixed, I will not stop it. You will stay here, I will point you for a while."

Qin Shuang heard great joy and prayed to the ancestors of the Feng nationality: "Thank you ancestors."

Feng Tian enviously looked at Qin double eyes, retired and closed the door. Standing outside the small building.

Three days later.

The door of the small building was "Oops" and the piano double came out from the inside. Towards Feng Tian’s ritual, Feng Tian nodded. The piano will follow the flower in the radial direction of where he lives.

Feng Tian looked at the back of the piano double disappeared between the flowers and trees, and turned back into the small building.

"Old ancestors!"

The ancestors of the Feng family sighed: "The child's understanding is really high."

"Once, will we bring Fengming back with me?"

“No!” Feng’s ancestors shook their heads: “Since she chose her own path, let her go. Let her go back and put it in the greenhouse like a flower, not to mention that it is not good for her, that is her. That wild temper, do you think she will stay in the community honestly?"


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