Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 577: Gao Xiaoxiao




"I know that for Feng Ming, this is a situation of nine deaths."

"That... do we want to protect ourselves?"

The ancestors of the Feng nationality screamed and sighed for a moment: "No, I will stare at the young ancestors of the young cows. As long as he does not shoot, we will not have to worry about Fengming."

“Ah?” Feng Tian said with amazement: “With Feng Ming’s generation, I still can’t get a shot from the young ancestors?”

"Just just in case."

"Without the shot of the young ancestor, Feng Ming is not safe!"

"It's not unsafe, but it's a life of nine deaths. But if Feng Ming can break free from these nine deaths, her future will not be limited. We will have another power in our Phoenix."

Qinqin returned to his room, laid out the array, and then entered the town demon tower. She and Feng Ming were sitting opposite each other, and both of them entered the comprehension in an instant.

In the past three days, the ancestors of the Feng nationality did not hide at all. They were all-round instructions to Fengming and pointed out that she had many shortcomings. It can be said that the ancestors are very fond of Zhongqin Shuang and think that she will be a good seedling for the Feng nationality. I also know that Qin Shuang refused to contact her with the Feng nationality, and then she exchanged her experience and some exercises with the understanding of Qinshuang, and instilled a brain into the piano.

At this time, Qin Shuang and Feng Ming two were sitting opposite each other in the town demon tower. The two men combed the income while comprehending and exchanged views from time to time. As the day in the town demon tower passed, the breath of both people gradually became stronger, and the temperament radiated from the body gradually became restrained. If the previous piano double, like a volcano erupting, and now is the volcano that is about to erupt. The erupting volcano, anyone can see how powerful it is, but a volcano that is about to erupt, but no one can see how powerful it is.

Qin double feels all kinds of Taoist magical powers, as well as martial arts come to the fore, and the place where he was puzzled before, but now he has a solution. However, this is not the most exciting of the piano pair. The most exciting thing is that the aspects that I have never thought of before, the mystery that I have never touched, are now in front of myself.

Qin Shuang and Feng Ming both completely forgot the time, and they are in daily comprehension and communication. Even two people will occasionally learn from each other. Unconsciously, Qin Shuang and Feng Ming have been in the town demon tower for five years, until Feng Ming broke through to the second floor of Wushen, Qin Shuang was awakened from this state.

Feng Ming is only the avatar of Qin double. Her breakthrough will not lead to the heavens, but will be superimposed on the body of the piano. When the piano double breaks, this heaven will be led down. Qin double checked his own cultivation and found that all aspects are at the critical point of breakthrough, whether it is martial arts or law.

"In the five years of the town demon tower, the outside world has passed more than four days, and the Wan Yao Conference has already begun?"

Qin double washed a bath in the town demon tower, changed a dry clothes, and this came out of the town demon tower. The flag was removed and the door was pushed out. I saw a piece of paper falling from the crack in the door, bent over and picked up the paper to see it. The original Wan Yao Conference had already started the day before yesterday, and Feng Xiaoying and others went out to participate in the Wan Yao Conference.

The palm of the hand picked up a flame and burned the piece of paper into ashes. Qin double stepped out of the gate of the Feng family. As soon as he walked out of the gate, there was a sneer in the corner of the piano. She is keenly aware that someone is tracking herself. However, Qin double did not bother to pay attention to them, they strolled in the city of Wan Yao.

The entire city of Wansha is bustling, various auction houses, various trade fairs, various exchanges, various competitions, and there are also open-air markets selling various resources. The entire city of Wanxue is full of noisy voices.

Qin double refining 50,000 refining body Dan last time, because suddenly participated in alchemy, so there are still more than 30,000 left. Therefore, Qin double joined the team that sweeps the goods. Bargaining, trading resources, the piano is very busy.

Qin Shuangzheng was in front of a booth and bargained with a demon monk. The eyebrows suddenly picked and looked away. I saw a green shirt woman kneeling beside her, smiling at herself, but the smile was very cold.

"Feng Ming?"

"Yes. Are you?"

"Gao Xiaoxiao."


Gao Xiaoxiao’s smile is expanding: “You are very smart, no wonder you can kill Gao Litian.”

There is also a smile on the corner of Qin’s mouth: “It’s not smart to kill Gao Litian, but absolute strength.”

"Strength?" Gao Xiaoxiao nodded. "The strength of that kid is really not good. But even if his strength is not good, it is not what you should kill. The most important thing is that you also killed our green cow. A group of monks, including the elders of our eight-tiered demon sanctuary. So, you are dead."

"With you?"

"With me!" Gao Xiaoxiao's eyes did not hide her confidence.

"I remember that the demon knife Gao Litian is the strongest of the Qingniu generation of young cattle? I think you are similar to his age."

"Is the strongest person in the Qingniu generation?" Gao Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "That is because I have been dead for 30 years, and everyone has forgotten me."

When the words fell, Gao Xiaoxiao’s body revealed a hint of breath and then converge. But it was just the flash of breath, but the piano double became dignified.

"The demon holy!"

"Not bad!" Gao Xiaoxiao's face showed strong self-confidence: "I closed the death to break through the demon, but did not expect that after I went out, the first news I heard was that you killed Gao Litian. ""

The look of the piano doubled back to the light: "Even if you broke through the demon saint? You said it, I have killed the eight layers of the demon saint of the Qingniu family."

Gao Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "Can you kill a demon eight-layer with your true strength? I have already investigated it, but you have used a formation. Coincidentally, I have also studied the law. So The formation method is ineffective for me. You and me can only compete with each other through real strength. However, if you lose the reliance on the formation, do you think that you will be an opponent of the demon holy? Even my demon Just just breaking through?"

"I haven't killed the demon saint, even if the demon knife Gao Litian has killed the demon saint, is the demon holy strong?"

"Oh..." Gao Xiaoxiao smiled carelessly: "Ordinary demon saint is naturally not strong for you. Even if it is not strong against the high plowing days, you think I will be an ordinary demon. ?"

The eyes of Qin double are shrinking. She never thought that she could kill the demon saint, and she would be able to kill all the demon saints. She knew that there were always some monks' qualifications and talents, including the fact that they were not weaker than themselves. Their strength cannot be watched by the power of ordinary monks.

"So are you ready to challenge me here?"


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