Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 579: Screen mountain



After a full hour, a large number of demon monks flew past, and there were still monks flying over. The piano searched for an opportunity to fly out of the town demon tower and flew away in the direction of the left side. Now she just chooses the way back and forth, close to the door of the demon.

One and a half hours of flying, the heart of the piano double was shocked. The figure stopped under a big tree, and the back rested on the trunk of the big tree, holding his breath and converging everything.


A strip of people flew past the sky, and the powerful gods swept through the gods of the piano, but because the piano doubleed all the breath, the other party did not notice. The voice of the monk was passed down from the air.

"Feng Ming must not be the door to the escape of the demon, otherwise at our speed, for so long, it is impossible to catch up with her."

"Where will she escape?"

"Who knows this? She will go to the gate of the demon and enter the mainland of the warrior. This is our speculation. But who knows if she will really go to the demon gate?"

"In any case, she will not return to the Feng nationality, otherwise she will go with their ancestors."

"Yes, she was at the beginning of the direction of the demon door, but within the scope of this direction, we only have to search around and always find her."

"Go, search carefully."


A figure disappeared in the night sky, and the eyes of the piano closed slightly. It is a sigh in my heart.

"Oops, it seems that not only the young cattle are involved. Many races are chasing me. But why? I have not killed the monks of their race?"

Qin doubled his brow and thought about it, and suddenly he looked at it: "Yes, it must be like this. They all think that I got the true inheritance from the demon world in the hands of the demon knife Gao Litian. In the city of Wanxue, there are Fengzu ancestors in It’s not good to start with me. After I left Wan Yaocheng, I came to chase me.”

"I am afraid that tens of thousands of miles will become the scope of killing me. I must leave here as soon as possible."

Qin double immediately put on a golden dress, the Feng Yu giant sword was collected, and the Jinpeng giant sword was taken behind him. The muscles on his face squirmed and changed his appearance. Then he took the glimpse of the light and flew toward the door of the demon. The direction flew away.

Along the way, from time to time, a monk flew through the air, and the gods swept through her body, and then swiftly swept away.

The double body of the piano kept on, and the heart secretly said: "Now the Yaozu is scattered and searching for me, the power is also scattered, just giving me the space to escape."

A round of sunrise slowly rises. The sun sets a mottled shadow through the uneven leaves. The piano doubled on the edge of a forest and looked into the distance.

Screen Mountain!

In front of it is a huge mountain like a screen, when you live to the gate of the demon door. Qinqin squinted and looked toward the screen mountain, and was able to see the figure of a demon monk.

In the heart of the piano, I quickly thought that the monks on the screen mountain are undoubtedly blocking their own monks. If you go with your current appearance. Maybe you can confuse the past, or you may be killed by the Yaozu. This is nothing unusual. It’s all powerful, not strong, who want to kill themselves here. It’s impossible to occupy a position on the screen mountain. If you don't have enough, you still want to take a share. You will be killed by those who do not hesitate, and then grab the resources.

Qin double will not let them kill in a foolish way, then they will definitely fight back. Once you fight back, it is inevitable to expose your identity. Not only will it be surrounded by the strong, but it will also expose the secret of illusion.

However, if the identity of Fengming is restored, as long as it is entangled by those demon monks, more and more demon monks will come.

"How to do?"

Qinqin once again looked at the screen mountain, and a tall demon figure stood there. Each one exudes a strong atmosphere.

"The worst is also the middle of the demon god. I now show that Rui Jinxiu is only the first floor of the Valkyrie. They see that I am the weakest, I am afraid I will not hesitate to take it out?"

However, what I cultivated is the White Tiger Collection, which is what the ordinary demon **** can compare? Coupled with the strength and strength of the third layer of Wusheng, try it, maybe you can find an opportunity to mix. ”

Qin Shuang’s gaze patrolled the screen mountain, and he saw that there were about a hundred demon monks on the screen mountain, each occupying one side, blocking the space of the screen mountain, and no one could escape their gaze monitoring. .

Above the mountains, there are a total of thirty-eight green cattle. The highest one is a demon saint. The distance is too far. Qinqin can't use the power of the sea to explore. The specific repair can't be seen. The minimum is a few demon gods in the middle. Qin double watched for a long time, and finally selected a young monk in the late demon god. Her choice of the Qingniu family is well thought out.

The Qingniu family is different from the monks of other races. It is undeniable that they also want to get the so-called mystery. However, they are more like to kill themselves. Therefore, before they can see themselves, they will try to make troubles as little as possible. As long as they don't kill the demon **** later, it is very likely that the Qingniu will choose to give in. Because, after all, these demon monks who came to the Pingfeng Mountain were all directed at Fengming. In this respect, they also came to help the Qingniu family. Therefore, as long as the Qin double shows that it is for the purpose of intercepting Fengming, the Qingniu family has a great possibility to choose to retreat, so that Qin double will join the team that intercepts Fengming.

I took a deep breath and flew to the left in the forest. I came to the face of the young monk in the late demon **** on the screen mountain, stopped, and then took the forest and walked toward the screen mountain. go with.

Screen on the hill.

A young monk who was three feet tall stood there, and he saw the piano pair coming straight. Looking up and down the piano double, the corner of the mouth showed a trace of sarcasm. Turned to look at the rolling mountains behind the Pingfeng Mountain, and then volleyed to catch a hand, there was a small mountain peak in the mountain that was caught by him, and then held the small mountain with one hand, facing the piano on the ground I am going down.

Qin double looked up, the mountain is not just a mountain, but was infused by the monk of the Qingniu family into the spiritual power, ten times heavier than the mountain itself, with amazing power, whistling toward the piano Come.


The piano's feet were on the ground, and the figure was skyrocketing. The jump was higher than the hill, and the right foot was heavily stepped on the hill. The hill fell toward the ground at a faster speed. The shape of the piano pair is like a sharp arrow, and the Qingniu monk on the screen mountain is rushing away.


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