Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 580: Leave



"court death!"

The tall Qingniu monk screamed and punched the piano with a pair of volleys.


A cow called, with his punches, a huge green cow stunned and slammed into the piano. The double shape of the piano kept coming, and immediately came to the green cow's virtual shadow. It hit a fist and instantly blew the green cow. The figure rushed to the screen mountain and came to the opposite side of the demon god. The two figures circling and entangled, the speed is extremely fast, pulling out the blurred figure, so that the onlookers can't see the two people's appearance, only to hear the dense collision sound.

Suddenly, with a scream, I saw a huge figure flying out and falling to the screen mountain.


The young cow monk fell heavily under the screen mountain and pulled the ground out of a large pit. Then a "beep" jumped out of the pit, and when the big foot stepped, it flew up to the screen mountain again. "锵" slammed out a big knife and shouted:

"Come back!"

"Slow!" Qin doubled his hand and stopped him: "I came here just for Fengming, and I don't want to have a conflict with the Qingniu family."

"But the location here is already occupied. If you want to get a position, you have to beat one of us." The monk monk shouted: "I just ignored you, now I see you defeating you."

When the words fell, a large knife spread out the endless knife, and cut it over to the piano.

"锵", the piano double pulled out the Jinpeng giant sword behind, and smashed toward the other side's big knife. The two people were too close together, and the two weapons were actually hit together. The monk of the Qingniu family felt an irresistible force from the big knife. The big knife in his hand flew out and then felt it. A cold mantle is set on the throat.

"You lost!" Qin said coldly.

The monks of the Qingniu family became pale, and some said with disappointment: "I lost... you are a big force."

"Don't stand there and throw people away, come over!"

When a voice came, the piano doubled and looked at it, and saw that it was a demon saint of the Qingniu family. When he saw the eyes of Qin double, he nodded and said:

"Thank you for your help!"

Qin double hurriedly took up Jin Pengjian, and said: "The tiger family have seen the Qingniu predecessors."

"Yeah!" Qingniu demon nodded and said: "That position is yours."

The young cow monk standing on the opposite side of the piano, has already woke up from the loss of consciousness, shyly flushed, and swept away toward the Qingniu demon.

Qin double stood on the screen mountain, like other demon monks, facing the opposite side. However, after a long time, I saw some of the demon monks sitting on the peaks and knees while practicing, while monitoring the mountains. The piano double sat down and looked into the color of thought.

"I can't always sit here all the time? If you come back to a demon monk who has won the position, and the strength is enough to force me to reveal the cards, what should I do if I reveal my identity?"

The piano has a pair of eyebrows, and there is an idea in the heart. I also began to cultivate, and the time of day passed quickly.

Night falls!

Qinqin suddenly stood up and let go of the suppression of cultivation, and the breath of his body suddenly rioted. Attracted the eyes of the monks. The double figure of the piano jumped toward the screen wind hill, and the direction of the demon door flew away, falling toward a mountain not far away.

The demon family saw the piano falling on a mountain, and the figure disappeared into a jungle, and they all recovered their gaze. However, we still pay attention to it from time to time. Everyone is seen from the rising atmosphere of her body. She is going to break through. In the critical moment of intercepting the piano double, there is no such a demon monk to leave his position, while smashing the piano double breakthrough, but killing the piano double. However, the piano is also very clear, waiting for the key moment of the breakthrough, does not rule out the possibility that the demon monk will kill himself, so he began to take out the flag of Feng Yan for her refining, and set up a defense. Array method.

When the big battle was completed, the spatial fluctuations caused once again attracted the attention of the demon monks. When they saw the light of the big battle, they dispelled the mind of killing the piano and concentrated on waiting for the piano. The arrival of the pair, but did not know that Qin double is breaking behind them.

Qin double in the eyes of the public, it is difficult to take out the town demon tower, they took out a bottle of white tiger Dan liquid diluted metal spirit, and set up a spiritual array with Lingshi, the first choice is to break through the sharp gold method.

Know the sea.

The heavenly pattern on the Yuan Ying Bai Hu began to grow gradually, and a trace of power can be improved.


When the heavenly pattern on Yuan Ying Baihu accumulates to the extreme of one level, the white tiger shines brightly, the golden light shines on the sea, the body of the piano double seems to become a black hole, and the aura between heaven and earth madly flies toward the body of the piano. Come. The white tiger spirit in the jade bottle was also quickly extracted by the piano.

The demon monks on the screen hills couldn't help but turn their heads and saw a huge spiritual vortex on the head of the piano. However, these demon monks have frowned at the same time, and the practice of the double-cultivation of the piano is to be more than 20% higher than the strength of the military in the mainland, but compared with the demon, it is higher. 20% of the same level monks. She is really higher than the first-class martial arts of the Yaozu. Therefore, at this time, the double breakthrough of the Qin double is the third layer of Yuan Ying, and its momentum is equivalent to the appearance of the fourth layer of the Yaozu through the Yuan Ying period. How can this not make these demon monks strange?

You must know that the previous Qin doubles were defeated by the Qingniu monks in the late demon gods. How could it be just a demon king?

"Is it a breakthrough failure?

Not right!

If it fails, how can there be a trace of rhythm? ”

After three hours, Qin double completed the breakthrough of the third layer of Yuanjin Daoyuan, and the spirit cloud dissipated. The piano doubled up the flag and turned and walked down the mountain facing the demon gate.

"Daoyou, where are you going?" asked the demon singer of the Qingniu family.

Qin doubled his footsteps and looked back: "There was a little problem with this breakthrough. I have to travel and comprehend, and I will not participate in the interception of the piano."

"Sure enough, there is a problem." The demon family nodded in the heart, and the demon saint of the Qingniu family no longer paid attention to the piano pair. Qin double walked down the mountain and breathed a sigh of relief, but then it was a glimpse of her heart. She felt that several monks came quietly behind her. It seems that these demon monks have not waited for Fengming, and they want to smoothly pick up her breakthrough monk and make a fortune.

Qinqin immediately no longer hesitated, and his sleeves glimpsed, and the glimpse of the floating light spread out and plunged into the forest, flying away. Behind him came the sound of smashing the air, and the atmosphere of one of the demon powers was getting closer and closer.


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