Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 581: Tentacle



Seeing that it is going to be caught up, Qin double is thinking about whether to expose the strength and the other side of the battle, but suddenly saw a foggy place not far away, and did not want to, I rushed in.


Qin double can perceive that there are more than a dozen demon monks also followed, into the dense fog. When Qin Double entered the dense fog, he found that he could not see things beyond three meters, even within three meters.

"Good fog!"

Qinqin slowed down and felt that the more he went, the thicker the fog. The range of sight is getting smaller and smaller.

Qin double will spread the power of knowing the sea and explore the surrounding environment.


I felt that something was coming to my own sea of ​​knowledge, and then I found that my power to spread out of the sea disappeared and was swallowed up. Then there was a movement of water in the dense fog, and the power of the sea that spreads out the piano is constantly being swallowed up.

"What? Can you swallow my power of knowing the sea?"

Qin Qin was shocked, and felt that the thing was coming close to his own sea of ​​knowledge. Qin double hurriedly cut off the power of knowing the sea, his face pale. Suddenly swallowed up the power of knowing the sea, so that the piano double slightly weak. I hurriedly took out a weak water suit, and dared not to transmit the power of knowing the sea, and converge all the breath.

"What is this? It is not a way to stay here."

Qin Shuangguan wants the white tiger, and the eyebrows transmit the power of knowing the sea, turning into a white tiger and running towards the side. At this time, Qin double also felt the subtle footsteps coming from behind her. She knew that the person who was chasing herself was approaching.


A sharp, empty voice, and then in the perception of the piano double, the white tiger she released disappeared. In the heart of the piano is a glimpse, the figure will move quietly to the other side, and then simply squat on the ground, just after squatting, I feel that the two monks have come to her original position.


When the thick fog rolled up, I heard a "ah" sound, and then the fog swayed. When I saw a figure in the blur, I suddenly screamed, and it seemed to be pulled quickly. Then I heard three or two in my ear. There is no sound when the sound is chewed.

"Who? Who?" The remaining demon monk shouted in horror.


It was also a sharp and rapid sound of breaking the air. The demon monk was dragged away again, and in the depths of the dense fog, he screamed and screamed, and there was no sound.

"It is a wild animal tentacles!"

Suddenly there was a horror in the dense fog, and some people exclaimed: "The thick fog is released by the tentacles. We must leave this thick fog, otherwise it will be eaten by the tentacles."

"Don't run!" Another demon monk shouted: "The tentacles are all based on hearing to find food, as long as we don't move..."


The words of the demon monk had not finished yet, and the sound of "嗖" was towed away. There were a few chews in the thick fog, and there was no sound.

The rest of the monks were so scared that they couldn’t move. I dare not release the power of knowing the sea, only to erect my ears and listen.

Time is lost in silence.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.

It seems that the wild animal tentacles can't stand it anymore, and the sound of movement is heard in the thick fog. Gradually, the piano double blurted to see a behemoth moving slowly in the dense fog. It was a round thing, about a hundred meters in diameter, with two rows of ears on its back, a total of sixteen, and a tentacle around the round body.

The tentacles on the back of the tentacles suddenly trembled, and then a tentacle spurred like a lightning bolt, rolled up a demon monk, pulled it into the mouth, chewed it three times and two times. Drop it. This allowed the monks who did not move, just relaxed a little bit of heart, and raised it.

The ear on the back of the tentacle trembled a few more times, and then a tentacle flew out. The speed was so fast that the demon monk could not react, and the "squeaky" sound was pulled into the mouth. Chew and eat.

"this is……"

The piano double locks the brow, the two demon monks did not move, how did the tentacles find them?

“Does the sixteen ears have abilities? Can you hear the sound of the heart?”

Qin double immediately runs the turtle. The piano double practice Xuanwu Collection, the turtle interest is only a small law, but in an instant, the heartbeat of the piano double becomes extremely slow, and even the blood in the body flows abnormally slowly.


Another demon monk was eaten, and the tentacles were moving toward other demon monks. Under the panic and fear of the demon monks, they turned around and ran, attracting the tentacles to pursue the past.

Qin double waited until the tentacles had to chase away, and then suddenly rushed forward, like a glimpse of light.

Qin double has been flying wildly, and has been flying from the Huanghuang Day to the moon and the sky. This stopped, and there was a sound of running water in front. The piano double marched forward in the night, and soon came. On the bank of the river, looking up, I saw a big river that was too wide to see the other side of the river. The fog above the river.

After experiencing the tentacles, the Qinshuang did not dare to release the power of the sea to observe the surrounding conditions, and to explore the power of the sea. Once there are demon monks around, they will be alerted by the demon monks. Therefore, the piano can only explore the surrounding conditions by sight and hearing.

After a quarter of an hour, the piano double felt that there was no danger around it. Then I spit out a long breath, sitting cross-legged on the grass on the shore, swallowing a remedy, and began to adjust the interest rate.

After an hour, Qin opened his eyes and exhausted. Standing up and looking towards the other side, there is a slight reflection in the eyes.

In the eyes of the piano, the color of thinking retreated, and the step went to the big river. In front of her, the river was separated from the sides. After the piano passed, it slammed again.

A big fish swam towards the piano, opened a big bite, and was bombarded on the head by a double fist, and pulled a big hole out of his head, and then took it into the town demon tower. There was another big water snake on the left side, and the piano doubled out.

The water is imprisoned.

The big snake is a stiff, the piano double finger will wear its seven inches, waved it into the town demon tower. Along the way, the piano double kept killing a monster in the sea. At the end, the monsters were far away and never dared to get close to the piano.

Qinshuang sat cross-legged at the deepest part of the river bottom, took out Lingshi and arranged a gathering of spirits around him, swallowed the medicinal herbs, and held the town demon tower in his hands, collecting the rich spirits in the town demon tower. force. Subsequently, the suppression of Ruijinwudao was released.


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