Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 582: Life and death crisis


At the moment when the piano was released, the piano double broke through the eighth floor of the Emperor Wudi to the ninth floor of the Emperor Wu. The potency of medicinal herbs is turned into a strong spiritual power in the body, and the aura in the town demon tower is extracted by the madness of the piano. The aura in the big river was gathered by the gathering of the spirits, and was absorbed by the piano.

Gradually, on the river, the heavens and the earth began to gather together, like a big river covered by clouds. On the other side of the big river, a little light shines like a wildfire. It is the eyes of a demon monk, gathered in the center of the river, Lingyun formed a super large vortex.

Some demon monks are eager to try and want to go to the expedition. Among them, there are several monks of the Qingniu family, but they are stopped by a young cow demon:

"Give me all the time, don't let Fengming sneak in the water and sneak past."

The swaying of the other side disappeared, and the demon monks scrutinized the sky over the river, only occasionally looking at the whirlpool of the cloud.

The rhythm of the silk is like a sneak peek, and the green cow demon has watched for a while, and he breathed a sigh of relief:

"Just a metallic demon junior breaks through the river, don't bother."

Qin's breath is still climbing, she has accumulated in the town demon tower for too long, five years of time, with the rich spiritual power in the town demon tower, so that her accumulation is very incomparable, and Ruijin Wudao repair is low Let her repair all the way to the tenth layer of the Emperor Wudi.


Qin Jin's Rui Jin Wu Dao repaired to the tenth floor and continued to climb towards the tenth peak. The whirlpool of the Lingyun on the river suddenly expanded, and the fog above the river was thicker. It not only spread to the banks of the river, but also rose to the sky, tall and several dozen feet.

The demon sacred brows of the Qingniu family frowned. This dense fog of fog completely blocked their sight. Looking at the spiritual vortex in the center of the river, there was a suffocating sigh in the eyes. Screaming:

"Go, kill the junior!"



The demon **** had a big foot in the late stage, and his figure was on the way, reaching for a stroke, breaking the water and falling rapidly toward the bottom of the river.

At this time, the aura of the big river rushed toward the piano. The slight change of the river would make the piano double sense, let alone the demon **** unscrupulously break the river?

Qin Shuang’s heart is a glimpse, and the mind is moving. The demon phoenix phoenix appears from the town’s demon tower next to Qin’s body.

"Architecture!" Qin double mind to communicate.

Feng Yan danced with his arms and threw himself out of the flag. He only laid out a big defensive tactic in an instant. Cover her with the piano.


The demon **** who came to the bottom of the river saw a mask, which was not transparent, and covered the figure of Qinshuang and Fengyan. However, seeing this mask, the demon **** determined that the breakthrough junior must be within this mask.

"I didn't expect to be a junior who knows how to do it!"

The demon **** licked his mouth, but his heart did not care. A little demon, even if the layout of the arrangement will be more powerful?

Gathering the spirit, a fist hit the mask.


The reticle didn't even sway, and the demon **** looked horrified and took out a big stick and blew it toward the mask.


But the mask was only slightly swayed, which made the demon blush, couldn't break the mask, what face was there?

Therefore, he smothered his head and slammed against the mask.


Within the mask, Feng Yan is still arranging layer-by-layer arrays, while Qinqin is a piece of ascension and thinking.

"There is just a demon **** outside, or is there still a lot of demon gods on the big river?"

Qinqin looked at the white tiger in the sea, and he shed a force of knowing the sea from the sea of ​​knowledge, condensed into a white-winged white tiger, and smashed out in the other direction of the array, and then quickly smashed the water over the river.

The demon **** who was attacking the array suddenly looked up and saw the white tiger, and the big feet stepped on the bottom of the river.


The river became a whirlpool, and from the center of the vortex, the demon **** rose to the sky.


The white tiger smashed out of the water, flew into the air, and looked toward the other side, and saw the eyes of a demon-like demon.


The demon **** flew out from the bottom of the river, and a stick of bombardment on the white tiger's body, the white tiger was dispelled.

"The cow is running, what are you doing? Why not kill the junior?" The demon saint of the Qingniu family shouted.

The demon **** was full of red eyes: "The junior set up a lineup, I can't break it."

"Useless!" The green cow demon sanctuary is like water, and a demon holy road next to him: "You go."


The demon sacred nodded, and the big sleeves slammed into the water.

The bottom of the river.

Qin double can see clearly through the white tiger just now. I can’t help but feel sad. It seems that this is the second level of the Yaozu interception. Just because their breakthrough caused the fog to lock the river, affecting their observation, they have to kill themselves.

In this way, regardless of whether or not they reveal the identity of Fengming, they will be killed by these demon monks.

"Look at the eyes like a wildfire, a lot of demon people. Want to get through this second level, it is difficult!"

Has been noticed by the group of demon, can not enter and enter, retreat and retreat. The only thing now...

The eyes of Qin double become firm!

"That is to break the martial arts through the martial arts!"

Qin double took out a bottle of white tiger Dan liquefied to make the power, opened the lid, and suddenly sucked into the mouth. This is not a reiki, but also needs to work in the body for a big Sunday, turning into spiritual power. Directly it is spiritual power, or pure spiritual power, and the cultivation of the piano double is rapidly improved.


A loud bang, this sound is louder than the previous bombardment, and the defensive array is smashing.

"It's stronger!"

Qin double took out a bottle of white tiger spirit, and drank it in. The rich sharp gold spirits such as the frenzy generally rushed into the dantian of the Qinshuang, but the rich and extremely sharp and the most powerful, cut the gap between the body of the piano double, so that the piano double not only sprayed blood. The whole body was shaking, and the muscles on his face were distorted by pain.

However, her cultivation is rapidly improving. When the piano double swallowed six bottles of white tiger spirit in less than a quarter of an hour before and after, the rapid spiritual power of the piano double body finally began to hit the barrier of Valkyrie.


The barriers of the Valkyrie are still motionless.


The piano has a double nose and nose.


The demon saint outside the array again bombarded the mask, and the mask shattered a gap.


The spiritual power inside the piano double bombarded the barrier again, and the barrier was still motionless.


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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