Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 583: Day robbery




The piano double nose and mouth spurted again.


The demon slayer outside the mask constantly bombarded the tactics and swayed the defensive array, but the cracks that appeared were quickly closed. Although they looked at the mammoth, they could not break the defensive array of Fengyan. .

On the bank of the river, the Qingniu demon sacred, the face can drop water, the ears heard the laughter of other ethnic monks, and the young cow demon snorted to the other demon saint next to him:

"You go too!"

The bottom of the river.

The pores of the scorpion swelled out of the blood, and the spirits hit the barrier of the Valkyrie over and over again, but they could not shake it.


Qin double took out a bottle of white tiger spirit, and drank it in. There was a bruise in the body, and the white tiger spirit destroyed the body of the piano, and the body of the piano had reached the edge of collapse. Qin did not hesitate to eat a Vientiane fruit in three mouths. Vientiane quickly repaired the body of the piano that was about to collapse, and then ran into the barrier of the Valkyrie.

"Give me open!"


On the barrier of the Valkyrie that hit the spiritual power of the scorpion, the barrier of the Valkyrie violently trembled.


There was a crack, which made the piano double happy, and the running spirit once again hit the wall of the Valkyrie.


The wall of Wushen was broken, and the double spurt of blood, began to frantically extract the spiritual power in the town demon tower. The heaven and earth spirits converge more madly toward the river, making the river thick and impenetrable.


Under the continuous bombardment of the two demon saints, the defensive array finally collapsed. But the faces of the two demon saints are ugly to the extreme, because there is a layer of defensive formation in front of them. The two demon sacs glanced at each other, and each of them held a spirit soldier to continue bombardment against the defensive array.


At this time, Qin double did not care, madly absorbed the spiritual power, but also swallowed the drug. Qin doubled his eyes and looked up to the top, and the corner of his mouth showed a chill.

"I should retaliate against you!"


Above the river.

The clouds in the air converge, and the stars and moons of the sky are covered by clouds, and the thick clouds robbed the clouds. The green cow demon on the river bank changed.

"Not good! The junior broke through the demon god."

This breakthrough in the realm of the world will lead to catastrophe. And once other monks enter the scope of the robbery, the robbers will lock those monks, and the power of the robbery will greatly increase the extent of the robbery as the monk who is shrouded in the chase .

The bottom of the river.

The two demon saints also called a "bad", then they broke the river frantically and fled before the robbery was locked.

"Want to escape?"

If there were so many demon monks here, there would be ten me and they would be killed alive.

but now!

Qin Shuang Huo Ran stood up, his body shining, and waved all Feng Yan and the flag. With both hands looking up into the sky, they gathered two big hands, each caught on the legs of a demon, and pulled toward them.

The bodies of the two demon saints were caught off guard by the piano, and the two demon hearts were shocked. Then they picked up the repairs and broke the clever hands of the piano pair. go with.


Then the two of them were a stiff, because both of them felt that they had been locked in the heavens.


The shape of the piano double rushed up and broke through the river with lightning. The two demon sorrows looked at the piano pair that rushed up, and each of them punched the piano. The piano pair displayed the dragon in the water, and gently avoided the attack of the two demon saints, then chuckled:

"You two still have the mood to attack me? Waiting to be killed by thunder!"

"Just rely on the thunder of your demon god?" A demon swears: "Even if we add two of us and increase the thunder, we are only injured, but your little martial arts will be blasted. Slag."

"Slag? Hehe... I forgot to tell you that when I was alone, I was robbed by the martial arts. Now, with your two demon sacred, it is estimated that it is a robbery of six or nine. I wish you both can withstand I can live."

"What?" Two demon stunned: "Is the demon **** not a thunder?"

"Ha ha ha..."

The piano doubles loudly, the wind is rolling, the river is roaring, the golden spirit is lingering, and the golden light is shining. Cang rushed out of the water and rushed to the sky, looking at the shore. I saw a lot of figures, the big demon showed shape. A pair of eyes looking to the piano double eyes full of killing.


Knife, moisture.

The two demon rushed out of the water, and each of them slammed into the air.


The sky suddenly burst into the light, and the thunder of the water tank was bombarded toward the double and the two demon sacs. The piano double ignores the knife that is quickly pushed in at the foot and looks up at the sky.

"It turned out to be sixty-nine days of robbery!"


The piano double sacrificed the water thunder, and the thunder in the air crashed down. The thunder that slammed the piano pair was blocked by the water thunder beads. At this time, the two knives were only three feet away from the piano. The same bombardment of the same bombardment, and then bombarded on the two demon saints.

The thunder of the broken void is the five-nine-day robbery. How can these two nine-day robbers be able to resist?


Two loud noises, the two demon saints were like coke and were bombarded into the river. Qin double knows that these two demon sacs are finished, even if they have not been killed by this thunder, they can't take the second and third.

"Want to kill me?" Qin Shuang's gaze removed from his feet and looked at the densely-knit demons: "There must be preparations for death. So many demon people, huh..."

The piano double laughs, the big sleeves fly, the feet glimpse and float, and the eight water thunder beads, the body shape will fly like a lightning to the shore of the demon.


Just now they have already seen that the two sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred know.


One demon races fleeing in all directions.


The two-way play of the demon monk chased the past, she did not attack the demon, but flew past them. At the moment of flying, the robbers locked the demon, and the piano quickly The land left and chased away to other demons.

More and more demon monks are catching up with the piano, and the thunder has been turned into a thunder sea. The space on the bank of the entire river is full of thunder.

"Kill her!"

The demon who were locked by the robbery chased over to the piano, but the time for the robbery to chase the piano pair was too short.


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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