Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 584: Escape



not to mention……

The speed of the plucking of the piano is not slow, so they have not waited until they catch up with the piano pair, and they are killed by the thunder of the air and the wounded. The injured demon monks lost the ability to chase the doubles, only passively waiting for the second, the third thunder until they were killed.


The endless thunder sea illuminates the night sky, and the shape of the piano pair is constantly chasing a monk monk.

One, two, three...

Ten, twenty, one hundred...

When the thunder robbery passed, the clouds in the sky dissipated. The shore of the river is silent, and the bodies of the demon monks are poured out on the ground, and the bodies of these demon people are not demon gods or demon saints, and the taste of barbecue is floating in the air.

The piano looked around in both directions, and it was quiet all around, and no one could see a demon. Looking up, I saw the more smashing of the eight water thunder beads that were sacrificed in the air. Inside the azure beads, there is a pattern of lightning.

Qin double put eight water mines into the sea, the body shape like the wind on the shore, passing a demon corpse into the town demon tower, the heart secretly:

"These are the bodies of the demon **** and the demon sacred. I don't know if I can let the town demon tower merge again?"

Qin did not want to fly at high altitude and exposed the trail. I thought of a white tiger, kneeling on it. The white tiger spread his four legs and flew away in the direction of the demon door.

Between the beggars, they have already moved away from the river bank. The piano sits on top of the white tiger and checks his body. Nowadays, his own Ruijin method has been broken into the third layer of Yuan Ying, and Wu Dao Xiu has broken through to the first floor of Wushen. However, this body is very bad, and when it is forcibly broken, it is riddled with white tiger spirit. However, Qin double does not care, because the Vientiane is being repaired, it is estimated that there will be another day, the body can be completely repaired. It is only during this day that Qinqin is best not to practice, not to fight.

After the piano double left for more than one hour, only the demon monk returned to the bank of the river. The smell of barbecue was floating in the air on the shore. Many places were burnt black, but no body of a demon was found.

These demon monks' faces became ugly. Just now they saw that the demon monk was killed, but now there is no demon corpse. This shows that the breakthrough junior has taken away the demon's body.

"Give me a check to see who is selling the demon corpse, this junior must die!"

The piano double deviated from the direction of the demon door and went to the mountains. After half a day, Qin double looked for a hidden valley, jumped from the back of the white tiger, and thought of it, Feng Yan appeared from the town demon tower.

The piano double walked slowly through the valley to see the conditions in the valley. Feng Yan began to deploy the array method, covering the valley in the array. The white tiger turned into the power of knowing the sea, flowing toward the eyebrows of Qinshuang, and was absorbed back to the Qinshui.

The valley is full of grass and grass, and some low-level monsters are killed by the piano, and they are thrown into the town demon tower. At this time she was waiting for the Vientiane to repair the body, and there was nothing to do. After thinking about it, I grabbed a beast from the town demon tower. Packed up and gave birth to a campfire and barbecued.

"I am afraid that my sharp metal identity can not be used. I have killed so many demon monks in this capacity, and will definitely become the target of the demon monk.

With Xuan Shui identity?

This is my last attribute that hides my identity. If something similar happens again, I will never have a hidden way. This metaphysical property I need to stay in the end, when using the demon gate.

At the Gate of the Demon, there must be a large number of monks who intercepted me. If you want to pass the monk's door, you may have to reveal the attributes of your cultivation. This metaphysical property must be left at that time.

Now, do I continue to use sharp metal or restore the phoenix property? ”

Qin double frowning thought for a while, still decided to use sharp metal first, after all, the demon monk who chased her identity is much less than the demon monk who chased Fengming.

Looking at the incense beast, the piano double took out a small feather sword, cut a piece of meat to eat, full of fragrance.

"Good fragrance!"

The piano doubles the mouth full of oil, and the mood is great.

Feng Yan has already set up the formation method. Qin double puts it into the town demon tower. He lies on the grass, closes his eyes, and gradually enters sleep.

When the second celestial double wakes up, I feel that I am warm and open my eyes, and I see the sun shining on my body, if I cover myself with a warm quilt. Stretched a lazy waist, the piano double sat up, a smile appeared on his face.

"I haven’t slept so cool for a long time!"

I checked my body and found that I had recovered. It is full of strength. Picking up a fragrant fruit from the town demon tower, while eating and spreading the power of the sea from the valley, there was no demon monk around. For this, she is not surprised.

In the aspect of chasing Fengming, there have been two interceptions and blockades of Pingfeng Mountain and Dahe. The demon monk should rarely think that Qinshuang has secretly passed through two blockades. So it is unlikely to search a lot.

In the pursuit of the identity of the tiger family, the original chasing monks did not pursue the number of Fengming, and it is not easy to find the piano doubles in the mountains. And those demon monks have to stick to the river and intercept the piano. They inform the other monks of the family that it will take some time to come here.

"In this case, I am better off breaking here."

In the heart of the piano, there is no longer hesitation. The Lingshi was taken out and a polyphony array was set up around him. After swallowing the medicinal herbs, he took out the water system of the nine inner dan of the invincible, and held it in his hand. He began to break through the Xuan Shui method.

Know the sea.

Yuan Ying Xuanwu began to gradually develop a new heavenly pattern on the back, and the atmosphere of Yuan Ying began to become strong. It took too long for the piano to be repaired. The understanding of Xuan Shui has already exceeded a realm. Therefore, the heavenly pattern on the back of Xuanwu was quickly constructed by Qin.


The Qinshui method of Qinshuang was broken into the third layer of the Yuan Ying period. The aura between the mountains and the mountains flowed rapidly toward the valley. In less than a quarter of an hour, the film Lingyun shaded the valley and formed a huge cloud of clouds over the valley, facing the valley. The drooping down.


At the time when the piano pair was about to break through, there was a roar in the mouth of the valley, followed by a few roars, and then there was no sound. The piano double frowned, and looked at the sky gradually dissipated the aura, her Xuan Shui repair has been stabilized in the third layer of the Yuan Ying period. I took back my eyes and looked at the mouth of the valley, sighing in a low voice.


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