Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 585: Two ancestors



"It seems that it has caused the attention of the demon monk, that is, I don't know what it is, how many? I originally thought that I would break through several aspects here, and now it seems to be no good."

It stands to reason that breakthroughs are made in such remote places, and it is only a breakthrough in the Yuan Ying period. Whether it is the resulting momentum or the time required to break through, it should not attract the attention of other monks. However, I think most of the monks of the Yaozu are now dispatched, some searching for Fengming, and some searching for the identity of the tiger family. It is not accidental to be discovered.

"Go out and have a look."

Qin double bowed to see the invincible water attribute of the hand in the hands of the demon dan was also turned into powder, the surrounding Lingshi also became a powder, stood up and clap. Then he quickly grabbed a few catches around him and took the flag. Stepping toward the mouth of the valley.

Out of the valley mouth, glanced around, but did not find traces of the demon monk. Can not help but secretly:

"Don't you just have a demon monk passing by here, bombarded a few times, and saw that there was no bombing, then left?"

This thought just flashed from the heart, shaking under the ground, cracking a large ditch, a huge pangolin smashed out from the ground, turned into a human figure, but the piece of gold armor on the body, shining with dazzling golden light. Then he listened to him and laughed:

"Senior, hiding here to break through, but it is cheaper, look at your fine skin and tender meat, it must be delicious."

His voice did not fall, and he saw the piano double reaching out and grabbing his throat. There was a trace of disdain in the pangolin's eyes, and a punch hit the past with the palm of the piano.

"The junior of the Yuan Ying period..."


The piano double grabbed the pangolin's fist, and the pangolin felt that his fist seemed to be caught by an iron hand and hooped.


The pangolin can't help but find that his body is off the ground.

"So much power? Isn't she breaking through the Yuan Ying period?"


Qin double smashed the pangolin and slammed it on the ground. In an instant, the earth cracked and a big pit appeared.


Qinqin grabbed the pangolin and flew up, rushing toward the cliff, and slamming the body of the pangolin to the cliff.


The piano double-wheeled pangolins continually slammed on the cliffs, and the cliffs rumbling, "哗啦啦", the cliff collapsed. However, the body of the pangolin is really hard, so beaten, the golden armor is still light.

"Junior, my grandfather is so cool! Come again!" The pangolin is roaring.


The hand of the piano holding the pangolin came out with a flame, and covered the entire pangolin. The hot flame burned and the pangolin creaked.

"You are a Feng nationality?" Pangolin exclaimed.


The answer to his answer is a pair of fast swords, Qin Pengjian Jinguang flashed, pangolin's head flew out. The mind was moved, and the body of the pangolin was taken into the town demon tower. When it was swept, it came to the head of the pangolin, which was still flying in the air, and grabbed his head. The eyes on the head looked at the piano double in shock, and the big mouth was still open and closed:

"Who are you?"

"Feng Ming!"

Qin double put the head into the town demon tower, and his body fell on the ground. The eyebrows of the sea knew the power of the sea, and they came up with a white tiger. The piano was swept away and stood on it. The white tiger flew out.

The sky gradually dimmed, and a new moon gradually rose. The piano doubled for one day, and it was three thousand miles. The power of the sharp gold in the sea is almost consumed. The white tiger at the foot turns into the power of the sea, and flows into the eyebrows of the piano pair. The figure of the piano double falls on the ground.

There was a rush of flowing water in the ear.

"The front should be Zhuo Shui. I can follow the Zhuoshui in the water for three thousand miles and then change to land. I walk in the water and want to find me, it is very difficult."

Qinqin took a big step and flew away toward the sound of the water.

Suddenly, there was a loud laugh in the sky, shaking the piano and knowing the sea, the blood was tumbling, and a blood rushed straight up. The piano double closed his mouth, and the blood was sprayed from her nostrils. And out.

"Bad, which big demon is chasing me?"

Strong as a piano double, at this time, my heart is also inevitably confused. Stopped and stood under a big tree and looked toward the sky. Did not see the figure, but heard a familiar voice came:

"High weight, you don't stay in the family. If you are so old, run out and don't run away."

"This is the voice of the ancestors of the Feng nationality!" Qin doubles in the heart: "The high weight of the ancestors of the Feng nationality is the ancestor of the Qingniu family? Is he going to shoot me? And I found out." ?"

"Oh..." A strange voice sounded: "Feng Yao, you can rest assured, I will not shoot the little guy named Fengming. I just go to the gate of the demon to see."

"Just go and see?"

"of course!"

"Then we are both on the way."



"Ha ha ha..."

The two ancestors laughed again and laughed, and the double piano was shocked and the mouth was closed. A blood was sprayed out. Then I heard the ancestors of the Qingniu family:

"Since it came out, I wanted to move my muscles. Fengyao, have we not played against it for five hundred years?"

Feng Yao said faintly: "You don't remember that I burned a layer of skin five hundred years ago, and now the skin is itchy?"

"Feng Yao!" Gao Zhong is annoyed and angry: "I was only negligent when I was five hundred years ago. How? After five hundred years, have you been unable to lift your arms?"

Feng Yao suddenly burst into laughter and said: "High weight, since you are not satisfied, I will play you!"

Qin double has been bleeding at this time, between the two ancestors talking and laughing, has gradually become luck, so that the piano double body blood, there is a tendency to explode.

The piano double launched a glimpse of the light, clinging to the rushing water to the water, even when there was no time to separate the water, and then plunged into Zhuo Shui. Casting the water to swim the dragon body method, dive to the depths of Zhuo Shui, and swiftly swim toward the distance. The heart's "squeaky" violent beating, the anxiety in the heart is magnifying.

"It’s a **** fight, and the mortal suffers. These two ancestors just shocked me with laughter, and it’s definitely the peak of the demon. At the beginning of the general demon, I have the ability to fight and even kill it. But Once the battle between the two ancestors occurred, only a slight aftermath, I am afraid I will kill me. I must leave here as soon as possible and leave far away."

When the piano double enters the bottom of the river, it will no longer be able to take care of it. It will open the fire and phoenix body and integrate the three spiritual forces in the body. Its speed suddenly turns several times and lasing away from the distance.


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