Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 591: Tianluo



One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.

The shadow of a squid was not seen. The piano did not give up, and released the power of knowing the sea, shrouded the river and spread it under the river.

However, I still never found a squid, and I could not help but say:

"Xuanwu, it seems that there is no more."

Xuanwu also frustrated and pulled his head. Qinqin couldn’t help but smile at Xuanwu’s head:

"Xuanwu, don't be discouraged. You forgot, outside the day, the town's demon tower is the last 512 days. Those squid will soon breed a large group."

Xuanwu immediately opened his eyes and smiled.

"The tigers are stunned, this time you can't die!"

Suddenly a voice came, and the piano turned around and looked at it, and saw a huge body coming to her rumbling. In the heart of the piano, there is a glimpse. In front of this monk, she knows that in the past, the monk and the twenty-some demon gods had encountered the piano double, and recognized the identity of the tiger family, and they smashed the double. But how are they the opponents of the piano pair? Almost all of them were killed by the piano, and only four demon gods were escaped. This demon **** is one of them.

Needless to ask, Qin double knows that this demon **** must have a lot of demon monks to kill her. Her tiger identity is actually hated by the Yaozu and is no less than Fengming’s identity, and it is still there. Feng Ming still just offended a Qingniu. The Qin family's identity as a tiger, but the use of thunder robbery did not know how many races of the demon monk, but offended, do not know how many demons. The demon monk who wants to kill the Qin and Tiger identity is definitely more than the monk who wants to kill Feng Ming, and there are many more.

However, they all think that the Qinhuanghu identity is only one layer of the demon god, so the demon monk who came to chase after killing Fengming is not high.

Qinqin quickly looked around, and sure enough, he saw a lot of figures, and did not know how many demon monks surrounded her from all directions.


The cellar suddenly vibrated, and the double body of the piano flew into the air.

"Puff puff……"

Thousands of sharp big guns were stabbed out of the ground, and the murderous atmosphere filled the air, piercing the air, and making a harsh, sharp and empty sound.

Qin double looked down and his eyes narrowed. Then I saw a huge hedgehog crawling out from under the ground. The sharp big gun was the spike on it.

This hedgehog has a hundred feet, a width of fifty feet, and a height of more than thirty feet. It is covered with long guns. It is now crawling out of the ground like a hill covered with spikes.

The breath of the body made the piano double wrinkled.

"The peak of the demon god!"

This repair is that if the piano does not open the fire phoenix body, or integrates the three spiritual powers in the body, it will be very difficult to fight. not to mention……

Qin Qin double standing in the air, his eyes glanced around: "I really can see that I have come to such a demon. But, just a demon, do you think you can stay with me?"

"Ha ha ha..."

There was a sigh of laughter in the air. When the piano looked up, I saw a demon monk with a double-winged wing looking down at the piano.

"Hey, you used the thunderstorm to kill my big brother. Today, this holy sacred body will be smashed."


Thirty of the demon gods with their wings on their backs sealed the sky, and they looked down at the piano pair with murderousness.

"The demon holy!" In the heart of the piano is a sigh: "Which demon holy, come out together."


The earth cracked, and a huge hedgehog climbed out of the ground. The entire ground had disappeared. At first glance, the ground was like a big gun. A magnificent voice came from the ground:

"You break through their encirclement and say that this Holy Spirit is waiting for you at the bottom."

The binoculars of the piano are a condensation, and there is a demon holy hedgehog at the bottom. Looking around, I saw another demon who appeared in all directions, surrounded by the iron barrels.

Looking up, there is a Dapeng family above. Covering the sky is like a sky.

Looking down, the bottom one is only a hedgehog, shielding the earth like a ground net.

Tianluo network.

Qinqin "锵" sings out Jinpeng's giant sword, and knows that a handle of Jinpeng in the sea is coming out of the sun. The sound of "锵锵" does not feel, and a golden armor is constructed on the body of Qinshuang. Double condensate voice:

"As long as I don't die today, I will definitely return to the tiger family and report to my tiger ancestors. I will visit the ethnic groups one by one, and you will wait for the revenge of the tiger family."

The words of Qin Double are full of murderousness, which makes the heavens and the underground, the demon monks in all directions have a heart.

Nowadays, a tiger girl who dares to use the day to kill and kill all the sacred demon gods can be seen as a sultry and determined person. Such a monk must be the core of the tiger's key training. If she really let her escape alive, even if the tigers do not fight with each other because of her, but as long as the tiger girl is no longer out of the tiger ethnic group, she is bent on cultivation, and when she breaks through the demon, she must be violent. The revenge began.

"Ha ha ha..." The Dapeng demon in the sky laughed loudly: "As long as you kill you, even if you are important to the tiger, the tiger will not fight with us because of a dead demon."

"You are alive and important to the tiger. When you die, the tiger will forget you. You, for the sake of us not being chased by the tiger in the future, we will kill this little tiger today."

The hearts of the demons are all a hop.


As long as you kill this little tiger, all problems are solved.

The piano is full of light and the brilliance is full.

"Want to kill me? Then look at how many lives do you have to fill?"

The Qin double-minded view of the white tiger, the power of knowing the sea through the body, hundreds of white tigers condensed, and went all the way.

"Be careful, block!"

The demons screamed and attacked a white tiger. The practice of Qin double is not high, only the third layer of the Yuan Ying period, and now the monk who is besieging her is the lowest is the demon god, how can these white tigers break through their encirclement?

Therefore, those white tigers have been bombarded by the demon monks. However, just as they attacked the white tiger, Qin double has found the relatively weakest point in all directions. The figure is like a tiger, and it rushes straight toward that point. At the same time, the Jinpeng sword in his hand slams out to the point.

Large cutting: splitting.

The sound of the sharp, empty, and empty voices, the body of the seven demon gods were cut open by the big cutting of the piano. The figure rushed out of the encirclement and swept away toward the distant mountains.


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