Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 592: Repel



Her Ruijin martial arts repair is also only in the middle of the first layer of the Valkyrie. Because of the practice of the White Tiger Collection, it can possess the power of the demon **** in the late stage. It does not expose the cards. It is not the opponent of these demon monks, so the piano can only escape.


The Dapeng family in the sky swooped down to the Qin double. The specialty of the Dapeng family was speed, so they quickly caught up with the piano pair and attacked the past with the piano.

The piano fled in a bilateral battle, but it was completely unable to get rid of the Dapeng in the air. Those of the Dapeng family did not shoot, but they were high in the air and looked at her coldly. And those demon gods continue to impact on the piano pair, do not need to kill the piano double, just entangled, so that a large number of demon monks chased over.


Space vibration, the sound of a sharp break, came to the heart of the piano. Looking back, the face was shocked. Then I saw several hedgehogs chasing them in the back, and then their bodies swelled for a while, and the sharp spikes on the body came out and spurred toward the piano. It was simply a wall made up of countless spikes that pressed against the piano.

Big cutting: cut the ground.

Qinqin held the Jinpeng giant sword in both hands and slammed it toward the opposite sharp wall.


The thorny wall was smashed into two halves, and countless spikes screamed from both sides of her body. In the sky, a big foot was suddenly slammed down. It was the Dapeng who had been watching in the air, and the demon sacred to the head of the piano pair. In a hurry, the piano double only had a fist to the big demon. The foot slammed up.


The demon's face changed greatly, and the figure spurred toward the air. At the same time, the body of the piano double was stepped into the ground by the demon, leaving only a hole in the ground.

"The three peaks of the demon holy."

The mouth of the piano blew out a trace of blood, took out a line of green lines and released it on the body, and then ran wildly on the ground.


The demon scorpion went deep into the ground and chased it toward the piano. There was a roaring sound from the bottom of the earth. The ground fell into a deep pit for a while, and then it swelled like a hill at a time. At first glance, the Qinshuang and the Hedgehog demon were on the ground.

The Dapeng family in the air and the various ethnic demon people on the ground watched the changes in the ground while running. Each face is full of anxiety. If this little mother tiger runs away this time, she will be alert and it will be difficult to catch her later.


The hedgehog demon smashed a spiky thorn from his body, and drilled a spiral hole in the ground, spurting toward the piano.

The demon monk on the ground watched the ground undulating, falling from time to time and violently rising. The heart is anxious, but I can't get it.

No monk can think of it, the piano double can actually be bandit. Doesn't it mean that the white tigers are all metallized? How could it be that the bandits, but also the battle with the Hedgehog demon St. to this day?

The piano double danced Jinpeng giant sword, and the cockroach flew a sharp spike, but the body was vigorously bombarded to walk through the ground quickly. Between the breath, the two of them have gone far for dozens of miles and came to the bottom of a mountain.

The piano has a pair of feet and the body rushes toward the top.


Qinqin walked up through the mountain, and the Hedgehog demon was chasing after him. The spikes on his body continually spurred toward the piano.

"This is not the way!" Qin moved with a gaze: "No one can see it here, and only two of us. It is better to show the identity of Fengming here. It shows the identity of Fengming here. After the news spread, it must be Will cause the Yaozu to come here, I just changed my identity, go to the demon door to see if I can mix it out!"

The piano double quickly switched the phoenix firepower, opened the fire phoenix body, and repaired it to the beginning of the demon sacred. The giant sword in the hand has been replaced with the phoenix feather sword, and the sacred hedgehog is chasing after the sword. Sting out.

"Sword field!"

Outside the mountains.

The Dapeng demon sacred eyes flashed, his hands were holding a giant knife, his body became bigger and bigger, and the top of the earth, the big knife in his hand also became more than a few feet, screaming in the sky, facing the giant mountain go with.


The space seems to have been split into two halves, and the endless knife stands on the mountain.


The giant mountain was turned into two halves from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain by the Dapeng demon. It slanted to the sides and cracked a big hole from the middle.

"Who is attacking me?"

A violent voice came from the inside of the body, and then...

"Boom", the mountain was bursting, a fiery figure smashed out, standing in the air, a red dress, holding a red giant sword in his hand.

"Feng Ming..."

The Dapeng demon stunned, and then there was a fear in his eyes.

"It's you!"

The icy eyes of the piano looked toward him, and the body oscillated and superimposed. A sword slammed toward the Dapeng demon.

Feng Yujian: The sword cuts the world.


Did not wait for the Dapeng demon to react, the fiery sword mans had been cut from his huge body, this time, the sharp whistle was passed to his ears. Only his eyes have begun to become dim. The eyebrows showed a little blood, and then the blood quickly spread along the middle, and the huge body turned into two halves, falling toward the ground.


A figure came out of the mountain, a golden armor, holding a golden Jinpeng giant sword in his hand, and rushing toward the distance without heading back.

"Little mother tiger!"

The demon can't help. Looking at the body of the Dapeng demon, the heart could not help but sorrow. He wanted to force a little mother tiger, but did not think of alarming the Fengming hiding here.

He died, and the little mother tiger escaped!

Wrapped in Fengqin!


Qin doubled his left fist and slammed toward the ground. Surrounded by shocks, twenty fire phoenix hovered on the left arm and gathered toward the top of the fist, and banged to the demon monks on the ground.

The earth burst, and numerous cracks spread in all directions, forming a divide. The demon gods on the ground were killed and wounded.


The demon people shouted and ran away in all directions, imagining in the air, and not chasing them, but between them, those demon gods fled without a trace.


The figure of Qin double disappeared into the air.

The next moment, the figure of Qin double appeared in a jungle, where Feng Ming was smiling at her. When Qin Qin thought about it, Feng Feng was taken into the town demon tower. Foot Fengxiang, flying in the direction of the demon door.


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