Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 596: The second realm of the domain


Speaking of this, her heart can not help but smile. Gao Xiaoxiao dared to appear in front of her, that is, she is very confident about her own strength. I still don't know if I can beat Gao Xiaoxiao and kill each other.

"Whether my strength is her opponent, she must die today!"

In the eyes of Qin double, killing and shooting. Gao Xiaoxiao showed up with a smile: "What? Want to kill me?"

Gao Xiaoxiao slowly retreated, pulling the distance between the two people to about ten meters, and then took out the double knife and held it in her hand:

"I heard that you are very strong! And you have learned the sword field. I just closed the break and need a strong person to test myself. Come on, fight with me."

The piano nodded twice and held the hilt of the Jinpeng Giant Sword in the backhand, but was stopped by Gao Xiaoxiao:

"Feng Ming, can you inquire, is your fire attribute and metallicity stronger?"

"Fire attribute!"

"Then you still switch to the fire attribute, we are all fighting, can we?"

"it is good!"

Qin double pays great attention to Gao Xiaoxiao. She herself will die a person who can overcome the challenges. Therefore, she believes that Gao Xiaoxiao is also a genius who can overcome the challenges. She put away the Jinpeng giant sword, took out the Fengyu giant sword, took out the Fengyu sword, constructed a pair of armor on the body, and did not hesitate to open the fire phoenix body, and merged the three spiritual powers in the body. The breath of the body suddenly climbed.

In the opposite of Gao Xiaoxiao's eyes, there is a hint of dignity, but the fighting spirit is more prosperous.

Qin double stared at the opposite Gao Xiaoxiao, seriously said: "Gao Xiaoxiao, although we have not handed over the two, but you give me a very dangerous feeling. Any one of the monks I met is dangerous, so I will use my most Strong strength, you are careful."

"Good!" Gao Xiaoxiao's fighting spirit is even more prosperous: "I also use the strongest strength."

Gao Xiaoxiao combined the two scimitars in his hands and combined them into a giant knife, which was held between his hands.

The piano held the giant sword of Feng Yu in both hands and slowly stabbed toward Gao Xiaoxiao.

"Sword field!"

Gao Xiaoxiao put the machete in his hands toward the piano.

"Knife field!"

A huge sword shadow and a huge knife shadow appeared in the sky, colliding toward the middle. The swords and swords collided together, but they did not make a bang, but began to melt together. Qin Shuang and Gao Xiaoxiao did not enter the field, but they all looked at the huge swords in the air and melted into each other.

"The Yaozu has such a talent!"

In the heart of the piano, she saw that her sword and shadow had melted a lot faster than the knife.

"Her knife field has reached the second realm! Not good!"

The figure of Qin double slammed back and saw that his sword field was completely melted by the knife field, but the knife field still has two-thirds of it, spreading toward the piano.

The piano double hands raised a sword symbol of the great master, throwing it toward the knife field.


The sword symbol shines, and a brilliant sword is displayed. Going to the spread of the knife. The giant sword and the knife field collided in an instant, and the sound of the rumbling sounded, and the knife field began to collapse. Qin Shuang’s eyes lit up, and he raised a sword charm and threw it at the opposite Gao Xiaoxiao.

"not good!"

Gao Xiaoxiao's face changed greatly, and suddenly he took out a knife and gave birth to a knife field. His body shape turned into a streamer and entered the knife field. The huge knife shadow screamed and fled toward the distance.


The Huanghuang giant sword generated by the second sword symbol stabbed the tip of the knife field in the distance. The knife field showed a crack, but it whizzed more quickly, and disappeared instantly.

Qin did not reluctantly flew away in the opposite direction, she knew that she could not catch up with Gao Xiaoxiao, who had broken the knife. After flying for five hundred miles, Qin double entered the town demon tower, and the town demon tower turned into a dust and fell into the grass.

After entering the town demon tower, Qin double began to use his soul to erase the mark on his shoulder. Three years in the town demon tower, the Qin double finally expelled that brand. The injury and spiritual power of the body have long since returned to the peak. After the death of the town demon tower, just outside the two days more than a little time, Qin double left the town demon tower, immediately took the town demon tower into the sea, flying away in the distance.

After madly plucking out for hundreds of miles, the piano doubled up in shape and determined that it was not discovered. These stood on a treetop and looked up at the sky.

At this time, it is the starry sky and the sky, looking at the star-like sky, the piano double is gradually immersed in it.

In these days, Qin double has touched the veil of the second layer of the sword field. After playing against Gao Xiaoxiao, who has the second layer of the knife field, he has further insight into the second layer of the sword field.

In the three years in the town demon tower, the piano double erased that brand, while comprehending the second layer of the sword field. That layer of barriers has been broken by the doubles. At this time, I came out from the town demon tower and watched the stars. I felt the touch in an instant, and the last corner of the veil was taken away. The piano doubled into the comprehension of the second realm of the sword field.

Tens of thousands of miles away.

Within a cave.

Gao Xiaoxiao spoke a long breath and opened her eyes. She was placed on the swords of the doubles, relying on the early escape, and the protection of the knife field, which saved a life, and repaired the injury today.


After the injury healed, Gao Xiaoxiao immediately sensed the position of the piano pair through the branding.


It is completely imperceptible.

"My brand is wiped out by her! How is this possible? How can I erase my brand in such a short period of time?"


Gao Xiaoxiao's figure disappeared in the cave. In the place where Gao Xiaoxiao and Qin double fought, Gao Xiaoxiao's figure appeared again and looked around. Gradually, the face showed a frustration.

"I really let her erase the brand!"

Gao Xiaoxiao’s eyes flashed: “I have to go to the gate of the demon immediately, tell the patriarch, Feng Ming is good, and still cultivates metality.”

Gao Xiaoxiao's figure flies away. Hundreds of miles away, Gao Xiaoxiao's figure is another meal, and his face has a hint of hesitation.

"If I tell this to the patriarch, the patriarch will blame me. Since I planted Fengming, why didn't I tell the patriarch that I would kill Fengming? Fengming killed a lot of demon gods and demons. St., I am the opportunity for the Qingniu to lose revenge. If Fengming has not erased the brand, the patriarch will not blame me, because I will lead the family to find the piano double, and then kill. But now Fengming has erased The brand, the patriarch will certainly punish me.

I can't tell the patriarch, what should I do? Did you watch Feng Ming escape? ”

"Do not!

Can't let her escape like this!

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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