Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 597: Demon gate city


If she is allowed to grow up, she will become the enemy of my life and must kill her before she has grown up. And she killed so many monks of my family that they must pay for their lives. She also once said that to kill the Qingniu family, if giving her time, it may not be a false statement, her Fengming is too young.


Must kill her! ”

“How to do it?”

"She cultivates two attributes and has two identities. But these two identities are now almost the enemy of the Yaozu.

The identity of Fengming was suspected by the sorcerer that she had obtained the ultimate inheritance of the inheritance from the demon knife Gao Litian. The demon will naturally miss her.

not to mention……

Our Qingniu family and her hatred are like the sea, and will never give her any chance to pass the door of the demon. Don't say that through the door of the demon, it is impossible for her Fengming to want to be close to the door of the demon, which will lead to the siege of the demon.

And her other identity, the tiger family spirit.

I am afraid that the situation is worse than Fengming. She used to kill eight demon sacred demon and demon gods. It has become a must-kill object for eight races, so she is not close to the demon in the identity of the tiger. door. The monks at the Gate of the Demon must strictly monitor the temperament of the fire and the metal of the monks. If they find it wrong, they will be killed. I just go to the gate of the demon, stay there, and I am familiar with Fengming. No matter how she comes from, I will perceive it from her breath. When it is time to point her out, it will be killed.


Just do it! ”

Gao Xiaoxiao turned around and flew away toward the door of the demon.

The gate of the demon.

Since the opening of the demon door, it has been built into a giant city. Usually there are a lot of demon monks gathered here. The demon family will transport a large number of goods here, and the demon people of the mainland will also be transported. A large number of goods obtained from the mainland of the warrior, as well as the arrested Terran came here, and the two sides traded.

At this time, there are more demon monks gathered here, all of whom are the demon monks who come to intercept the Fengming Fengming and the Tigers. All the monks know that Fengming wants to go through the demon gate. Warrior continent. No matter how long she has been hiding in the demon world, as long as she does not return to the Feng nationality, she will definitely come to the demon door. At the same time, these demon monks also speculated that the tiger family spirits killed so many demon saints and demon gods, there is no place in the demon world, and will certainly go to the warrior continent through the demon gate, so there are constantly demon The family monks poured in here.

Of course, among these monks, there are also Feng and Tiger monks. The Feng nationality monks came here to protect Fengming. The Tigers’ monks came here to protect the spirits.

Whether it is the Phoenix or the Tiger. The family has come out with such two monks, and naturally attaches great importance to it. The idea of ​​the tiger is that once the spotted spirit is discovered, she will be brought back to the tiger to protect it, and the idea of ​​the Feng nationality is similar to that of the tiger. If Feng Ming can finally pass the gate of the demon, they will not care. However, if Fengming encounters a life-threatening danger, they will do their utmost to save Fengming and bring it back to the Fengzuo area for protection.

A figure walked toward the giant city, a blue dress, lightly moving the lotus, and the money went. Looking up, I have seen the majestic giant city.

This person is the piano double that changes the appearance again. It not only changes its appearance, changes clothes, but also converges on the fire attribute and metallicity, revealing the water attribute atmosphere. Qin double suddenly paused, remembering that he had thrown Tian Feng in the Feng nationality. She had Fengtian's communication jade, and she took out the jade briefing and sent a message. The troubled Fengtian sent people to Tianfeng to Fengmingcheng. Soon, the communication jade Jane sent back the message.

"Feng Ming, where are you?"

"I still have a distance from the door of the demon."

"You don't want to come to the demon door. Tell me where you are. I will pick you up and go with me to the Feng nationality."

"Do not!"

"Feng Ming, don't mess around, nowadays in the demon gate giant city gathered a lot of demon saints and demon gods, they are waiting for you here. And the demon door has been closed, you can not pass the demon door. Listen to me , with me Hui nationality, waiting for you to break into the demon holy, in the mainland of the war."

"The door of the demon is closed?" Qin Qin was shocked.

"Not bad. This time I don't know who secretly spread the rumors, saying that the knives Gao Litian once had a precious inheritance in the secret world of the demon world, called Wan Yao. The enchanting scorpion is the supreme way that any race can cultivate, so All the demons have come here, and even the ancestors of all races have come to several places. You have no chance at all to pass the gate of the demon. Listen to me and follow me back to the Feng nationality."

Qin double silence for a while, and sent a message.

"Feng Tian's predecessors, since there are rumors of tens of enchantments, I am afraid that the Feng dynasty monks at the gate of the demon, including you and your ancestors, have been eyeing. At this time, if any of you leave, you will be immediately Tracking, there is no chance to return to the Yaozu.

And even if it is back to the Yaozu, because of the enchanting, it will bring great pressure to the family. Very bad for the family. So, I can't go back. You don't care about me, even if I don't go to the demon door, the demon world is so big, they want to find me, it is not easy. Don't forget, I have been traveling alone and have a wealth of experience. ”

Feng Tian was silent for a while: "So, you will leave the door of the demon far away, first find a place to hide. After the event has subsided, we will contact again."

"Okay, but still ask the seniors to bring Tian Feng to the demon door. After the demon door is opened, send a family monk and send it to my Fengming City on the mainland."

"This is a small matter, no problem. Remember, don't come to the demon door."

"I know!"

Qin double put away the communication jade, looking at the majestic giant city, and then walked firmly toward the giant city.


As he approached the giant city, Qin double felt a chill from the giant city.

Qin double squinted his eyes, and his heart said: "There is so much chilling power, it seems that there are a lot of demon masters inside, and the suffocating is very heavy."

Qinqin has not been close to the gate of the giant city, and he feels that countless eyes are glanced at the piano. When he perceives the rich water power of the piano, a pair of eyes will be collected, and no one will take the piano.

Qin double walked into the door and looked around. A wide street spreads straight ahead and can't see the end. The streets are bustling with monks of all races.

"This sister, are you the first time to come to the demon city?"

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