Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 598: The demon door is closed



When the piano doubled his head and saw it, he saw a little demon with a tiger head and a tiger head. He only stood in front of him when he built the base period. Then he smiled and nodded:

"Not bad!"

The spirit of the demon is a vibrate: "Sister, you need a guide? Give me a piece of Lingshi in one day."

Qin nodded and said: "Let's go, let's walk and say."

"Well!" The little demon happily followed the Qin double.

"What is your name?"


"Tiger family?"


"How can you repair here? Not in the tiger race?"

The eyes of the zebras twitched, and the heart of the piano was a glimpse. With the heart perceiving the surroundings, it was perceived that a demon sac was not far behind him, paying attention to himself and the zebra.

"Well? No, he should be paying attention to the mountain. A small tiger in the base period was actually protected by a demon sacred. This small mountain seems not simple."

"I..." The little tiger’s face showed a mournful color: "My parents and I went to the mainland of the warrior. Later, my parents died in the mainland of the warrior. I was brought back by my parents' friends and stayed here. Usually, I rely on the guidance of the demon monk as a guide."

There was a smile on the corner of the piano. She did not reveal the lie of the mountain, nor did she show that she found the sign of the demon, and whispered:

"Zeshan, what happened to the recent Demon City?"

Banshan looked at the piano in a strange way: "Sister, you have been retreating recently, haven't you come out?"

Without waiting for the piano to nod, he snorted: "There have been three major events recently.

The first thing is that at the Wan Yao Conference, our demon family appeared the fifth Dan Dao master. Her name is Feng Ming and she is a Feng monk.

The second thing is still related to this Fengming. At the beginning, this Fengming once entered the mysterious secret. It just didn't get the ultimate inheritance in the secret. Do you know what the ultimate heritage is? ”

"I don't know." Qin double shook his head.

Banshan hurriedly said: "It is the enchanting sorrow. It is said that this enchanting singer is very powerful. No matter what race you are, no matter what attributes you cultivate, you can cultivate.

In the mysterious secrets, Feng Ming's cultivation is very strong, but the understanding is a little worse. It is not as good as the demon knife Gao Li Tian and A. Therefore, only the demon knife Gao Li Tian and A invincible passed the last level and entered the depths of the secret. However, A is invincible but is killed by the demon knife.

After coming out of the demon's secret, it is the Wan Yao Conference. In the Wanxue City, there was a conflict between the demon knife Gao Litian and Feng Ming. I don't know if it is the trouble of the knives looking for Fengming, or the trouble of Fengming looking for the knives. However, now everyone says that Feng Ming has seen the enchanting knives in the mystery of inheritance, so he took the initiative to challenge the knives Gao Litian. On the stage of life and death, he killed the demon knife Gao Litian and got the storage of the demon knife. Ring of things. And that tens of thousands of enchantments are in the storage ring of the demon knife.

After Fengming killed the demon knife Gao Litian, the demon saint of the Qingniu family was going to kill Fengming, but let Fengming kill a demon saint. Then Fengming threatened to destroy the Qingniu family. ”

Speaking of this, Xiaohubanshan eyebrows danced: "Don't think that Fengming is a false statement. She really left the Wanxiong City, to intercept the Qingniu monks, kill the nearly a thousand green cattle monks, and even kill a demon. St. Bacheng. So the Qingniu family vowed to kill Fengming and recapture the enchanting, and all races are also blushing, so almost all races in the demon world are chasing Fengming.

The double look of the piano is a bit gloomy. Don't ask, the piano pair knows what the enchanting must be spread by the Qingniu family. In the history of the Yaozu, it is very likely that there will be a lot of enchanting, but it is definitely no longer a secret world. In the depths of the demon world, where there are thousands of enchanting, it is clearly sealed with a monster.

She does not believe that the Yaozu are fools, but the heart is helpless. Those Yaozu cannot be speculated. This enchanting genius is a rumor spread by the Yaozu. However, I have to try it with a hint of thought. Once it is true?

Therefore, nowadays it is almost all the demon people in the demon world are chasing her piano double.

“The third thing is that we have a big hero in the tiger family.” The face of the mountain has a proud color:

"We have a demon emperor of the tiger family to break through in the big river, but some unopened demon people want to kill the monk of our demon. But I did not expect that our tiger hero broke through in time, led to the thunder, and then Chasing those demon saints and demon gods, using the thunder to kill a large number of demon gods and demon saints of eight races. Hahaha... really happy!"

The face of Qin double is a black, and the three major events that happened to the Yaozu are related to themselves.

"The eight races vowed to kill the big hero of our tiger family, but now they have not killed the big hero of our tiger family. They speculate that we are afraid of the big hero of the tiger family. In the demon world, you will enter the warrior's mainland through the gate of the demon. Therefore, the eight ethnic monks also came to the gate of the demon and intercepted the big hero of our tiger."

"And then?" Qin double asked quickly.

"Then, we also came to the Feng and Tiger. The Feng people want to protect the Fengming, and we naturally want to protect the tiger hero."

"That... there has been no conflict between them?" The piano squinted and couldn't help but ask.

"Of course there are conflicts! Only in the city of the demon gate is not allowed to fight. If you want to fight, you will only have a life and death. There are battles almost every day."

"Do you still pass the demon door now?"

"Can't go!" Banshan shook his head: "The demon door is closed. However, this closure has blocked a large number of monks. At this time, there are a large number of monks in the demon city who want to go to the mainland to sell resources, and many more. The demon monk came in from the mainland of the warrior, but could not go back. There are still many monks who want to go to the mainland of the warrior. At this time, they are locked out of the door of the demon, and the complaints are borne. I am afraid that the gate of the demon will not be closed for a long time. By the way, sister, are you coming to kill Fengming, or are you going to kill the big hero of our tiger family?"

Qin double shook his head and said: "I don't kill anyone, I just want to go to the mainland of the warrior."

"This way! Then you can't go, the demon door is closed."

"You are not saying that the monks gathered here are complaining, how long can the gate of the demon be closed? I am waiting here."

"Also, is that sister going to live in the inn? What kind of inn would you like to live in?"

Qinqin destroyed Qingshan Zong, but he did not lack Lingshi. He said: "Look for a good inn and live comfortably."


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