Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 601: breakthrough



Both Qin and Yuan Mu know that they are not able to fight immediately, and they have to give up two quarters of an hour to bet on the monks. There are a thousand places to bet in the entire square. The demon monk has already started betting, but after all, there are not many bets. After all, it is the first time for two newcomers to fight, and the demons don’t understand both of them.

Two quarters of an hour passed quickly. When the fonts on the mask disappeared, both Qin and Yuan Mu opened their eyes at the same time.




The million demon monks on the square shouted in unison, and the atmosphere was immediately pushed to a climax.


Yuan Mu’s big feet slammed and his body shape rushed toward the piano. Qin double pulled out the fish tooth sword behind and fought each other.

The double-flowing water swims the dragon body, such as running water, and like a dragon, so that the other party can not completely attack the real place. The piano pair is in contrast to Yuan Mu's cultivation.

This Yuanmu is also on the verge of breakthrough, but his cultivation is nothing special, which means that he does not belong to that kind of genius, that is, the peak of a normal demon god. The basaltic book of the piano double cultivation, although it is a layer of Valkyrie, but the real combat power is equivalent to the late demon god. It is very simple to kill Yuan Mu, just considering that you don't want to expose your true combat power. Qin Double has always used the running water dragon body method and ordinary sword skills and Yuan Mu Zhou Xuan.

Just tangled with Yuan Mu for less than a quarter of an hour, Qin double will kill each other. Going forward, the other's body was directly received into the town demon tower, so Feng Ming harvested resources such as storage rings. At this time, a little demon flew up to the death and death stage, looking at the piano and smiling:

"Adult, do you want to continue?"

"Continue!" Qin nodded.

The little demon has a saying: "Adult, with your strength, if you continue to fight with the monk's peak monk, the odds will be very low."

Qin double thought a little bit: "That would give me an early stage of the demon god."

"Well, is that adult still betting?"

"Lower!" Qin Double Road: "I had a million spirits before, and now I should have 20 million, and I bet."

"Okay, adults, wait a minute."

Qinqin stood on the side of the life and death stage, and looked down slightly. About a quarter of an hour later, he saw a small and thin monk jumped onto the death and death platform and stood on the other side of the life and death stage. The piano turned to look at the reticle and saw some fonts appearing on the reticle.

Water Lingbo: The peak of the demon god. Odds: One to one.

Shu Li: The beginning of the second floor of the demon god. Odds: One to one.

Seeing this odds, the cone tip of the piano double has a smile, it seems that the life and death is not too optimistic about the beginning of the second layer of the demon!

When the font on the mask disappeared, the two men fought together. This time, the piano used more than a quarter of an hour to kill the other. Then, the third game began again, and the opponent was the peak of the second layer of the demon god.

The piano doubles one after another in a row, from the opponent's peak of the demon **** to the second stage of the demon god, the first peak of the second layer of the demon god, the middle stage of the second layer of the demon god, the middle stage of the second layer of the demon god, the second stage of the demon god, and the peak of the demon **** later.

The entire square has already boiled. Before, it was not a monk who had never seen a continuous life and death battle, nor was it a game that had not seen the challenge. But continuous life and death, and still more than a game, this has never been seen, one by one very excited, the shouts of millions of monks, almost spread all over the entire corner of the demon city, let More demon monks are flying towards it.

When Qin double is fighting with a monk in the early third layer of the demon god, the heart secretly:


Her water properties have been repaired to the critical point of breakthrough, but she has been suppressed. She thought of a way to impress the monks in the city of the demon, that is, to break through in the struggles on the stage of life and death.

On the one hand, they won in a row, and they continued to win. On the other hand, if you break through in the battle, should this be the attention of the monks in the demon city? Even the power of those demon saints should have a little impression of themselves?

Qin double is a step by step plan, first to use the continuous victory to attract more attention, even the eyes of the ancestors who came here, anyway, they are idle, nothing, they make such a big move, say Maybe you will look at it from afar. When the brewing is almost the same, and then break through in the battle, it should have achieved its purpose.


The monk who is fighting with the piano is shrinking. Originally he has been suppressing the piano double. Although it is only a weak suppression, it gives him endless confidence. He believes that killing the opposite water wave is only a matter of time.


At this time, the breath of the opposite water wave rose sharply.

"This is...breakthrough...not good!"

The demon monk's face changed greatly, but he saw a touch of sword light has already hit, the power of this wiping light is far ahead.

"How could this be? She just broke through..."

This thought has not disappeared in the heart, and a good head will be smashed by the piano. The figure of the double pair passed through the mask and landed on the corner of the square, sitting cross-legged, and the million demon monks were silent.

"Breakthrough in battle!"

However, soon their energy was attracted to the death and death stage, because the life and death stage arranged a pair of monks to fight.

After three hours, Qin double opened his eyes, and her Xuan Shui martial arts reached the second floor of Wushen. When I opened my eyes, I saw four demon monks standing around her with big noses. When she saw her breakthrough, she smiled forward with a smile.

"Congratulations, water sister."

"Thank you!" Qin double's face showed a happy smile.

"Are you still preparing for a duel?"

"No!" Qin doubled his head and said: "There has been a breakthrough. There is no need to continue the duel."

"Then we go to the Lingshi." The big nose and other monks are elated.

Seeing their happy smiles, Qin Qin knows that I am afraid that they have made heavy bets in several duels behind them. They should win a lot, and they will continue to fight, constantly stacking bets, and still more duels. It should also win a lot, probably forget about it, there are hundreds of millions of best spirits. The piano is also excited. After the five monks went to receive the Lingshi, they walked outside the square.

"Sister of water, what are your plans for the future?"

"I am going to go to the martial arts mainland to practice. Now the demon door is closed, so only one side is practicing here, waiting for the demon door to open. I just broke through and went back to retreat for a while."

The four demon monks also nodded: "Then don't bother the water sister, and after you leave the customs, we will gather again."


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