Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 602: Return to Fengming City



Qin double returned to the inn, knocked on the counter, and the shopkeeper behind the counter looked up:

"Guest, what are you doing?"

"I have to shut down for a while. If the door of the demon is open, you will be sent to inform me."

"it is good!"

Qin nodded, went down the stairs to the second floor, entered his room, set up a ban on the law, and then released Fengming from the town demon tower, he entered the town demon tower, began to practice It’s up.

She is now only left with fire and phoenix to make no breakthrough, but also needs to be suppressed. Because of the breakthrough in the demon world, the resulting fire attribute momentum will definitely attract attention.

"That is to cultivate metal and water properties!"

Time flies.

The demon door has been closed for three months, but the Fengming and the phoenix seem to have disappeared from the demon world. Even if there is an ancestor, the demon door can't be closed all the time. In the end, the demon door was opened again. After receiving the communication of Fengming, Qinshuang came out from the town demon tower, and the water properties and metality repairs once again reached the peak, and breakthroughs were made at any time. It was only suppressed by the piano. Feng Ming was collected into the town demon tower, and the law was banned. When the door was opened, a small demon stood outside the door. When he saw the piano double coming out, he immediately said:

"Objective, the demon door is open!"

Qin double eyes are bright, nodded, throwing a lower spirit stone to the little demon, then walked out of the inn, along the street, toward the demon door.

Before I even walked to the door of the demon, I felt that a stock of power was falling from the sky, and the pressure caused the piano to be shocked. Looking up at the sky, but can not see the slightest trace, she knows, this is the ancestors hidden in the sky, is paying attention to the door of the demon.

Qin doubled the mind, she knew that she could not reveal the slightest uneasiness at this time. The face just showed a hint of excitement and a desire for the mainland of the warrior, and went in the direction of the door of the demon.


The eyes of Qin double swept past the door of the demon, there is a figure she is familiar with, it is Gao Xiaoxiao.

Qin’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the heart said: “She shouldn’t recognize me?”

Looking out at the gate of the demon, I saw that there were eight demon sacred standing there, looking at the monks who walked into the demon gate one by one. In front of the demon's door, an arch was built. The arch was to check the attributes of the demon monk. All the metal and fire property monks were stopped. One by one asked about the origins, and all the true identity was not confirmed. The demon monks were stopped, monitored, and waiting to investigate.

Seeing this, the heart of Qin double is certain. Lined up and slowly walked toward the door of the demon. About half an hour later, Qin double stood in front of the arch, the eyes of the eight demon sacred, and the eyes of Gao Xiaoxiao gathered on the body of the piano.

When the piano passed through the arch, the arch was azure in color. Gao Xiaoxiao and the eyes of the eight demon sacred turned to the monk behind the piano. The piano stepped through the arch briskly and stepped into the door of the demon.

"came back!"

The piano is standing in the air, looking at the door of the demon below, and the face is uncontrollably showing a smile.

"I will go to Fengming City first."

Fengming City.

A red dress with a red giant sword behind her eyes stood in the air and looked at Fengming City, which had been built below. Then slowly fell to the gate of Fengming City.

"The Lord of the City!"

A personal family saw the piano double and hurriedly fell. Qin Shuang went down the street to his own palace. Entering the palace and listening to the rewards, they waved them away and then exchanged with Feng Ming:

"Feng Ming, if you don't want to stay here, stay in the town demon tower, big deal, I will give up here."

"Qin double, do you want to give up here?" Feng Ming's voice came from the town demon tower.

"I don't want to!" Qin doubled his head and said: "After all, I can protect a group of people here. And as my influence increases, there will be more and more people in the asylum, and I have left a practice here, here. The Terran will grow up under my protection and will become a force to fight against the demon in the future."

"Then I will stay."

"But... that is dangerous! Those demon people know that we have returned to the mainland of the warriors, I am afraid they will come."

"I don't want anyone to be able to pinch it. Don't forget, my body strength is now the seventh floor of the demon. As long as the ancestors of all ethnic groups do not shoot, I should have no problem with self-protection. At the very least, I think To escape, they can't stop me."


Qin double thought, Feng Ming is not only stronger than his own body strength, but because the time in the town demon tower is much longer than himself, now her spiritual power has also reached the fourth floor of the Valkyrie, surpassing Yourself. Moreover, she is refining with the bones of the fire phoenix. The body is the phoenix body, and there is no need to open it. Her true combat power definitely reaches the peak of Wusheng. And she will do the same way, she will also. Where I am stronger than her, there are only three kinds of spiritual powers that can be combined. Feng Ming stayed here, and there should be no problem with self-protection.


Is there still a phoenix dance here?

Even if the phoenix dance can't stop the demon's encirclement of Fengming, it can still be done. As long as this one is contained, Feng Ming wants to escape, and it is not very difficult.

Qin Double finally agreed that Feng Ming stayed here and made a contribution to the Terran. However, she did not leave immediately, but entered the town demon tower, the crazy alchemy in the town demon tower, fully refining for nearly two years, refining a large number of medicinal herbs. Then they handed over these medicinal herbs to Fengming, and let Fengming live in Fengming City as the master of alchemy. Moreover, the medicinal herbs of the Qin Shuang refining are from the first level of Dandao to the tenth level, so that Feng Ming can show it to the outside world and gradually break through to the realm of Dan Dao Master.

You must know that in the demon world, the highest level of Dan Dao master is only six, Feng Ming does not need to show the level of the ten-level Dan Dao master, as long as the five levels are displayed, it will play a decisive role in the Yaozu. These medicinal herbs can make Fengming recruit a lot of demon masters, and then you can fight with the demon monks who killed her. Drive the Yaozu to play the Yaozu, this is also the thing that Qin Double is happy to see.

After finishing all this, Qin double gave Feng Yu and Jian Yu Xiaojian to Feng Ming, and also learned some flaming phoenix liquid and half of the phoenix meat to Feng Ming, let her use it for cultivation. This left the Fengming City. Fly in the direction of the Iron Wall City.


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