Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 611: Sweeping



After the piano, Wu Sheng, Wu Shen and Wu Di flew out and swooped down to the bottom. They have already locked in a demon king, but less than half an hour, the demon's camp is empty, and the ground is in front of a demon corpse. Qin double condensed a big hand, the bodies of these Yaozu were collected into the town demon tower, and a figure gathered behind the piano pair.


The piano doubled and shouted, and the figure continued to fly forward. This Yaozu is only the leading army, and there are more Yaozu behind them.

Seventeen days.

Just seventeen days, the dozens of people in the double line of the piano, will kill almost all the monks above the demon king in the innocent desert, only a few demon kings escape.

Zhangling River.

It is more than two thousand meters wide.

This river is the dividing line between the Yaozu and the Mozu. The Zhangling River is the territory of the Yaozu. The other side of the river is the territory of the Mozu in the agreement.

At this time, dozens of people standing on the side of the Zhangling River and looking at the other side of the Zhangling River.

On the other side.

The shadows are heavy, and it seems that the Mozu also knows that the Jubilee Empire began to attack the Yaozu in a big way, and it has already prepared for the Moon Empire. A large number of demons piled up on the other side of the Zhangling River.

Godsend looked at the shadow of the other side: "It seems that the Mozu are well prepared, and most of the Mozu are gathered on the other side. All the masters of the Mozu should have arrived."

"This is just right!" The **** coat said coldly: "Let us save them one by one."

"Moon Emperor!" Shen Qiu looked to Qin double.

One day holy, May God, the twenty-eight star emperor's gaze is concentrated on the body of Qin double.


The piano doubled and repulsed, and a figure flew out from the side of the piano pair and killed toward the other side. Halfway through, the momentum of one body will completely burst. The Mozu monks on the other side also rose up to the sky and rushed toward them. The two sides collided over the Zhangling River, and the bodies of the Mozu were dropped from the air.

What Qinqin has to do is to destroy the demons and demons with the thunder, save time, and let her return to Luofuzong as soon as possible and enter the sky wall.

Her figure floated up, her mind was moving, and in the heart of Haoran, the two-pointed Guqin floating above the golden bucket floated in front of her. The piano double-handed Buddha moves the strings, and the melody of the soul-killing is sprayed out.

The souls of countless Mozu monks burst and died, and the bodies fell like rain. Even those who are above the Wuwang monk, the mind is also taken for it, but the moment of the loss of God, it was madly killed by Godsend and others.

This battle did not last long. In less than half a quarter of an hour, Qin double stopped the soul-killing and took Guqin into the heart of Haoran. The monks above the Demon King are killed by God and others. More countless demon kings of the monks directly died.

When the piano doubled to stop the soul, those who were far away from the monk were less affected. After waking up, they saw the body of the demon in the land, the scene of hell, and shouted, and fled.


The double sleeves of the piano flew forward and flew forward. They were the masters of the piano. The lowest was also the Emperor Wu. They quickly caught up with the exiled monks, but they did not pursue them. Fly directly from their heads.

These monks are not their purpose, they are reserved for the millions of troops behind. Their purpose is to destroy the Mozu monks above the devil in the innocent desert.

However, the vast majority of the Mozu high-ranking monks were killed in the battle of Zhang Linghe, and they were killed by the piano, including the only layer of the demon. Qinshuang, Tianshen and Shen Qiu, the three souls of Wusheng, are fully unfolded, each with a team of people, divided into three directions to sweep the territory occupied by the Mozu. Under the scanning of their powerful soul power, all the demons and monks above the demon king were searched out and killed one by one.

Twenty-one days.

Qin double and others stood on the edge of the innocent desert, and a big battle broke out behind them. Tens of thousands of troops are chasing and killing the two demons.

It has been shared for thirty-eight days. Qin Double leads a holy, five gods and twenty-eight emperors, sweeping away the high-ranking monks on the innocent desert.

"Half a year!" Shen Qiu's face flashed a touch of excitement: "As long as there are more than half a year, the army will be able to kill the remaining demons. The innocent desert will become a paradise without demons. ”

Qin nodded, eyes gazing out to the innocent desert, through the heart of the mind, Qin double know that Feng Yan is deploying a large array of thousands of miles in that direction.

"Come with me!"

The piano doubles up, and Shen Qiu and others follow. They don't know why Qin double took them to the innocent desert, but with the power of the piano doubles, no one dared to ask.

After two hours.

In the eyes of everyone, a figure appeared. The listener was flying in the low air and continually scored a flag in the innocent desert. The eyes of Shen Qiu are a bright light.

"Moon Emperor, that is..."

"That is the big master I invited!"

At this time, Feng Yan also stopped and made a flight to the piano.

"Qin double!"

"Feng Yan! Let me introduce you to you." Qin looked at everyone: "This is the great master of the circuit that I invited. She will lay the whole innocent desert into a large array of thousands of miles of sand. After the success, Wu Sheng can not invade. After the Fengyan will set up a rejuvenation array in the Wanli Huangsha array, it has long been a square of cultivation. The center of our string moon empire will be established in Rejuvenation in the big burst."

Everyone's eyes are like a small sun, and their faces are excited.

"At that time, I will make this a holy place of cultivation. The concentration of the aura inside is at least five times that of the outside."


Everyone is not calm at once. Now the aura of the warriors has become very rich. Now I heard that the place where they practice in the future will increase by five times. What does this mean?

This means that their repair speed will increase again. Even God-given people who practice the ancient exercises will not be trapped by the elements of heaven and earth.


Qin double smiled, and then introduced everyone to Feng Yan one by one. In fact, this is just a passing process. Feng Yan is very familiar with these people, after the introduction.

"Feng Yan Grand Master!" Gods politely said: "How long does it take?"

“It takes more than four months for the Wanli Yellow Sands to take place. It takes three months to rejuvenate the big array. However, after the rejuvenation of the big springs, it is not immediately possible to improve the desert environment. The time will then be better every year, until three years later, it will become a real cultivation place."


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