Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 612: go away



"More than four months is enough." Tianci readily nodded: "Even if the demon and the two have got the news here, they are going to conquer our string moon empire, and their preparation time will not be less than four months. And they also We must pay attention to Wu Zongdian and the Frost Empire. We have enough time."

Qin nodded, she is not worried about the Yaozu. The Yaozu is now not on the side of the Jiuyue Empire because of the existence of Fengming. After all, the inheritance of Wan Yao is more important than his own string moon empire. Moreover, the Feng nationality will not let the Yao Yaozu excessively chase the Fengming, and it is bound to participate in it. At that time, the Yaozu will be confused for a while, and there is no energy to pay attention to the Yueyue Empire.

On the other side of the Mozu, as Tianshen analyzed, they need to prepare for the time, and need to arrange the layout for the Wu Zongdian and the Frost Empire. Otherwise, once the center of gravity shifts to the side of the crescent moon empire, the Wu Zongdian and the Frost Empire are squandered and counterattacks against them, and the Mozu can't afford it. After all, they finally occupied the ten fortresses on the life defense line, and the Wu Zongdian and the Frost Empire always wanted to take back. This preparation time will not be less than four months. And they should still think about joining forces with the Yaozu. However, the Yaozu does not have the energy, which makes the Mozu need more time to prepare.

I am afraid that it may not be able to launch an attack on the Crescent Moon Empire within a year. If Wu Zongdian and the Frost Empire can be restrained again, the time will drag on for a longer time.

Of course, Qin Qin did not count on Wu Zongdian and the Frost Empire. It’s just over four months, it’s enough. With the Wanli Huangsha big array, you can first bring in people and resources.

Qinqin did not return to the Jiyue Empire. The tops of the Jiuyue Empire were here. They sent people to call Qinwu and Qinqin. In this innocent desert, Qin Double arranged everything and chose to leave alone. She now needs to quickly improve her strength, and the sky wall is a chance that cannot be missed.

"Everyone, the empire will get rid of you!" Qin double arched hands solemnly.

Everyone has returned to the ceremony, and they sing: "Be careful!"

The piano nodded twice, turned around, and took a step in the sky, flying on the clouds, and going on the clouds.

Godsend looked at the back of the piano, and there was a worry in his eyes.

"What? Worried?"

In the god-giving sea of ​​knowledge, a small man sat there, and it was the Yuan Ying who was originally in Tianci Dantian. Today's godsend is already a **** of war, that is, a period of distraction. After Yuan Yinghua, he was divided into the sea.

Only this **** is half as white as jade, and half is as bloody. At this time, this sentence is exactly half the mouth of the red blood, half a red **** face full of temptation.

"You just give up the resistance and let me swallow up the other half. I will make your cultivation increase immediately. At that time, you can be with her, protect her, care for her, and shoulder the sword with her." ”

"Shut up!" Bai Ruyu's half face showed anger.

"Oh, huh..." The half-faced face of the red blood shows a smile: "God, you can't escape, it's just a matter of time. Your body is mine after all, hehehehe..."

The piano flies out of the innocent desert, and it runs through the boundaries of the two demons, killing the past.

"I am so killing the demon and the two, it is bound to arouse the anger of the two demons. They will draw their attention to me. So, they must kill me. This can also ease the pressure on the Fengming and the Crescent Empire. Get more time for Fengming and the Crescent Moon Empire."

Among the various identities of Qin double, the means of the ontology are the most. It is also the strongest in the identity of the ontology, because the ontology can release the skills of Confucianism and Taoism, and you can use the sound. The techniques and sounds of Confucianism and Taoism are far beyond the cultivation of Qinshuang. They can fight with the top demon and the devil. Even if they are not, it is not a problem to escape.

Of course, the piano double will not be stupid enough to be surrounded by the demon and the demon master. Her soul power has reached the tenth floor of Wu Sheng, not far from the peak of the world, the power of the soul spread, the number of squares How can it be surrounded by demons and demons?

The situation is as planned by Qin Double. She has smashed the territory of the two demons and attracted a lot of eyes of the demon and the two. The demon and the two have long forgotten the empire of the crescent moon and will hate all the hatred. They all gathered on the body of the piano. However, the partial piano can always get the first opportunity to escape before the demon and the two races, so that the two demons are more angry and angry when they are exhausted.

One month.

The piano doubled and fled, and finally came to the edge of the sea and flew deep into the sea.

Although the two demons have not been able to kill the piano, they have not lost the direction of the piano. In fact, this is also the flaw left by Qin Double, let them know their direction, so that they will vent their anger in the Jiuyue Empire after waiting for their disappearance.

Sure enough, things are just as the piano doubles expected, countless demons chasing the piano double into the sea.

Qinshuang did not want to introduce these demons into the blue sea continent. In the absence of the slightest preparation in the blue sea, there are so many demons in the sky. It is a disaster for the blue sea continent. Therefore, the piano is in the opposite direction of the blue sea. Fly away.

It is another month.

The piano double and the demon have penetrated into the sea. This piece of sea, not to mention the demon, is the piano double is also very strange. This month, Qinshuang and the demon have numerous battles. They are as strong as the piano, and the body is also beginning to be injured. However, the cultivation is more and more sturdy. It is not only the critical point of the breakthrough of the law, but the martial arts repair. Again, the critical point is reached.

"It's time to open them."

Qin double looked back at the black spot behind him, suddenly opened the fire phoenix body, combined with three spiritual powers, the speed of the flying phoenix dance suddenly increased.

After a quarter of an hour, the phoenix body of the piano double dissipated, and the piano doubled in the air, looking back, and the demons were gone.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, and said in his heart: "Fortunately, there is no ancestor of the two demons on the mainland, otherwise they will never escape."


The piano swooped down the sea in two directions, plunging into the sea and sneaking deep into the sea. When entering the depths of the sea, the piano doubles into the town demon tower, and then controls the town demon tower to be swallowed into the belly by a large fish.

After seven days.

The piano double broke the belly of the big fish, drilled it out and flew over the surface of the sea. The power of the soul spread all around, and the face finally showed a light color. In the place where the power of her soul spread, no traces of the demon were found.


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