Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 613: breakthrough



"I don't know where I am now? Where are the devils going?"

Qinqin raised his head and looked at the position of the sun to identify the direction. Take the flying boat out of the storage ring and fly in the direction of Luo Fuzong.

This flying boat is the fastest flying speed of the piano pair in Luofuzong. For example, lightning, like a meteor, after twelve days, Qin double has entered the monastic world. Although it has not yet reached the blue sea, it has been able to get from some islands. See the people living in it.

I chose an uninhabited island and fell. Opened a cave house and began to break through.

Three days later.

Qin double opened his eyes in Dongfu, and two beams of starlight shot, such as starlight, illuminating Dongfu.

"Today's cultivation, as long as the ancestors of the two demons do not appear, should I be able to protect myself? At the very least, can you escape?"

Qin double is very clear about her strength. This time, although she aroused the anger of the two demons, but not only the ancestors of the two demons did not come to the mainland of the warriors, they were the demon saints and demons on the mainland of the warriors. The monks of the Holy 9th floor did not even shoot. After all, they are the leading figures in the demon. How can they shoot for a small piano?

Qin double is stronger, but it is just a Valkyrie!

Let the two demons of the demon and the sect of the Eighth layer of Wusheng have already given the face of the piano double heaven. Moreover, these eight layers of Wusheng did not join the encirclement of Qinqin at the beginning, but later the Qinshuang became more and more inconspicuous, and the two demons of the demon and the two had each launched a Wusheng eight-story.

Qinqin simply did not have the opportunity to fight with the two martial arts eight layers. Once the soul of the soul captured two people, they immediately fled. Judging by Qin Shuang, he has a great possibility of killing an eight-layer Wusheng of a warrior's mainland, but it is likely to be defeated by a demon eight-layer or a demon eight-layer. After all, the practice of the military practice on the mainland of the military is a simplified version, and the strength is lower. The two demons are different, not to mention that they still have their own secret inheritance.

It can be said that on the way to the double escape of the two brothers, if she did not have the skills and sounds of Confucianism and Taoism, she would have been surrounded by martial arts and legal methods.

Nowadays, the cultivation of Qin double has been upgraded, which makes her heart a little more confident.

The Ruijin method was broken through the fifth floor of Yuan Ying, and the martial arts repair broke through the second floor of Wushen.

Xuan Shui Fa Tao repaired the fifth floor of Yuan Ying, and Wu Dao Xiu broke through the third floor of Wushen.

The Fenghuo method was completed on the eleventh floor of Yuan Ying, and the martial arts repair broke through the fifth floor of the Valkyrie.

Only a slight improvement in the power of the soul is still the beginning of the tenth layer of Wusheng. The body repair is even more whispering, still the third peak of Wusheng.

Confucianism and Taoism did not improve, but the consumption of the awe-inspiring spirit has not yet been completed, and there are two golden buckets that are empty, waiting for the piano to practice it back.

"My law is repaired, and now the highest is the phoenix fire, reaching the eleventh floor of the Yuan Ying period. According to the realm, it is equivalent to Wu Wang.

However, the true combat power of the law is beyond the order of the martial arts. That is to say, now I am the Yuan Ying period, but it is equivalent to an Emperor. And it is still the peak of Emperor Wu.

Do not!

The cultivation methods improved by the monks have made their strengths two times higher than the ancient practice. In other words, I am only able to sweep the peak of the Emperor Wu of the Warrior on the mainland of China. Also, I am the eleventh floor of Yuan Ying. Among the monks, the tenth floor is the peak, but I can cultivate to the thirteenth floor. That is to say, my current cultivation is higher than all the elements of the monk. Infancy, if you do not consider other factors, only to repair, I can also sweep all the Yuan Ying period.

That is to say, nowadays, the cultivation of my phoenix fire law can already reach the half-step martial arts of the military. But compared with the demon two...

I am only a little higher than the demon king and the demon king. In the repair, it should be 20% higher than the demon king and the demon king. Plus I am the eleventh floor of the Yuan Ying period, and should step into the half step or the emperor. Half step of the emperor's level.

Repair is still too low!

This is still compared with my strongest Fenghuo repair, and Ruijin and Xuanshui are even worse. ”

Qin double shook his head and sighed: "At present, you can still rely on the martial arts!"

"My Fenghuo martial arts repair has reached the fifth floor of the Valkyrie. The real combat power should be equivalent to the demon sacred or the magical mid-term. Of course, this does not count many of my cards. If you add other cards, such as mine The second realm of swords, I am afraid that the seven layers of the demon or the devil can also fight?

For the ordinary seven-layer demon or the demon, you should be able to fight, but it is not necessarily for some powerful races. If you encounter the enchanting genius of the Yao and the Mozu..."

In the minds of Qin Shuang, Gao Xiaoxiao was remembered. Gao Xiaoxiao was only the first layer of Wu Sheng. However, if it wasn’t for the Qin Shuang’s swordsmanship with a great master, I was afraid that Gao Xiaoxiao would be embarrassed. Nowadays, although her cultivation has improved two small levels than that at that time, and the sword field has entered the second level, she is not sure at all. In the case that she does not use the sword, it must be Gao Xiaoxiao's opponent.

Moreover, when the last time against Gao Xiaoxiao, Gao Xiaoxiao just used the second position of the knife field, and he was run by his own sword. Gao Xiaoxiao might have other cards to use. Therefore, in the case where the sword is not applicable, the piano pair is on Gao Xiaoxiao, and it is really a little grasped.

not to mention……

Gao Xiaoxiao knows that he is a great master, and will be prepared for the next time he fights with himself. The Yaozu has a long history and deep roots. Who can be sure that there is no powerful defense weapon?

"Aside from those old people, Gao Xiaoxiao will be his opponent in the Yaozu."

In the eyes of Qin double, there is a flash of light: "And in the mainland of the warrior, that gold invincible should be his biggest opponent. The last time he saw gold invincible, his strength is only slightly worse than himself. With the foundation of Wu Zongdian, if Give Jin Invincible a full set of equipment... and...the gold invincible body is very strong."

"There are also the red flying of the Mozu!" Qin double eyebrows slightly pick: "The red flies in the mouth of the fox maiden seem to be the first genius of the Mozu. When it was still the demon god, it killed the magic sage. I don't know what it is now. for?

Gao Xiaoxiao has already played against it. I was not an opponent at that time, and I am still not sure now. Chi Fei has not yet handed over, I really hope to fight with him! ”

"There is also the mainland of the warrior, the big disciple of Mishima, Hu Yankuo has been killed by me, Xiang Wendao and Li Che are not my opponents. Instead, Du Fu, like snow and ink, has great potential and strong strength. And I didn't really deal with the three of them. I don't know if they have broken through to the stage of the gods? If they break through to the gods..."


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