Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 618: Another batch



At this time, Yan Xia Ke noticed that Ji Tianming and others were building a house for the piano. Can not help but praise:

"Although you are not in the sect of the whole year, but the relationship between you and the same door is still very good. Just came back, someone came running to help you build a house. But you can't stand next to do nothing? They are here to help you, how can you stand by and do nothing?"

"Speaking brother, this is what we asked for." Ji Tianming and others have said: "Sister just came back from the outside, tired and tired, let her rest for a while."

Yan Xiake is a very old-fashioned person. He heard the words: "You take the initiative to build a house for your teacher and sister is your friendship, but as a teacher..."

"Senior brother, brother!" Qin double also knows the old-fashioned nature of Yan Xiake, but his heart is not angry, only helpless, hurriedly said:

"I am not idle. I am not planning to bring a stream from the mountain, through the Lingguo forest, to the sea of ​​flowers, then dig a pond in the center of the sea of ​​flowers, and build a pavilion by the pond."

Yan Xia’s big hand and the master’s prestige show: “Well, let’s not say this. Let the brothers see if you are running outside this year and have not been mistaken.”

Having said that, he added: "I said it first, only the law is allowed, and the martial arts are not allowed."

"Do it!"

“Why not?” Yan Xia’s eyes blinked: “I am the master to inspect you. As long as your cultivation is over, I will say a few words to you in front of Master.”

In the heart of the piano is a move, knowing that this is the master who is afraid that Master will punish her, first to do it, so that the Master can also let the Master deflate. Although the heart is moved, but still do not want to play against Yan Xia.

"Master, I want to cite the springs and dig the pond..."

"It goes without saying that you can insist on three tricks under my hand, lead the springs, dig the pond, and the brothers will do it."

"okay then!"

After a while, the endless peak sounded the sound of rumbling, a human figure flying in the air against the mountain, is opening a canal, leading the mountain spring.

Qin double has already collected the flowers on the pond and the pavilion place, and pulled some flowers to form a small path, standing there wondering if it is paving a layer of pebbles on the path.


More than a dozen figures flew up and fell in front of the Qin double, one by one, the piano double looked, but it was just when the Qin double entered the knot period, these dozens of monks once wanted to grab the piano The double water bead was beaten by the piano. Nowadays, these monks are all the first layer of the Yuan Ying period.

"Breakthrough!" Qin is very happy in the heart. After all, this makes Zongmen strong, and Qin is not surprised. These people were the best group of disciples in the period, and they were trained in Luofuzong. In the case of more than a year, the breakthrough to the Yuan Ying period is not a shock. I smiled and said:

"Where are the brothers and sisters, what are you teaching?"

"Yue Shimei, we are not swearing. The last time you were beaten by a beat, we were very uncomfortable. Now we have all broken through the Yuan Ying period, and the strength has increased greatly. So I want to beat you and take revenge."

"You can rest assured that we are just yelling at you."

"Fighting, girl!"

"The landscape is rotating, and today you will taste the taste of being beaten."


The words Xia Ke, who is opening the canal in the air, and Ji Tianming, who is building a house on the ground, and others, did not disable the pity and glanced at the dozen monks.

"Don't go!" Qin double shook his head and said: "You also saw it. I am very busy now. My master is helping me to open a drain. The brothers and other people are helping me build a house. I want to go from here to here. At the foot of the mountain, lay a step with Daqingshi..."

" Needless to say!" A monk headed by the hand waved: "As long as you win us, we will lay the stairs."

Qin double laughed: "The brothers and sisters of the brothers and sisters are improving, and they are very happy for the Zongmen. I am very happy. Since you want to revenge and hate, as a teacher, how can I not give you a chance?"

"it is good!"

A dozen monks "hula", they surrounded the piano double, how to look at each other:

"Who are we going first?"

Qin double rushed to say: "You don't have to negotiate, let's go together. Please brothers and sisters!"

The words fall, the Qinshui’s knowledge of the sea here spurred the endless murderousness to be released through the momentum. It is the temper that has experienced countless times of life and death, killing the murderous tens of thousands of demons and demons. At that time, the dozens of monks seemed to be in the boundless battlefield. The blood was drifting, the bodies were everywhere, and countless powerful demons swallowed them, letting them look awkward and chilling.

Their ears seemed to hear the demon crying, as if they saw the boundless sea of ​​blood drowning towards them. The killing of the piano doubles brought a fierce impact to their hearts and gave birth to a phantom.


One monk fell to the ground, pale, and his hands and feet trembled. Even the timid female repair has already cried. Qin double converges on the momentum and faintly looks at the dozens of monks.

After a quarter of an hour, the dozens of monks returned to their hearts and slowed down, but the eyes that looked at Qin double were full of fear. Qin double light:

"Everyone, my steps..."

"Let's come, let's come, let's go find Daqingshi."

More than a dozen monks had cold sweats on their foreheads, one by one jumping from the ground and running wild.

Above the clouds in the distance, Yang Yingtian, Wanzhongshan, Zhang Zongzheng and Chu Yun and other elders looked at the direction of the endless peaks, not only one.

"What has this endless experience in this year and a half? It is so murderous. From the point of murderousness, she is stronger than the old guys like us. How can the little guys in the ten-year-old boy be able to resist?"

"Our monasticism has been strangled, but now it is far less strangled than the mainland of the warriors. The demons there may have been tempered by the minds of the warriors. The most lacking of our disciples is the baptism of the murderous ones. Although the fighting spirit is arrogant, it is also quite satisfactory in terms of learning, but once it is against the demon, the battle of life and death, I am afraid it will suffer!"

"There will be a loss!" Yang Yingtian sighed a sigh: "If I have not guessed wrong, the endless year and a half should go to the mainland of the military."

"This..." Wanzhongshan couldn't help but say: "Is this gimmick not knowing her own identity? I don't know how important she is to Zongmen? Even one person ran to the warrior's mainland adventure, mad at me."


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