Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 621: Open sky



Qin nodded and agreed with Master's point of view. Even if the qualifications of the Mishima monks are enchanting, the talents are no better, they will cultivate to the tenth floor of the Yuan Ying period, and there is no way to temper the power of the sea to the third stage. This is impossible for the entire monk. Compared with myself. The thirteenth floor of the Yuan Ying period is enough to make itself go up to the first level, which is equivalent to the first layer of the magical period. It will quench the sea to the third stage, and let yourself go up to the next level. On the second floor, the practice of cultivation is unprecedented, higher than the practice of all monastic circles, and then let yourself go one level and reach the third level of the magical period.

"Do you want to add my way?"

"I really don't know how much adventure you have!" Wanzhongshan said with emotion: "Your Taoism is really powerful. For the teacher's life, I also played with many monks in Mishima. Have a certain understanding, their exercises are not as good as you. Plus your practice, if you meet the ordinary monks of Mishima, it is the fifth layer of the god, you can also fight. But if you encounter the three islands The outstanding monk, I am afraid it is equivalent to the fourth layer of the god."

"What if I use the sword field?"

Wanzhongshan thought for a moment: "If you run into nothing; comprehend the realm of the gods in the field, it is the eighth layer of the gods, you can also fight. But if the other side also understands the field, it is hard to say, to See who is in the field between you."

"Understood!" Qin doubled and said: "Master, is there a lot of people in the field of Mishima monks?"

“Rarely! Under normal circumstances, the minimum revision of the comprehension field must also reach the stage of the gods, but the people who can comprehend the field can be described as rare. The vast number of distracted monks have no comprehend the field, and even the Mahayana monks can’t comprehend. In the field, just like our Luo Fuzong, that is, the lord and I have realized the field. Of course, there are also geniuses, such as you, in the Yuan Ying period, and even in the period of the knot, you will understand the field. For example, the chief disciple of Mishima, I have realized the field."

“They all understand the realm? What realm?”

"I don't know!" Wanzhongshan shook his head. "However, it is estimated that it is the first realm. It is too difficult to understand the second realm. It is only the first realm for the teacher. It is said that the main island of Mishima is also It is the third realm."

Qin double thought: "Master, if I break through to the magical period, is there a leap in the ability?"

"That is of course!" Wanzhongshandao: "You are now trapped in the realm. You must know that the period of the gods and the period of the Yuan Ying are completely two worlds. The use of the Yuan Ying period is still the power of the sea, but it is used by the gods. It’s a god, it’s a qualitative difference. If you break through to the gods, even if it’s just the first layer of the gods, it’s just a repair, and you’re the sixth layer of the gods, plus your way. Law, your strength will reach the seventh to eighth layers of the magical period. If you add your sword field, you can compete with the peak of the gods."


A crisp sound passed into Dongfu, and Wanshan looked a glimpse and then ecstasy. When the figure flashed, it came out of Dongfu. Qinqin followed the Dongfu, and saw the lord Yang Yingtian and the elders flew one by one to the trial peak. It was called a quick, but it disappeared in an instant. When the piano double enters the trial peak, he hears a loud laugh from the trial peak.

The piano doubled in the footsteps, knowing that this is a message that the sky wall can enter. Qinqin turned and left the trial peak and returned to his endless peak.

Sure enough, at dusk, Zongmen issued a notice. The end of the year is held one month ahead of schedule, and will be held ten days later. The ratio of entering the sky wall will be determined through the big ratio.

The sky wall is divided into eight layers, each layer corresponds to a realm. The eighth layer corresponds to the realm of the Mahayana period. Only one person is allowed to enter each time, and this quota has already been determined for Wanzhong Mountain. Because the entire Luofuzong is only a Mahayana period, it is expected that he can further in the sky wall. breakthrough. The seventh layer corresponds to the distraction period, and each time only two monks can be entered. These two places are also confirmed. They are given to the lord Yang Yingtian and the elder Zhang Zongzheng, and the two people are half-step Mahayana, but strictly speaking Up, it is also within the scope of the distraction period, so these two places will give them two, I hope they can break through the Mahayana period in the sky.

The sixth layer corresponds to the sacred period, and only four can be entered at a time. These four places are also determined to be the four strongest elders of the Luofu dynasty.

The fifth layer corresponds to the Yuan Ying period, the number of people will increase from this level, but this layer can only enter 100 people each time, and with 100 places, they will decide the quota through the Yuan Ying disciples. The fourth layer corresponds to the knot period, and each time you can enter 300 people. The third layer corresponds to the base period, and each time it can enter 500 people. The second layer corresponds to the refining period, and each time you can enter a thousand people. The first layer corresponds to the day after tomorrow, and each time you can enter 3,000 people. These places are also determined by the ratio of each level.

The whole Luofuzong has boiled, and the rewards of the previous Dabe have become less important than the number of places in the Tianbi. Everyone has heard the legend of the sky, although the opening time of the sky is only two months. However, in the legend, any monk who enters the sky and can live alive will at least improve a small rank. Many monks will break through and even break through the realm.

In such a short period of time, it is a miracle to be able to make a breakthrough. Therefore, the atmosphere of cultivation that has been in full swing has become more boiling, and challenges of all levels are happening every day.

Qin double is nesting on her own endless peaks. She did not challenge, but arranged a ban in the room, then entered the town demon tower and began to practice quietly.

There are still ten days in Dabi.

Ten days is very short for others, but it is very long for Qin. Because she has a town demon tower, the outside world for ten days, the town demon tower has been nearly sixteen years. Sixteen years is enough for her to accumulate a breakthrough.

It didn't take ten days, but in the past six days, Qin double has reached the critical point of breakthrough again. However, Qin Double did not choose to break through. She knew that she could break through in the sky and did not delay the understanding of Heaven. Therefore, Qin Double decided to enter the sky wall and then choose to break through. There, there are endless months, and no one is discovered.

From the town demon tower, slowly walked into the pavilion in the sea of ​​flowers, took out the tea set, ready to brew pot tea. She did not go down the mountain, and no one came to disturb her. After a day of leisure on the endless peak, she returned to the town demon tower again. Start to sort out the way the month is endless.


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