Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 625: Sovereign visit



Qin doubled up and opened the ban, and pushed the door out. Shi Lidao: "Endless to see the lord."

Yang Yingtian’s face immediately showed a spring-like smile: “Endless, didn’t bother you?”

"No! The Sovereign invites!"

Yang Yingtian entered the room and the two were seated. Yang Yingtian looks at the Qin Double Road:

“Is there anything missing?”

Qin double shook his head: "The sovereign, the refining of the great Dan, the need for the peak of the great master, now I am not in that realm, is working hard."

“Ah?” Yang Yingtian’s face showed disappointment, but even if he calmed down, his heart understood that in this world, being able to become a Dandao master is already very great, and he wants to be a big man. Master, where is so easy, I am afraid that it has not been for decades, even hundreds of years. And now I don't know how far the moon is now. How far is it from the Grand Master?

However, after all, I can’t bear the hope in my heart: “How much are you still worse?”

"It's almost, it won't be long."

If you change to someone else, it will take a long time, but the piano has a town demon tower, which can save a lot of time. Yang Yingtian heard it, his eyes were bright.



Yang Yingtian nodded and smiled on his face. Xu Feibai had hope, and Yang Yingtian’s mood was relaxed, with a smile:

"You have destroyed Qingshan Zong, but the Qingshan Zong has been scraped, but it is clean!"

"Oh..." Qin double laughed indecently.

"Reassure, Qingshan Zong is you alone, and you are collecting your spoils. However, you should use the sword to destroy the Qingshan Zong? Otherwise it is impossible to do this with your strength. ”

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

"It's a waste!" Yang Yingtian couldn't help but said: "Do you know how precious the sword is?"

"Know!" Qin double said seriously: "However, I swore in front of the coffin of Wusong Shishu, which must destroy the Qingshan sect, the black moon sect and the Thai one, revenge for Wusong Shishu. Qingshan Zong is only The first one. I have no chance to let go of the black moon and the Thai one."

Yang Yingtian nodded and his face was gratified. However, I still advised: "The endless, you can't be smashed in the future. You will enter the mainland of the warrior next year. If at this time, you openly hit the black moon and the Thai one, it will become the public enemy of the monastic world. At that time, even Zongmen can't protect you."

"I know!"

"Do you really understand?"

"Really!" Qin double smiled: "I will attack the mainland of the military next summer, and I will ask the monastic community to let go of all the grievances, unite and fight against the enemy. At this time, with any sect or family in the monastic field, It is to destroy unity and must be the public enemy of the entire monastic community. I am not so stupid."

"You know it!" Yang Yingtian let go of his heart, and then said: "No wonder your repair is so fast, one and a half years, not only broke through the Yuan Ying period, but also reached the Yuan Ying period. Feng Feng. It seems that the treasure of Qingshan Zong has helped you a lot."


"Endless, what do you think of the situation in Luofuzong today?"

Qin double meditation: "You must fight for a single army."

"Well? Tell me the reason!"

"If we have not proposed to lead a single army, but to seek the fullness of the three islands, Luo Fuzong can still survive, although that, the three islands will also secretly target us, let us weaken the strength of Luofuzong. But will not be destroyed .

After all, my master has become a Mahayana period, and the Sovereign and Zhang Shishu, Chu Shigu are also half-step Mahayana, even if there is no sky, it is likely to make a breakthrough in the future war. The Three Islands will never let this happen. In the future war, it is very likely that my Master, the Sovereign, Zhang Shishu and Chu Shigu will fall. This kind of corruption may be caught in the encirclement of the two demons, perhaps by the three islands. And Luo Fuzong did not have four of you, and immediately became the weakest of the five sects, and would not pose a threat to the Three Islands. In addition, our Luo Fuzong's posture is very correct. At that time, the three islands will help us, so that Luo Fuzong will not be destroyed by the black moon and the Thai one.

However, now that we have proposed to lead a single army, the three islands do not want us to succeed, they must be severely suppressed. So we and the three islands can be considered a hate. It can be seen from the car husband’s serious injury to the master. The three islands have no concerns about our Luofuzong. They only want to use the Thunder to suppress us before next summer.

And they also understand in their hearts that they are pressing us by means of embarrassment, and we must be dissatisfied and even resentful in our hearts. In this way, they do not need to think about the existence of our Luo Fuzong. Therefore, once we have pressed us, we will become the vanguard of the monastic community and become cannon fodder. This war is not the end of Duan Shijie. Maybe a hundred years, perhaps a millennium. In such a long war, it is not a very difficult thing to want a sect to disappear.

Therefore, since we have done this, Luo Fuzong can no longer be crushed by the Three Islands, become their vassal, must be independent. Only in this way can we have the right to speak and have the opportunity to grow rapidly in the war. ”

Yang Yingtian nodded and said: "I also thought about this, but now we have no positive confrontation with the strength of the Three Islands. Moreover, even with the strength of positive confrontation, this time, Mishima can call the entire monastic community to besiege us. Luofu Island. So, we only have one way to defeat the chief disciple of Mishima. But this is another impossible task."

Qin double thoughts: "If we continue to defeat the chief disciple of Mishima, will the island fulfill the agreement?"

“Yes!” Yang Yingtian nodded. “The three islands have already been proposed. They will suppress the Luofuzong in order to be in the public, they will inform the entire monastic community, and there will be countless monks coming to watch. They are going to In this case, we will step on our footsteps. We trample on our self-confidence. If we win in this situation, Mishima can only kill the teeth and swallow the belly, acknowledging the strength of our army. However, now that the white has been injured, the disciples are in the air, it is your brother and sister, and the later generation of the big man. These two people are likely to break through to the magical period in the sky, but even so, It is also impossible for Yan Xiake to be the opponent of the chief disciple of Mishima."

The piano eyes flashed: "What about the big one?"


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