Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 631: Epiphany in the Epiphany



The way of cultivation here is that once it breaks through the period of the gods, it will form a sea of ​​lotus in the sea of ​​knowledge, and the practice of the doubles is the practice of this side, and it is sure to know the sea lotus. However, her Dantian, Ruijin, Xuanshui and Fenghuo have all reached the realm of Wushen, which is equivalent to the distraction period. In this realm, it is necessary to enter the sea of ​​knowledge to become the god. Qin double has been suppressed for a long time.

However, Qin Bin’s knowledge of the sea now has a sea of ​​lotus, where is the god?

In fact, for the monks of this world, it is the **** of the sea. And Qin Shuang is now repairing a Yuanshen, let these two gods appear together in the sea of ​​knowledge, will it be schizophrenic?

Schizophrenia may still be the best result. Will the two gods repel each other and eventually destroy the sea and make the piano die?

Therefore, Qin double just cut Rui Jin and Xuan Shui into the eighth layer of the Yuan Ying period, but did not choose to break through the Feng Huo repair. Before she could clear her veins, she did not dare to choose a breakthrough. And now there is an opportunity to be placed in front of her, that is, the epiphany. It is necessary to know that the Epiphany Hall can enhance a person's comprehension. If the effect of the December fruit is superimposed, the comprehension of the Qin double will increase to sixty times. Perhaps it is possible to derive a method from the Huanghuang Heaven.

"Endless, you are here. If I can't come back in time, and the sky is closed, you will let the sky wall temporarily hide you in the sky, not out of the sky."

"it is good!"

Qin Double considers that if he has not understood in the Epiphany Hall, he has forgotten the time. When the sky was closed, I sent out myself and the endless moon all the time, so that the monks and monks saw the endless two months, did they reveal their own cards?

And staying here to hunt the monsters, with the care of the sky, I will not let the four monks turn to the monks to discover.


It has been thirty-seven days since I entered the sky, and the rest of the time is only twenty-three days. I am afraid that the four elders of the gods have already entered the Epiphany Hall, and they will not find the endless moon here.

Qin doubled up and said: "Sky wall, save me some time, send me directly to the Epiphany Hall."

The sky wall did not respond.

"Hurry up!" Qin Shen Shen said: "I broke through the gods a little earlier, and I have the knowledge of God, so I can completely repair you."

Speaking of this, she suddenly said: "Right, Tianbi. I just repaired you 80%, you are not saying, can only open six layers, the seventh and eighth layers can not open? How this time Open?"

"I saw Luo Fuzong's crisis, so I barely opened it." The sound of the sky sounded: "However, the seventh and eighth floors can only be opened for nine days. At this time, all three people have been sent out of the sky." ”

"Oh! Then I will send me to the Epiphany Hall."

"Don't forget to fix me."

"Do not worry."

The space around the piano doubled, and the next moment, the piano stood in front of the gate of a palace. When I stepped into the gate, I saw a large hall. There were four futons in the center of the main hall. At this time, four monks were sitting on the four futons. The doubles came in, and there was no reaction at all. I was completely immersed in the epiphany. among.

Qin binoculars swept through the four futons, and I knew that the four futons must have the inheritance that was not found in the Luofu Zong Library. It’s just that Qinshuang came here not to get the inheritance, but to solve his own physical problems. Slightly felt a bit, the face appeared happy. Sure enough, as the moon has never said, it can increase the understanding of the monk by six times.

Qin Double immediately went to a corner of the main hall, sat down on the knees, and took out another December, and took it in three.

The comprehension of Qin double has increased by 72 times.

At this moment, the feeling of the piano double, as if it has been fully integrated into the heavens. Heaven is your own, you are all heaven, and all mysteries are unveiled in front of your own eyes.

Qinqin certainly knows that this is her illusion, she can not become a heavenly way, this is a sudden increase in comprehension by 72 times, so that she suddenly and Tiandao so fit, can not tell the true and false. If the piano is intoxicated in this feeling, it will waste this opportunity. Therefore, Qin double immediately clung to the mind and began to comprehend the world.

Gradually, her tight-hearted mind slowly let go, the whole person has forgotten the self, forgot the time, forgot the space, the whole mind is integrated into the heavens, and in the heavens, countless heavens are coming. Fortunately, Qin Double has a obsession in his heart before entering the Epiphany Hall.

That obsession is to solve the problem of two gods in the body, so even if the piano double has been fully integrated into the heavens, this obsession also makes the piano double unconsciously push the way to solve this problem.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

As time passed, the five people in the Epiphany Hall did not move. Soon after, 13 days passed, and the phoenix fire method that Qin double can suppress was naturally released.

The Qinhai’s knowledge of the sea began to change. The original Qin’s sea of ​​knowledge consists of three colors, a fiery red, a blue, and a golden color. And these three forces of understanding the sea each occupy a field.

However, now the red-hot sea has begun to change, and the red color has slowly faded away and become transparent. But the power of that possession is ten times greater than the power of the flaming sea.

This is the gods! It is a qualitative improvement.

Then, the colorless **** of knowledge began to squeeze the blue and gold power of the sea from the middle, occupying the middle position of the sea, and the power of knowing the sea is simply not comparable with the power of the gods. It is easily squeezed by the power of the gods and can only be surrounded by the power of the gods.

When the sea of ​​gods is completely stable, the Yuan Ying Huofeng flies and falls on the sea of ​​God's knowledge, and then the body breaks down and turns into a mysterious and mysterious pattern, which falls on the sea of ​​God's knowledge and begins. Little by little restructuring. One pattern merges together, and a fiery red lotus grows.


Knowing the sea vibration, the sound of the sound of the sky, the sound of the sky, the sea of ​​the sea of ​​knowledge, the flaming sea lotus swaying, exudes endless power.

The practice of Qin Shuang was broken through to the first layer of the Huashen period.


The dantian vibrating of the doubles of the piano, the mysterious atmosphere of the piano lingering around the body of the piano, the double eyes closed and smiling, not to mention that the monks on the four futons were immersed in their own epiphany, even if they were not immersed. In the epiphany, at this moment, they also completely perceive the existence of Qin double, Qin double has been fully integrated into the heavens. A mysterious singer lingers in the heart of Qin Shuang, and is puzzled by Qin Double.


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