Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 637: Treatment Xu Feibai



The eyes of everyone gathered on the body of the piano, and the piano condensed: "The sovereign, the master, and the elders. First of all, please agree to an endless request."

"What request?"

"I will not be the chief disciple, or I will only serve as the chief disciple for the time being."

“Why?” everyone frowned.

"Because I don't always stay in Zongmen, or rarely stay in Zongmen. I have been to Zongmen for a few years, and I know my habits compared to you."

The faces of everyone are not smiling, how can they not understand the piano?

Since entering the Luofuzong, this disciple has rarely stayed in the Zongmen and always travels around. Such a habit is impossible to shoulder the responsibility of the chief disciple.

"Endless..." Wanzhongshan frowned and looked at the piano pair.

"Master, I think the chief disciple still wants Master Xu to do it."

"Flying white?" Wanzhongshan's face became ugly: "You don't know if you are flying white now..."

"Master, I have refining a great Dan, and the master should recover soon."

"Endless, you... have you refining Da Dan?" Yang Yingtian stood up excitedly.

"Not bad!" Qin double took out a jade bottle and handed it to Yang Yingtian.

Yang Yingtian took the jade bottle and opened the lid. A rich medicinal fragrance floated out. It’s just that he hasn’t seen Da Dan, and looked up at Qin Double Road:

"This is Da Dan?"

"Well! I am here to send the great brother to the master."


Yang Yingtian held the jade bottle and strode out to the outside. Everyone has also got up and followed. Soon, everyone came to Xu Feibai's room. Xu Feibai saw so many people coming in, and his look was a glimpse. Yang Yingtian excitedly came to Xu Feibai's bed and dumped Da Dan from the jade bottle and put it on Xu Feibai's mouth:

"Flying white, this is the great Dan Dan who is endlessly refining for you. You take it down."

Xu Feibai’s eyes are bright, and his face is excited. According to the words opened his mouth, Yang Yingtian will put Da Dan Dan into the mouth of Xu Feibai. The entrance to the Great Dandan was justified, and it went down the throat. Everyone looked nervously at Xu Feibai. About an hour later, Xu Feibai opened his eyes.

"Flying white, how?" Yang Yingtian asked nervously.

"Master, effective!" Xu Feibai's face showed an excited smile: "My injury has begun to recover, but the efficacy has only consumed a small part, it is estimated that it takes a month to be cured."


Yang Yingtian immediately transmitted the gods out, scanned Xu Feibai's body, and then showed a ecstasy on his face.

"Okay, great! Endless, thank you."

"I am a sect of my sect, I am duty-bound." Qin double smiled.

"Thank you!" Xu Feibai really shouted.

The piano eyes turned and turned: "Master, I have cured you, can you get this love?"

"Lead!" Xu Feibai said.

"However, the taste of owing people is not good?"


"As long as the master has promised me one thing, even if I have returned this person, how?"

"You said!"

"After you are healed, this master's seat is still for you to do."

"Endless, you..." Xu Feibai looked at the piano double with amazement.

The double-mouthed corner of the piano reveals a bitter smile: "Master, I really don't have time to be this master. I am a man who is not in the sect at all times, what kind of master? Even if you don't agree, I will not stay in the sect. I will not be responsible for what happened to Zongmen for my reasons."

Yang Yingtian and others couldn't help but smile. Other disciples were rushing to be masters, and so were the disciples of Luo Fuzong. Only the eternal ones of this month, all the masters who got the hand, let them go out.

"Endless!" Wanzhongshan looked seriously at the piano.


"You tell the teacher why you are not willing to be this master? You know, today's master is the future master."

"I am not here." Qin double condensed: "I just want to embark on the peak of the monastic, to see the scenery of the peak. No time and experience spent on the management of the sect. And Master, you know, I am apart Practice, but also to understand the road and Dandao, is already very busy. Time is not enough for me, where is the time to manage the Zongmen?"

Everyone is a monk, and the piano double says so that everyone understands it. Yang Yingtian Shen Yudao:

"Endless, you should also know that cultivation requires resources. Become a chief disciple, or a sovereign, and the resources you receive are not comparable to others. Even if you have higher talents, better qualifications, stronger savvy, and insufficient resources, It will hinder your cultivation and improvement. Although being the chief disciple will delay you some time, it is nothing compared with resources. If you are not the chief disciple, you will not be able to give you the corresponding resources. ”

"I don't lack resources!"

"Oh!" Yang Yingtian’s face showed a bitter smile: "I forgot, you have copied the old base of Qingshanzong alone."

Everyone looked stunned, and the eyes were all envious.

It is a sect that is not bad with Luo Fuzong. The resources of a sect of the sect are now in the body of Qin Shuang. What resources are there?

Yang Yingtian could not help but smile again and again: "Well, but you still need to be the chief disciple of Zongmen for a while. After waiting for the recovery, let us discuss it again?"

"Good!" Qin double nodded happily.

Yang Yingtian shook his head helplessly and shook Xu Feibai. The group of people returned to the hall. Everyone’s face was full of smiles. Xu Feibai’s injury had hope, and everyone’s heart was relaxed. .

Back to the hall, everyone is seated. Yang Yingtian looked at Qin Double Road: "Endless, what advice do you have?"

The smile on the face of Qinqin converges and becomes serious: "Lord, don't think too optimistic about going to the mainland."

"Well?" Everyone's look is a glimpse, and Yang Yingtian's look becomes serious: "I have forgotten it. Endless, you have raised a murderous spirit. Should this year and a half be the mainland of the warrior?"


“Have you seen the demon and the demons?”


"How are their strengths?"


“How strong is it?”

"If we are so self-righteous to enter the mainland of the war, I am afraid that the disciples will lose at least half of them."

“Well?” Yang Yingtian brows a wrinkle: “Really?”

"Isn't it?" Chu Yun condensed: "We are not the warriors on the mainland of the warriors. Their strength is lower than that of the Yaozu. That is to say, their Valkyrie can only compete with the Emperor. But we are different, our strength is to the same level of the demon and the demon, but also occupy 20% advantage. Those who are able to resist with the demon, we are not as good as those who?"


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