Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 645: Fighting demon



Qin double eyes looked at the demon emperor: "You are a demon emperor, I am a god, and repaired to be quite. Not counting the human race to bully you, we are a life and death duel, is it good?"

"Wan Shidi, let her come back!" Yang Yingtian rushed into the secret, Wanzhongshan was gazing:

"Lord, don't worry. Although endless has never stopped the sect, we don't know her, but she can live all the time, that is, she has her cards. I believe she will not fight unprepared."

"Hohyan Island Lord!" The demon sacred road over there: "Let's let these two juniors decide if we can sit down and talk about how?"

Hu Yanyun did not understand the true strength of the Qin double, but at this time it has been closed to the corner, and said faintly:

"It doesn't matter if we talk about it or not. However, if you want this opportunity, we will give you this opportunity."

Calling for a long wave of the cloud, the figures in the air flashed, no longer surrounded by the demon and the two, but stood behind the island of Mishima and Yang Yingtian. The demon and the two also retreated, standing opposite the Terran, and emptying the middle, leaving only the demon and the piano to stand opposite each other.

The demon emperor looked up and down the piano: "Oh, I really didn't think that there are people in the human race who dare to come out. I thought that the human race is a group of weak people who have won many battles. In the past, I faced a group of people. Then, a group of people killed, now I am not used to it as long as you stand out. So, I will give you a chance today, before you are killed by me, as long as you have a humanity, you will be able to Save it, I will let you live a path. That is, you can have more."


"Be bold!"

A personally sacred monk was angered, and the demon did not put the Terran in his eyes.

The item asked for a big step, and the volley went to the piano double, and the space under the feet fluctuated, while walking:

"Yue Shimei, you retreat. Opposite is a peak of the demon emperor, and I am the peak of the gods, and the two of us are equal in strength. And as the chief disciple of Snow Island, I have more control over him."

"Or I am coming!" Li Che strode out, and the body squeaked.

The demon emperor laughed and the breath suddenly went out. The **** and killing atmosphere expands like a squally shower.

"You three together!"


His momentum has been turned into reality, and the surrounding air has been blasted, and his square kilometer has been shrouded in his momentum. In an instant, people feel as if they smell the **** smell, affecting people's minds, as if they have seen the battlefield of blood flow, the space of blood and sky, and tremendous pressure.

The item that had not yet reached the side of the piano asked and Li Che could not help but snorted, his face showing a pale. They released their own defensive shields, and at the same time they sacrificed flying swords and squeaked, resisting the momentum of the demon emperor as the tide of the sea.

At this time, the two men have not stood side by side with the piano, and there are still more than ten meters away from the piano. However, only the momentum of the demon emperor erupted, forcing two people to release the defensive shield and sacrifice the flying sword to resist the oppression of the demon emperor.

The crowds onlookers were discolored, and Xiang Wen and Li Che were far away from the demon emperor, and they had to sacrifice their swords. It was closer to the demon emperor, and the doubles of the demon emperor would bear much pressure. And know.

There were worries in the faces of everyone, and Yang Yingtian and Wanzhongshan couldn’t help but take the piano back. However, then their two looks are another glimpse. The doubles facing the demon emperor were not oppressed by the spirit of the demon emperor, and the waist was still quite straight, and there was no defensive shield, and no sea sword was sacrificed. Her back did not seem like a question and Li Che's storm, like a boat in the ocean, but it seems to be a thousand miles, stable as a mountain.

"Jokes!" Qin said: "We are all three together? You have always faced a group of people? Is the Terran very weak? Are you all alone in the face of the Warriors on the mainland? Is the Yuehuangqin double always facing a group of demons? Has it been killing a group of demons?"

"court death!"

The demon emperor's face was red and fluttered toward the piano. Both hands turned into two wolf claws, and the head turned into a huge wolf head, facing the piano.


The huge humming sounds earthshaking, the sound waves spread sharply around, not to mention the first pair of pianos, that is, the monks around them could not be shaken by blood.

The piano doubled a little frowning, and there was a strange color in his eyes. She did not think that this demon's sacred magical power turned out to be a kind of sound.

This kind of sound and the double-killing of the piano have the same effect, but he is not aimed at the soul of the monk, but the blood of the monk, which will make the monk's blood retrograde, straight into the brain, if it can't resist, It will make the head "beep" and explode.

The monks of the Terran have fought hard to resist, but fortunately the demon emperor is mainly aimed at the Qin double. The other monks were only affected, and did not feel too much pressure.

The snoring of the demon emperor, the layers of space fluctuate and violently oscillate. Immediately after the snoring, the body shape of the demon emperor had already rushed to the front of the piano pair, and a pair of wolf claws shot down the piano.


After the double body of the piano asked, and Li Che could no longer resist the murderousness of the demon emperor, and he was covered in cold sweat, and could not help but go backwards in the air, his face pale as paper.

The two claws of the demon emperor smashed the space, and the space produced a small layer of cracks that suddenly spread toward the piano. The piano pair is still standing in the air with a negative hand.

The surrounding monks were shocked and the moon was endless. What happened?

Was it scared?

Why not release the defensive shield?

Why not release the handcuffs and release the Tao?

Even if it is dodging!

Where did they know that in the sea of ​​Qinshuang, the endless moon had already moved the fingertips, and the next moment of the demon emperor’s two wolf claws, he saw a sudden appearance around the demon emperor. The root giant vine, this root is huge, each root is like a dragon, with a dragon head and a dragon scale, the empire is instantly twisted into a scorpion.

"Soul sleeps!"

The double mouth of the piano silently said two words. Although it was silent, it had a mysterious rhythm that rushed into the body of the demon.

Qin double knows that this demon emperor will be able to make a sound and magical power. If you only use the gods of the gods, it will not affect the other gods, so the gods used in this piano can not only be known as Hailian. It is the gods after the integration of the gods and the sea ginseng. It is almost to reach the end of the distraction. Is this the demon emperor able to resist?


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