Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 648: Endless breakthrough



At this time, Hu Yanyun turned his head and looked at Yang Yingtian: "Yang Zongzhu, the third player is a disciple of the gods, we want to make the moon run out."

"Let the endless battle?"

Yang Yingtian’s look changed dramatically. At this time, his heart was not lost. Instead, he was only worried and worried.

"Endless she is just the first layer of God..."

"I know." Hu Yanyun nodded: "Che Mu, Xiang Wendao and Li Che are the chief disciples of our three islands. It can be said that the three of them are the strongest in our three islands. We are three islands. I can't find a disciple who is stronger than them. But the moon is endless and easily kills the car and animal husbandry. And when facing the demon emperor, Xiang Wendao and Li Che are obviously not opponents, and the month Endless but easy to kill the demon emperor. She is the best player. At this time, Luo Fuzong needs to be shot."

Yang Yingtian thought for a moment: "The three island owners, I have no understanding of the endless strength, so let me call the endless, ask how? If she wants, Luo Fuzong has no opinion. If she does not want to, It just proves that she is not sure."

"Yang Zongzhu!" Hu Yanyun said: "Not what she wants or not. Now she is the first master of the gods. She must play. This is related to the rise and fall of our human race, if we have an island Unbelievable disciples of the month, I will not let the moon run out of endlessly. And it may not be used endlessly last month. We have a lot of confidence, we will win the bet in the first two games and win the bet. It is."

Yang Yingtian Shen Yan said: "Good!"

Calling for the extension of the cloud nodded, looking at the eyes of Mu Qingzi: "Wooden landlord, if we fail this time, we will lose the opportunity to enter the mainland of the warrior, and the demon will enter the monastic world with greatness. How to deal with it is The next thing we need to study. However, I think we are still sure to win. After all, for tens of thousands of years, the improved exercises are 20% stronger than the ancient exercises, so winning should account for more than 80%. We won the victory, we will get three thousand miles of mountains. Even if we can't win, we hope that the worst place to think, even if we are leveled, we can also enter the military mainland. So, some things need to be clear in advance.

Today we have five monks, one island, Huanglu Island, Snow Island, Luofuzong and Guilin. Now we have decided to land on the coastline between the Crescent Moon Empire and the Frost Empire from the north of the Warrior continent. We will divide into five ways to enter the mainland of the warriors. This has the need to divide the landing site.

There must be a selection of sites in the selection site. The monks who you did not participate in are selected in the last one. No problem? ”

"No problem!" Mu Qingzi said decisively. The monastic community is very realistic. If you contribute, you will have the qualification to divide up. If you don't contribute, you will not be qualified.

He extended the cloud and nodded, looking at Xiang Baiji, Li Che and Yang Yingtian: "The duel of the Mahayana was played by Li Daoyou of Huanglu Island, and the duel of the distraction has not yet been decided. The disciples of the gods were shot by Luo Fuzong. So, if the distracted player is also Huanglu Island, Yiye Island and Snow Island will not contribute, so our two islands are ranked third and fourth. The first two are from Huanglu Island and Luofu Island. Choosing. Because Huanglu Island has two people, Huanglu Island ranks first, and Luofu Island ranks second. One leaf island and No Snow Island draw the third and fourth.

If the distracted monk is an island or a snow-free island, for example, if the distracted monk is an island, then the island without snow is ranked fourth. On the contrary, we are ranked fourth. is that OK? ”

"No problem!" everyone nodded.

"That is an analogy." Hu Yanyun continued: "If this distraction player is no snow island, so the wooden landlord is ranked fifth, I am the island in the fourth. If the Mahayana and distraction In the period of victory, Luo Fuzong automatically ranked third. Huanglu Island and Wuxue Island obtained the ranking by lottery. If we finally get the result of Shengping, then the winner is ranked first. The draw is ranked second, and the loser is ranked third. No problem?"

"No problem!" The crowd nodded.

"Okay, that's it. The Yangzong Lord went back to inform the endless months, and our three islands immediately notified each of their strongest distractors, and came to Dengxian City to test."

"it is good!"

The hall door opened and everyone dispersed.

Yang Yingtian returned to the Luofuzong resident and sent someone to look for the endless moon, but was told that the month was endlessly closed. Anyway, there are still ten days, Yang Yingtian is not in a hurry.

So three days passed, the town demon tower, the endless eyes opened, looking at the piano double road:

"Qin double, I have to break through."

Qinqin opened his eyes, and when he thought about it, he moved the moon out of the town demon tower, then closed his eyes and continued to push the third territory of the sword field.

The moon was endlessly coming out of the town demon tower, and immediately sat in the room with his knees and began to break through to the third layer of the magical period.

Yang Yingtian is talking to Wanzhongshan.

"Sovereign, did you choose the monk monk in the three islands?"

"Not yet." Yang Yingtian shook his head: "But the three distracted monks have arrived, and it is estimated that they will be elected tomorrow. Um?"

Yang Yingtian and Wanzhongshan stood up and then disappeared into the room. The next moment, it appeared in the endless yard of the moon, and the faces of both people showed a happy color.

"Congratulations to the younger brother, the endless breakthrough."

Wanzhongshan is also full of spring winds: "Yes, so one more grasp."

The monks in the Luofuzong resident came out of the room and looked at the endless room of the moon. Every one of them had a happy face.

After three hours, the endless end of the month. It reached the beginning of the third layer of the magical period. The moon was endlessly aware of the outside Yangyingtian and Wanzhongshan, and then got up and pushed the door out and prayed to two people:

"The endless seeing the sovereign, I have seen Master."

“Well!” Wanzhongshan made three consecutive sounds, and then said: “You just broke through, and quickly go back and settle it. After seven days, you will fight for the Terran and the Demon.”

"Well?" The moon looked at Wanzhongshan inexhaustibly. Wanzhongshan said the reason for the matter to the endless month, and then said nothing to the moon:

"Endless, are you sure?"

"I don't know, I try my best!" The moon shook his head endlessly.

Wanzhongshan looks like a condensate: "You can kill the demon emperor, should there be no problem for the emperor?"

"It's hard to say!" The month is endlessly shaking his head: "Master, you also know that there is a difference between Emperor Wu and Emperor Wu. I killed the demon in the Yaozu is not a top expert. If the demon is at the top of the Mozu Level, I am not sure."

"Endless, is there a progress in the third territory of the sword field?" Yang Yingtian asked with concern.


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