Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 656: second round



However, once this method is guessed, it is not mysterious. There will be many means to guard against it. In the early days of the endless period of the gods, once the mysterious means of sound work is lost, how could it be a rival of the late Emperor?

I really thought that the endless moon is the Fengming of the Yaozu, the Qin of the Terran?

not to mention……

The magical sanctuary in the same realm can kill Li Wusheng in the Mahayana period. How can the moonless endlessness of the mysterious means be the opponent of the emperor?

Therefore, calling for the idea of ​​Yan Yun and others is the most stable while sleeping in the first game. Li Wusheng will surely win. This is not a trust in Li Silence, but confidence. Because the strength of Hu Yanyun and Xiang Baiji is similar to Li Wusheng. They are all convinced that they can defeat the demon, otherwise they will not have the courage to attack the mainland of the warrior, so they have great trust in Li Wusheng.

With Li’s first victory, they all thought that Liu Ming in the second game could at least mix the draw and maybe win. Once you win, you won't have to play in the end of the month. Even if it is a draw, even if the final piano loses, according to the agreement, they will not delay their entry into the mainland of the warrior, but they have lost some favorable conditions.


At this moment, at the moment when Li Wusheng lost his life, their confidence almost collapsed. Li was defeated, even if Liu Ming won, what about? Can the moon endlessly win?

What's more, Li Wusheng lost, Liu Ming will win?

At this moment, these Mahayana monks on the high platform are asking themselves, is it really feasible to enter the warrior continent?

The demon is so powerful!

Hu Yanyun and Xiang Baiji looked at each other and they had a thought in their hearts. They opened the door of the demon, is it wrong?

To know that once they lose this bet, according to the agreement, they will open to the demon world. Once the demon enters the monastic world, what will be the result, you don’t have to think about it.

The Terran, perhaps because of his own fault, became a slave to the demon.

Do not!

What's more, it will become a ration for the demon's captivity.

At this time, the demon has no chance for the human race. The demon **** on the opposite side of the platform stood up, screaming and screaming all the way, breaking through the thick clouds and shouting to the bottom:

"Human, come up and die!"


The thick clouds were blown away by his snoring and fluttering around. The entire Terran in Dengcheng was silent, and his heart rose to despair.

Above the high platform, Liu Ming slowly stood up and looked up at the demon in the sky. Among the eyes, the ambition of dying, the battle of the body suddenly broke out, rushing into the sky, stirring the air.

The spirit of Xiang Bai Ji suddenly rose, looking to Liu Ming, condensed: "Liu Ming, to win!"

"for sure!"

Liu Ming’s voice screamed, and the big foot stepped on the high platform. The body shape spurred like a sharp arrow, penetrated the thick clouds and stood outside the kilometer opposite the demon god.

Once again, everyone gathered their knowledge together and looked at the sky. It’s just that every monster’s face is relaxed, and the faces of every Terran are full of tension.

"Human, die!"

The demon **** screamed and took a big step. He gave birth to a circle and rushed toward Liu Ming. The speed is as fast as lightning, the distance of kilometers, the message is up.

Liu Ming’s foot gave birth to a wind, and the wind caught Liu Ming flashing aside.


It was really as fast as the wind. Although the attack of the demon **** was as dense as a rainstorm, Liu Ming escaped one by one.

"It turned out to be a wind attribute!" Qin double eyes suddenly slammed.

The demon **** saw Liu Ming pedaling a wind, the speed was extremely fast, and his eyes flashed fiercely. Big feet in the air.


The space vibration, the thick clouds beneath the two people tumbling, the water vapor in the clouds gathered, turned into a huge ice thorn, like a forest, spurred toward Liu Ming.


The right hand of the demon **** grabbed the sky, as if he had caught something, and then pulled it toward the bottom. There was a meteor fire in the sky, and he fell to Liu Ming.


The demon **** made a fist in his left hand and bombarded the past with Liu Ming on the opposite side. As he punched out with this punch, he saw the dense Lei Peng rushing toward Liu Ming.

A Lei Peng, with lightning and a pair of sharp claws, tore away to Liu Ming.


The people in Dengxian City are not allowed to breathe in a hurry. They only release three kinds of supernatural powers in an instant, and any of these three kinds of magical powers will cause great pressure to the peak of the distraction, let alone the continuous release of the three magical powers.

Even the face of Xiang Baiji who knew Liu Ming showed an extremely dignified color, and his eyes flashed worried eyes.

That piece of wind carried Liu Ming flying in the sky, swift and incomparably, evading continuously. Liu Ming, who stood on the wind, was not idle. Five fingers in his right hand popped up and down. Every time he bounced, there was a whirlwind. The whirlwinds surround Liu Ming and turned into a blaze. Out, will only smash a Lei Peng.

Liu Ming looked up and blew a sigh of relief into the air. A whirlwind rushed out and turned into a hurricane, which smashed the meteor fire of the sky.

The left hand and the big sleeves waved downwards, and they sprinkled a piece of wind blade, which collided with the ice spurs coming from below.

Liu Ming’s long hair spreads out, every hair is moving, and a small wind hangs from a hairline. In an instant, there are countless small winds flying in the air, disappearing in space.

A demon eye on the high platform whispered a little: "What is he just doing?"

A demon saint also sighed a little and said: "The wind that sprinkled from the hair disappeared."

"Hidden wind!" Another demon sa suddenly stunned: "He is a hidden wind, once it is launched, it is the wind. Is this human race a wind spirit?"

Cheng Daji stood in the crowd below, first saw the magic saint killing Li silent, and then saw the demon **** chasing Liu Ming playing, the eyes jumping excited. However, he couldn't understand the tiny winds that Liu Ming's hair had spilled, and could not help but ask:

"What is Liu Ming doing? How did the wind falling on the hair disappear? Liu Ming’s predecessors have been dodging, and they are falling in the wind. He is not going to fight back, and then he is strict again, and there are omissions. What does he think? of?"

Yan Xiake also frowned. "Want to win, just attack. Never rely on defense to win, is Liu Ming's predecessor want to keep a tie?"

Xu Feibai slowly shook his head: "Want to keep a tie, where is it so easy? Our realm is too low, some can't understand. Chen, how do you think?"


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