Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 658: Endless war emperor



All around him was a black wind blade, and what scared him even more was that he could not tell the direction at this time. I don't know if I am rushing in that direction. It is the middle of the hurricane. Here, God's knowledge is completely suppressed.

The black wind blade, not only violent, but also dense, woven into a network of nets, trapped him tightly in the center, and the scope of activities is getting smaller and smaller.

I am afraid that it will not take long before he will be **** and killed alive.

Numerous wind blades roll, hover, criss-cross, cut and destroy the defensive shield of the demon god, and instantly, the demon **** cuts the body and bruises, blood smashes.

The demon **** roared again and again, but there was no way. It was like a lamb to be slaughtered. Gradually his mind began to stun, and consciousness was still embarrassing. There is only one last thought left in my heart.

In the next breath, I will die!

Not reconciled!


At the last moment before the demon, the demon **** felt that the black wind blade seemed to stop, but he could not hold it anymore and completely passed out.

The black wind blade really stopped, and then scattered around, revealing Liu Ming inside.

At this time, Liu Ming has passed out and the body is falling down. He exhausted the last trace of knowledge, exhausted the last trace of spiritual power, but eventually fainted without knowing whether the demon **** died, and his heart was full of resentment.

In the sky, the black wind blade lost control, turned into a violent stream, and the body of the demon **** and Liu Ming, covered in blood, fell to the bottom.

Xiang Baiji and the demon sacred each explored a hand, condensed a big hand, each supported Liu Ming and the demon emperor, and then their respective gods swept away on the two monks, and the face of Xiang Baiji became very Unsightly.

Liu Ming and Xiang Baiji did not die, but they were unconscious.

This game is flat!

Such a human race is a negative and a flat, completely at a disadvantage.

Pointing to the endless moon to win?

Although there is hope in my heart, I don’t think it is reliable. After all, the endless month is only the cultivation of the early days of the gods.

All the monks of the Terran are in this heart at this time. The three-day monk of the Mishima Island monk Li Wusheng died, and Liu Ming of Huanglu Island made a draw with his life. A newly emerging disciple of Luo Fuzong, is it just the beginning of the gods, can you really defeat the peak of the late Emperor?

The Terran is heavy and even desperate. However, the demon is not happy. I thought I could solve the battle in the first two games. I didn't expect to go through the third game. Before the demon, there was a demon emperor who died in the hands of Qin double. Now there is another demon **** who was stunned by Liu Ming. The Mozu was very dissatisfied with the Yaozu. The Devil looked at the two demon saints with contempt and then turned to the Devil's Road on his side:

"Clean up and kill her!"

The demon emperor stood up and said: "No problem, I will kill her with a slap. A period of sacredness that has just broken through is to find death."


The shape of the emperor rises to the sky, smashes the thick clouds, hangs down and sighs:

"The moon is endless, come up to death!"

The endless moon stood up from the high platform, and the side of Yang Yingtian’s eyes was full of worries.

"Endless, be careful, life is important."

The piano nodded twice, and the moon was endlessly collected from the town demon tower into the sea, and then the sky was a step, the sleeves were smashed, and the figure was raised, standing outside the magician.

Xiang asked the piano in the air, and his eyes were full of worry. Even if the piano double is leveled, the bet is also lost. The monastic field is said to have entered the mainland of the warrior, and the result of being enslaved by the demon is even greater.

"Flying white, endless has just broken through the gods, she..."

"The endless has been the third layer of the gods!" Xu Feibai condensed.

"Even if it is the third layer of the magical period, the other party is the peak of the late Emperor!"

"Don't forget, endless, but killed the peak of the demon emperor." Yan Xia said faintly.

“Not the same!” Xiang asked and shook his head. “I also want to understand. Endlessness should be good at sound. I can understand that the demon can certainly understand. If the devil has defensive means, endless sounds. If it fails, can it be the opponent of the emperor with the repair of the three layers of her god?"

Everyone listens to the look of a glimpse, and there are worries floating between the eyebrows. Only the big eyes flashed, and the heart was dark:

"It's best to die! If the moon is dead, the Terran loses the bet, and the demon can enter the monastic world with great brilliance. Then I will take the identity of the chief disciple of Luo Fuzong, and the demon should be combined to destroy Luo Fuzong. ""

"Yang Zongzhu, do you think there is a victory in the moon?" Hu Yanyun asked in a low voice.

Calling for the extension of the cloud, thinking of the endless month, has already introduced the third domain of the sword domain, and slightly indulged:

"There is hope in the draw, but I want to win... I really don't know."

"Hey..." Hu Yanyun and Xiang Baiji couldn't help but sigh.

Above the sky.

The Emperor looked disdainfully at the doubles of the piano, and the magic of the body rose, and the atmosphere of the late Emperor of the Emperor revealed undoubtedly. The space around him was attacked by magic, and the white clouds under his feet became black clouds.

The breath of the piano double body also climbed up, and the third layer of the god.


The faces of all the people are very unsightly. The momentum of the piano pair is much worse than that of the emperor. Even the momentum is a lot worse, how is this compared?


Behind the emperor there was a huge shadow, standing on the ground and covering the sky. The fierce flames are suffocating. At the beginning of the devil's and Li's silent duel, it was in the sword field, and everyone did not see it intuitively. Nowadays, I really saw the emergence of the Mozu, and made a personal family stunned.


A green dragon came out of the body, the dragon body wrapped around the body of the piano, a faucet from the back of the piano double, looking up at the huge shadow of the shadows.

Under the huge shadow of the sky, the image of the dragon is like a skeleton, and it is very small. But the Longwei that came out was full of majesty.

"The endless momentum has risen."

"Just the momentum of the devil is also climbing!"

"Even if the endless magical powers are so powerful, repaired to be there, how is the early stage of the gods the enemy of the Emperor's peak?"

"Don't forget, she can kill the peak of the demon."

"Yes! There is a mysterious means of endless moon."

"The moon is endless!"

At this time, the opposite emperor spoke up. His opening, the huge shadow behind the sky, also opened, and the sound rumbling, like thunder.

"I know that you used to slay the demon emperor last time, but since I already know that you will be vocal, will there be no defense? Without the sound, you are an ant in front of the emperor."


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