Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 660: Fight



The piano looks awkward and the movement on the hand is a slow one. At this time, the big hand of the Emperor had already approached her.


Qin’s eyebrows are fascinated by the gods, but the moon’s endless integration of the gods and the sensation of the sea has reached the peak of the early phase of the distraction, and the stock of the gods has just flowed out. Made a strip of green dragon, bite on the arm of the emperor, and the dragon claws grabbed the arm of the emperor and tore it.

"Puff puff……"

The arm was bitten into pieces by several green dragons. At the same time, more blue dragons bite away from the other three arms of the emperor.


The shadow of the sky is making a painful roar, and the remaining three arms are waving and just want to fight back. Then I saw the piano double rushing out of the pit and jumped out, arms spread out, and raised upwards.

Grass and wood are soldiers!


The surrounding vegetation, including the leaves on the trees, is like a tribute to the Qinshui, but in an instant, they gather into a green ocean.

"go with!"

The double sleeves of the piano are lifted forward, and the versatile vegetation has been shaped into various weapons.

Knife, sword, axe, dog, fork...

Going to the emperor and whistling away, it is a thousand giant hammers, and smashed toward the body of the emperor.


The shadow of the sky began to squat, and it continued to retreat. Under the bite of hundreds of young dragons, under the attack of thousands of grass and grass, the huge magic shadow began to shrink, constantly shrinking, and shrinking rapidly.

Just less than ten minutes, the huge magic shadow was completely dispelled by the double piano, revealing the body of the emperor inside.


A dozen giant green hammers smashed the head of the emperor in succession, and the head of the emperor was smashed into the chest. The chest swelled up.

In the city of Dengxian, all the Terrans were stunned. Just now the Emperor occupied the full advantage, but in the twinkling of an eye, it became the Qinshuang in the beating of the Emperor.

Even if it is a human race, there is a thought in mind.

"How could this be?"

The demon saint above the high platform frowned slightly: "This month's endless cultivation is only a magical period, but why is it so powerful?"

Another demon sacred road: "The warrior of the mainland, the emperor of the emperor, can jump to the big challenge, and the same is true of the Fengming of our demon. Is this genius like this month?"

A magical sacred road: "Even if the moon is endless, it can be a bigger challenge, but her cultivation is still too low, far less than Qinshuang and Fengming."

"But... if she waits for her to grow up..."

"So, I can't let her grow up! It's enough trouble for the Terran to appear in a month."

The emperor over there has been revealed, and the two arms and legs are bitten and entangled by countless dragons. A green dragon suddenly bites the string of bones that the emperor hangs around his neck. After the next pull, the bone chain was pulled down and flew to the piano.

Qin double caught the bone chain, glanced at it curiously, then took the storage ring, but did not immediately attack the Emperor with sound. Since the moon is endless and I want to try it, she uses the wood attribute today. The moon is endless in the sky for too long, lack of fighting, lack of murder. This is also a tempering endless moon.


On the body of the emperor, a black spike was suddenly emerged. In time, the whole emperor was like a hedgehog. The root tip stabbed into the green dragon that bite him, and the green dragon was stabbed. Unbearable. The emperor poured out a hand and patted his chest.


The chest was stunned, and the head that was doubled into the chest cavity by the piano jumped out of the chest. It was full of blood, and looked stunned. His eyes were full of shame and killing.

"You are looking for death!"

The devil took a move toward the air, and the black dragon swooped down toward the emperor, turning into a long gun and holding it in his hand. The white jade general Dinghai sword also screamed, and was held in the hands by the piano.


A share of the gods sheds from the eyebrows of Qin Shuang, and turns into a green dragon, tearing away toward the emperor. The body of the emperor shook, and the spikes on his body shook off from the body, turning into a small half of the emperor, and rushing toward the green dragon. In an instant, they will fight together.

The piano holds the sea sword in both hands, and crosses the mysterious track in the air. A single lotus blooms at the tip of the sword.

Wood lotus root: seven lotus.

The seven lotuses circled toward the emperor. The emperor twisted his big guns with his hands. Each shot was stabbed, and a black dragon was born, welcoming seven lotuses.

The seven lotuses hovered in the air, and one and one petal petals fell off the lotus. As the same handle, the sharp blade slammed into the black dragon, and the black dragon fell.

After a while, the lotus petals fluttered in the sky, woven into a net, and enveloped the emperor. The demon emperor was cut by the lotus petals and was covered in blood.

Only the body of the Emperor is very powerful. Although the muscles of the body are cut off by the lotus petals, they are not fatal.

There is no trace of the magic sea!

The emperor opened his mouth and spewed out a steady stream of magical spirits. When he was in a hurry, he drowned the sky. Cover the piano with a double cage.

The piano double frowned, his eyesight was less than one meter, and he hurriedly released his knowledge. He found that the gods were suppressed and spread less than three meters.

"not good!"

Qin Qin was shocked. She had no doubt that the Emperor could control her every move, but she could not detect the trace of the Emperor. So it fell into a passive beating situation, completely falling behind the wind.

Qin double thoughts, took out a handful of ancient vine seeds, and sprinkled it in the air, and the moon could not move the handcuffs and turned outwards.


Each seed splits, germinates, grows, and instantly turns into a root vine, and it is constantly growing. It is centered on the piano and spreads in all directions.

At this time, these ancient vines are like the tentacles of the piano pair, they spread there, and the piano can sense it.


The piano double sensed the figure of the emperor three hundred meters to the left. The Dinghai sword in the hand pointed in the direction, and the seven lotus flowers were formed at the tip of the sword.

"go with!"

Seven lotuses roared away. At the same time, a steady stream of gods emerged from the double eyebrows of the piano, turning into a green dragon, tumbling around in the magic sea, stirring the situation.

There are dozens of green dragons hovering around the body of the piano pair, and the piano double is tightly guarded in the center.

"If I use the martial arts, I can easily kill the demons. Even if I use my god, I can use the land to kill the emperor. It is just that the moon is still lacking in ruin. With the strength of her peak in the early days, Killing this demonic emperor is a nail on the board, but it falls into such a situation."


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