Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 662: Determine the position



"When you enter the mainland of the warrior, the endless moon will probably become the first target of the demon. With the strength of the demon, the moon is endless, I am afraid that it will not last long."

Thinking of this, his heart is inexplicably loose. Luo Fuzong gave him a lot of pressure. If the moon is dead, the Luofuzong will not be followed, and the pressure on the island will be much reduced.

Turning to look at the big elder Ouyangbi of Huanglu Island, the heart is a move. Now the owner of Huanglu Island is silent, and Huanglu Island has only three Mahayana periods left. The highest Ouyangbi is the mid-term peak of the Mahayana, and it is only slightly higher than Wanzhong Mountain.

"Huanglu Island is going to be down! Not necessarily, it depends on the development after entering the mainland of the Warriors!"

When he thought of entering the mainland of the warrior, his heart could not help sinking. I did not expect that the first pick would let Luo Fuzong take away. This time, Luo Fuzong will definitely choose a good offensive direction. In the future development, Luo Fuzong has an advantage.

However, this is also a thing that has no way, things that have already been settled, and Luo Fuzong is now in the limelight, and it is impossible to repent. The heart sighs softly and looks at Ouyang Bidao:

"Ouyang Daoyou, we will determine the direction of the offensive. It is not far from the days of entering the mainland of the warriors. Determined, everyone will be prepared."

Ouyang Bi nodded, and now the island owner Li silently died. As the highest master of the Mahayana, he will naturally become the owner of Huanglu Island. It’s just that he is a lot heavier.

It’s not a good sign that it’s really a failure to get out of the army and enter the warrior’s mainland. Turning to look at Li Chedao who is still in grief:

"Li Che, come with me."

As the chief disciple, there is a lot of power in each sect, and it is eligible to participate in any core secrets, and it is also responsible. Each of the sects will use the chief disciple as the future master of the sect, and naturally let these people see various scenes.

Yang Yingtian also nodded to the piano and said, "You are following."

The pedestrians emptied and flew toward Xianshan. On the ground, there was a burst of warm cheers.

"The moon is endless!"

"The moon is endless!"


Calling for the extension of the cloud, Xiang Baiji and Ouyang Bi’s eyes became deep. They all know in their hearts that at this moment, the endless moon has become the idol of the young monks in the monastic field.

Wanzhongshan kept turning his head and looked at the piano pair. His face was full of old comfort, and he smiled from time to time. Let the piano double look silent. In the heart:

"Master, you are sure that you are so stupid, is that okay?"

The group soon entered the hall of the Xianshan Village, and they were seated one by one according to their status. Li Che stood behind Ouyang Bi, Qin double stood behind Yang Yingtian, Wen Liangyu stood behind Mu Qingzi, and the chief disciple of Yiye Island was killed by Qin Shuang, so he called for the extension of the cloud. There is no chief disciple behind him.

The main entrance of the main hall was closed, and the hall was silent. The eyes of all people gathered in the body of Chang Yun. Call to extend the cloud condensate channel:

"Everyone, now we have a draw with the demon, so the plan is unchanged. On the day of the summer solstice, it is when we enter the mainland of the warriors."

Everyone nodded, but they lost the excitement. I have seen the strength of the demon, so that their mood is heavy.

"Everyone, the picking of the landing site and the future development direction has come out."

Having said that, everyone’s eyes could not help but look at the Luofu patriarch Sun Yat-sen. Calling Yan Yun’s face smiled at Yang Yingtian:

"Luo Fuzong ranked first in the first place, no snow island ranked second, Huanglu Island ranked third, one island ranked fourth, and the Quartet ranked fifth. Everyone No comment?"

Everyone is shaking their heads and calling for an extension of the cloud: "So, it’s fixed. Now everyone is negotiating an hour, after an hour, start picking."

This time the three islands each came to three Mahayana monks, leaving only one Mahayana monk to sit at home. At this time, after the words of the extension of the cloud, the forces of the parties set up a ban, isolated the sound, and gathered together to discuss.

One Yedao Island has three Mahayana periods, but there is no chief disciple. Huanglu Island has only two Mahayana periods plus the chief disciple Li Che, who is also three. The three Mahayana periods of Snow Island, together with the chief disciple, asked for a total of four people. Mu Qingzi and the chief disciple Wen Liangyu are two people. In fact, among these people, Mu Qingzi is the most leisurely, because the ranking is in the end, there is no power to choose, waiting for the three islands and Luo Fuzong to pick the rest, it is his. Therefore, only Mu Qingzi came, and one hall, one pavilion and one palace did not come.

Luo Fuzong here is the three Mahayana period, plus the chief disciple Qin double, four people. Yang Yingtian set up a soundproof ban, and four people gathered together to study it.

They are the first pick, and they want to pick which place is the place. Yang Yingtian took out the jade slip this time, infused with spiritual power, and a picture scroll appeared in front of the four people. Yang Yingtian stretched his finger on the scroll, and the landscape on the scroll began to move. Finally, it showed the hundreds of thousands of miles of coastline between the northern part of the mainland and the empire of the Crescent Moon and the Frost Empire.

"Two younger brothers, endless." Yang Yingtian whispered: "We each choose a landing point that we think is the best, but if they are consistent, we will determine it. If they are inconsistent, we will study again."

"Good!" Wanzhongshan, Zhang Zongzheng and Qin double nodded.

"I will talk about it first!" Yang Yingtian glanced over three humanities: "Everyone knows that there is a deep hatred between us and the warrior. In fact, now everyone does not know what happened in the first place, anyway, the monk and the warrior Seeing each other is killing. Although there is a demon now, who knows how the warriors view our monks? Will they fight again when they meet?

We have already seen the strength of the demon just now. At this time, if there is a conflict with the warrior, it is the sorrow of the Terran, and facing the pressure of the demon and the warrior, we are also difficult to stand on the mainland. Therefore, my view is to stay away from the territory of the Terran. That is to stay away from the Frost Empire and the Crescent Moon Empire, we will choose the middle position. In this way, we are both monks in the monastic circles on both sides. Once we encounter something, we can support each other. ”

Wanzhongshan and Zhang Zongzhen also nodded, and the three men looked at Qinshuang. They attach great importance to Qin Double, not because Qinqin killed the Emperor, but because Qinqin has been honed in the mainland of the Warriors for a year and a half, unlike they have blackened the mainland of the Warriors, but they have a certain understanding of the mainland of the Warriors. . Therefore, the opinions of Qin double occupy a large part in their hearts.

The piano double sighed slightly: "I disagree with the opinion of the lord."


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