Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 664: Individual choice



"what is the difference?"

"First of all, the Chronicle Empire is not as strong as the Wu Zong Dian, and will not suddenly fight against us. Secondly, the Chronicle Empire is not the center of the mainland of the Warrior because it is separated by an innocent desert, so before the Demon's Gate and the Magic Trail are opened, It is not valued by Wu Zongdian. People there are disgusted and fearful of the monks, but because Wu Zongdian’s lack of attention is not so great, it is more mysterious and curious to the monks. We have the foundation of an alliance with the chord moon empire.

Adding to the third point, as soon as we landed, we announced that we are fighting for the Terran. In the face of the demon, whether it is a warrior or a monk, we are all human races. Even the people of the Crescent Moon Empire do not believe it, but as long as we do not actively attack the Crescent Moon Empire, with these three points, the Crescent Moon Empire will not actively attack us. As long as we both start to restrain each other and do not take the initiative to attack each other, we will slowly understand each other. It is only a matter of time before the alliance is formed. ”

Yang Yingtian nodded and said: "You are doing a good job, but it is only near the area of ​​the Crescent Moon Empire. The cultivation environment is not very good."

The piano doubled out his fingers and drew a line on the scroll: "From here to the innocent desert, we are."

Then she drew another line: "From the innocent desert to this line, it occupies one-third of our chosen site. This one-third of the cultivation environment is not too close to the innocent desert. So we give up Here, and once we give up here, here is the buffer zone for our Helio Moon Empire. With this buffer zone, we have the greatest degree of conflict with the Moon Moon Empire. It guarantees the safety of our right wing.

For the remaining two-thirds of the area, let's look here. This is the center of the remaining two-thirds of the area, called the Hegang Mountain Range.

This mountain group has hundreds of peaks, and today these mountains are occupied by the demon and the two. What we have to do is to occupy these peaks, and to use these mountains as the new ancestral land, to establish a firm foothold here and develop slowly.

This is a big era. This is a chaotic era in which jurists, warriors, demons and demons are juxtaposed. Don't think about ending this chaotic era in a short period of time, perhaps for thousands of years or even thousands of years. Therefore, we cannot be eager for success. As long as we occupy this mountain range, we will build a solid foundation and develop slowly. It is impossible to defeat the demon by the monk alone or by the warrior alone. Only the Terran completely give up the prejudice. After the Major League, this is possible. Before that, what we have to do is to gain a firm foothold, try to grow and develop, and release goodwill to the military and promote alliance. So I think this place is the best for us. ”

Yang Yingtian's three Mahayana looks a little hesitant, and Qin Qin sighed in her heart. She knew that her plan was the most beneficial to the Terran. If the Terran cannot join the Alliance, let go of all prejudice, let alone resist the demon, and not be destroyed is the best result. Choosing close to the Crescent Moon Empire, having yourself, the Alliance is not a problem.

Choose the center, the left and right sides are the three islands, in the face of the demon, but also beware of their own wings, this consumption will delay the establishment and development of Luo Fuzong, and even the death of the island. At the beginning, Huanglu Island wanted to compile Luo Fuzong. How could the three islands watch the rise of Luo Fuzong? Luo Fuzong must face an unprecedented harsh environment.

However, once you choose the neighboring empire, you have yourself, at the very least, there will be no danger on the right side, just beware of the three islands on the left. Slightly pondered:

"Sovereign, I am from the side of the innocent desert, today's empire of the moon. I know very well there, and also have some friends. I can go to the empire and explore them, even if it can not be formed temporarily. The alliance will also cause us to not become conflicts."

"Really?" Yang Yingtian's eyes are all bright.

"Yeah!" Qin doubled his head seriously.

“Good!” Yang Yingtian nodded. “We will listen to the endless, choose here.”

Yang Yingtian waved his hand to dissipate the soundproofing ban and looked at other people. Mu Qingzi did not have a ban on the ban, and saw Yang Yingtian scattered to ban, with a smile, Yang Yingtian also smiled.

Half an hour passed, and one soundproofed and banned. Hu Yanyun infused the gods into the jade, and the jade released a light curtain. A picture was displayed on the light curtain, then the fingers were drawn in the air, the picture was divided into five parts, and then condensed:

"This is five areas, Yang Zongzhu, please pick it."

One leaf island, Huanglu Island, Snow Island and Sifang Manganese all look to the central area of ​​the picture, and the envy is in the eyes. In their view, Luo Fuzong will definitely choose there. There are monks on both sides, no more than the neighbors, it is much safer.

Yang Yingtian nodded, reaching out and pointing to the area next to the innocent desert:

"We will choose here."


Everyone's look is inconsequential, and the face is full of surprises. No one thought that Luo Fuzong would choose the neighboring empire. Calling for the extension of the cloud, Xiang Baiji and Ouyangbi looked at each other with a glimpse of the color. At the same time, the heart is also a sinking. It seems that Luo Fuzong is very nervous about the defense of the Three Islands. If you want to die in Luofuzong, at least the idea of ​​the decline of Luofuzong is not very good!

Originally thought that Luo Fuzong would choose the Central Committee, then there will be many opportunities for the Three Islands to secretly target Luo Fuzong. Unexpectedly, Luo Fuzong saw this point. He would rather choose a region with a relatively poor environment and a neighboring warrior. He did not jump into the trap.

Luo Fuzong is not good to deal with!

Hu Yanyun first responded and looked at Yang Yingtian: "Yang Zongzhu, are you sure?"

Yang Yingtian’s heart was loose, because he was keenly aware of the emotions of the Mishima Island’s Lord. At this moment, he knew that the endless analysis of the month was completely correct. Mishima is not dead to Luo Fuzong. If he really chooses the center, Luo Fuzong will encounter big trouble. I believe that the month is endless and my choice is correct. Immediately nodded:

"I'm sure!"

Hu Yanyun looked at Yang Yingtian with a deep look, nodded, and turned his eyes to the main taboo of the island without snow:

"Is the island owner, it's your turn."

Xiang Baiji did not hesitate. Since Luo Fuzong did not dare to choose the Central Committee, he chose the Central Committee.

Not bad!

He just thought that Luo Fuzong did not dare to fear the Three Islands. Although he had the qualification of the first overall position, he took the initiative to give up the central area with the strongest aura. So he put his finger in the middle of the road:

"I choose here."


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