Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 671: Re-encounter



"Now my strength should be self-protected in this era! All aspects of strength are improving, but the strength of the body is slowly increasing. Although I have been practicing copper body quenching, but the improvement is very slow, and still no improvement today. On the fourth floor of Wusheng, you should think of ways to improve the strength of the body."

The piano double waved the flag and walked out of the cave. The sky emptied and flew toward the sea.

"It's going to speed up!"

The piano double view wants to be a phoenix, and the power of the gods flows out of the eyebrows and turns into a fire phoenix. Qin double is based on the back of the fire phoenix, the fire and phoenix wings spread, stretch for a few miles, like a burning flame, cut through the sky.

At this time, the phoenix fire method of Qinshuang has already been a sacred period, using the knowledge of God. It is not like the view of Xuanwu, it is the power of knowing the sea, and the speed has a qualitative improvement.

The night shrouded the ocean, and the flames cut through the darkness. The color of dawn gradually appeared, the sun penetrated the darkness, and the piano stood on the back of the fire and phoenix, looking at the close of the mainland of the warrior, with a smile on his face.

"I am back!"


The sharp space volatility came, the piano double did not hesitate, and the figure jumped from behind the fire phoenix and spurred toward it.

A long black arrow slammed against the ears of the piano, and several hairs broke and fluttered in the wind.

The piano doubled his eyes and looked in the direction of the long arrow. Then he saw three figures rushing towards her.

Two demons and one demon.

The breath of the strong exudes from the bodies of the three demons, surpassing the breath of the piano pair, extremely terrifying, but the spread of the breath, the sea surface is pressed two meters.

"It's them!"

It was the two demon saints and one demon saint who had been besieging Wanzhongshan. At this point their injuries have healed, and a demon saint looks up and down the piano, condensing:

"White Dragon Sword, are you a Yuehuang Qin?"

"Not bad!" Qin nodded and said: "You three will kill me?"

"Sure enough, it is the moon emperor, even able to escape my demon arrow." That demon holy look awe.

"Ha ha ha..." Another demon sang loudly laughed and said: "There is no end to killing a future enchanting moon, but I did not expect to encounter the real enchanting Emperor of the Moon. Killing you, killing that month is endless. Ten times more than ten times stronger."

Another demon sacred and magical sacred eyes flashed, killing stunned. The double look of the piano is awesome:

"Wheel battle, or together?"

A demon shouted and smiled: "Although you have killed the demon saint in the legend, this holy does not believe. Let this holy to try."

When the words fell, the huge body of the demon lord pushed toward the piano, and the faint explosive force in the body leaps and bounds, and a large hand is struck, and the double slaps toward the piano.

This is not a law at all, but a pure force that is real. Qin double did not pull out the dragon sword, but also a real punch and banged out.


From the middle of the fist and the palm of two people, the space is broken, and the circle spreads to the outside. The shape of the piano double is like a projectile and is usually taken by the demon.

Powerful and incomparable power, the piano double shot directly into the sea, falling rapidly toward the bottom of the sea. The mouth of the piano double bleeds out blood. Was swallowed a medicinal medicine, and secretly said:

"Sure enough, my own body power is much worse than that of the demon sage. It is not a level at all, and a sacred sacred later than the body power is completely looking for abuse."

"Unspeakable!" In the air, the face of the demon saint showed a disappointment.

Another demon sanha laughed and said: "The emperor is just a young generation, how can you compare it with your demon?"


The sea water exploded, and the shape of the piano double rushed out into the sea. Staring at the opposite demon, I screamed:

"Come back!"

The demon sacred look, and then his face was red, he did not think that his palm not only did not shoot the dead double, but also looked at the appearance of the piano, and did not suffer much damage.

"court death!"

The huge body of the demon rushed toward the piano and waved a punch and critted toward the piano.


This piano double is not intended to compete with the demon scorpion body strength, the body's spiritual power is running fast, and it is like a sea tide that sounds in the body. Ten dragons hover around the right arm and gather toward the palm of their hand.


The ten dragons whispered and went to the demon holy crit.


The sea suddenly sank a few meters down to the bottom, and then skyrocketed and set off waves. The shape of the piano pair was once again bombed out like a meteor. The demon saint took a big step above the sea and chased the inverted piano pair.

The inverted piano doubled his right hand and his arm burst into pain.

"Great! Breaking through the seventh floor of Valkyrie, my true strength is already equivalent to the fourth layer of Wusheng, but there is still a gap with the other side."

The figure of the double-flying figure suddenly slammed, and then he swept the past toward the huge demon.

"Come back!"

The spiritual power in the body of the piano changed the way of operation, and a sharp earthquake occurred. The power begins to stack.



Twenty dragons came out of their arms and gathered toward the right palm of the piano pair. They shouted and slammed into the fist of the demon.


Twenty dragons annihilated, and the shape of the piano double flew out again. Mouth and nose spurt. However, the war is more and more high-spirited, and the eyes are filled with excitement.

“One layer of superposition has raised my strength to the fifth floor of Wusheng. It seems that the more backward, the less the degree of promotion. Try to combine the three spiritual forces.”


The Qinshuang and the demon holy once again banged together, and the piano pair still flew out, but the distance of this apparently inverted flight was much closer.


In the demon's heart, how does he feel that the piano is more and more brave?

For the first time, he felt that the piano doubled only the strength of the fourth layer of Wusheng. The second layer of the bang, there is the strength of the fifth layer of Wu Sheng, this time against the bomb, he feels that Qin double has the strength of the sixth layer of Wu Sheng.

At the same time, Qin Shuang’s heart is also a joy. You know, her shock is now only comprehending a layer of superposition. If two layers are superimposed, three layers are superimposed?

"I don't believe you can't kill you this time!"

The demon saint on the opposite side is going crazy, and this time there is no more reservation, and it is rushing toward the piano. The huge body brought endless pressure, and the huge fist smashed the space, like a hill, going to the double crit.

"Open the fire phoenix body!"

Qin double also wants to use the demon sac to figure out all aspects of his strength. Therefore, without hesitation, the fire phoenix body was opened. Collided with the demon scorpion. The figure once again flew back.

Not bad!

Just flying back and not rolling.

The fire phoenix body opened, plus three kinds of spiritual power fusion, shocking strength, and the strength was upgraded to the seventh floor of Wusheng. The demon look opposite is a stagnation.


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