Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 677: wake



Suddenly, the sound of a shocking soul sounded. Qin Shuang Huoran stopped the attack and looked at the grimace tree. He saw the grimace tree opening a big mouth and making a mysterious voice.

"This kind of voice..."

Qin Double is a master of sound work, and has unprecedented research and understanding of the temperament. Just hearing this sound, the piano pair is intoxicated. At the same time, she found that with the sound of the mouth of the ghost tree, the space has a mysterious pattern of ripples.

"Those ghost trees..."

Qin double suddenly found that those ghost trees that did not have a little spirituality began to have spirituality. Although it is still very weak, it is increasing little by little.

Qin double screamed Ling Mo and Sun Wei, remembering the two people who are committed to researching the wake of the spirit.

"Wake up! This is to wake up the ghost tree and make the ghost face a demon!"

Qin double immediately sinks his heart, listening to the mysterious rhythm of the ghost tree with the power of the soul, letting the power of the gods remember the ripples of the air fluctuations.

The mysterious song lasted for a quarter of an hour, the towering grimace tree closed its mouth, the mysterious rhythm disappeared, and the spatial fluctuations disappeared. Qin double wakes up from the immersion, the first time to the towering into the cloud of the face tree, the face is a change. She found that the vitality of the face tree was suddenly missing a lot. If it can live for five hundred years before, it can only be fired for four hundred and fifty years.

It’s been fifty years less!


Qin doubled and turned to see the ghost trees that had just been awakened, and the trunk bent toward the towering tree.

Wanshu worship!


The tree demons straightened up again, and a grimace looked fiercely at the piano pair. Let the piano double in the heart. But I saw the towering grimace tree snoring, and the grimace trees closed their eyes, not moving, like a tree without spirituality.

"Let's go." The towering tree is facing the piano.

Qin double looked up and down the ghost tree: "You just let me go, just to wake up these trees? I am afraid that I will be interrupted in the process of awakening them?"

The look of the Grimace Tree has eased a lot of words: "Yes, you didn't interrupt me, we will have a holiday between us. You go, but I hope you don't reveal the location here."

Qin double frowned and said: "You seem to have lost 50 years of life. And I found that your vitality has been lost, what is wrong with you?"

"What problems can I still have? I have lived from the ancient times to the present, and it should be a million years. Now that I am old, it is already at the end of my life. It is normal to lose vitality."

"The end of life?"

The piano looks a glimpse, but then it stunned. For a tree demon who has lived for a million years, what is the life span of hundreds of years, isn't that the end of life?

"I used to see some ghost trees on the mainland of the warriors. They didn't have any demon, no one. The fruit of the ghost tree has only one use, it is exciting after eating. They don't become demon, just because every one has you. Wake them up?"

The ghost face tree is silent, and the piano double says: "The mysterious rhythm you just sent is the way to wake them up?"

Grimace trees are still speechless.

Qin doubled his head and thought about it, he closed the town demon Tata Gate. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, meticulously recall the mysterious rhythm sung by the ghost tree. As a sound master, I remember every syllable that the ghost tree sang. She seriously recalled that even after she was sure that she was correct, she opened her mouth.


The mysterious rhythm emanates from the mouth of the piano and echoes in the town demon tower.

After a quarter of an hour, the piano doubleed down, recalling the rhythm that he had sang before, and then sang again. Qin double sang a few times and finally felt very satisfied. He reached for a fragrant fruit and ate it. He ran the scorpion, and then came to the front of the town demon tower, and opened his heart.

Hearing the sound of the opening of the tower door, the ghost tree opened his eyes with helplessness. Today, in its view, this piano double is a rogue, and it can’t be caught and caught.

I saw the piano standing at the entrance of the tower and began to sing with open mouth. As soon as this rhythm came out, the face of the grimace tree was changed, and the color of the shock appeared in the eyes. However, after a few moments passed, the grimace tree had a lot of shock, but it was calm.

After a quarter of an hour, the piano closed its mouth. Tightly locked her brow, she was sure that the song she had just sang and the ghost tree sang no differently. However, there is no such pattern of reverberation in space. This is the reason for her failure.

The eyes of Qin double fell on the ghost face of the Grimace Tree, and then the power of the soul spread toward the face of the Grimace Tree, but it was bounced back by the Ghost Tree to prevent the piano from exploring. This time makes the piano double excited. The eyeball turned and turned:

"Hey, Grimace Tree, I have jade paste here, do you need it?"

"Yuye cream?" Grimace tree eyes brightened, but then suddenly said: "If it is the gas of life, the jade paste will not help me much."

"That... if I have a lot?"

“A lot? How many drops do you have?”

"A few drops?"

Qinshuang waved his hand proudly and took out a big jar. This time, in order to wake up the pattern, she is going out. Today she only has six altar jade paste and eight small bottles of jade liquid cream. Jiutan jade liquid. All of a sudden, I took out a jar of jade liquid cream, and both of them were sore.

Ghost face tree saw the piano double took out such a large jar, could not help but see. When the piano double opened his jar cover, the fragrance of the jade liquid floated out, and the face of the ghost face tree could not help but show the ecstasy. However, it then converges to ecstasy:

"Taro, if you can come up with such a big jar of jade paste, what do you want, as long as I have it, I will satisfy you."

"I want a jar? Don't be too greedy!" Qin doubled.

The Grimace Tree sighed a sigh: "Shantou, I am a ghost face ancestor. And it is not a demon from the demon world to enter the warrior continent, but was born in the mainland of the warriors.

When the demon world invaded the mainland of the warriors, the Terran also hated the Yaozu who was on the mainland. ”

Having said that, the ghost face tree has a bitter smile: "Actually, before the demon family of the demon world did not enter the mainland of the warrior, although we and the human race did not hate, they also killed each other. But after the demon world was opened, it broke out so big. The war is gone.

However, the Yaozu are also different.

The reason why the Terran wants to kill the Yaozu is because there are many treasures on the Yaozu who are needed by the Terran. The Yaozu kills the Terran because the Terran can become their blood food and enhance their strength. However, not all of the Yaozu need to use the human race as a blood food. For example, we are a family of ghost trees, we only need to absorb the nutrition of the earth. Therefore, we hate war. ”


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