Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 679: go away



Qin double spread the power of the soul and enveloped all the patterns. Qin Shuang's soul power reached the beginning of the tenth floor of Wu Sheng, although not as good as the ghost face, but the pressure brought to her is much less. Within her tolerance. Therefore, the piano double sat on the door of the town demon tower and began to understand these spiritual patterns.

one day!

Two days!

Three days!

Qin double remembers these symbols, but it is useless. It is impossible for her to brand these symbols in her mouth.

This made her a little depressed, spent two jars of jade paste, but got some useless streaks...


Wake up the pattern!

Ling Mo and Sun Wei study the wake of the spirit!

Qin double immersed in the deduction of the awakening of the spirit, after a half ring, she suddenly awake.

"If... if I refine a musical instrument that is engraved with awakening spirits..."

With an idea in mind, I started to think of leaving here. Calling the ghost face tree ancestors, open your mouth and let her go out. The Grimace Tree looks at the Qin Double Road:

"You are leaving?"


"You go to the south end of the island to see it. There are a lot of bones of the beasts. Can you use the refiners?"

"Oh? Then let me see."

The piano flew in the south of the island and came to the south. Then he saw a dead bone that could not be seen at the margin. There was a residual limb of the ghost tree inside. It seems that this is a battlefield between the monsters and the ghost trees, and the two sides often fight. Because from those shackles, it can be seen that these are not an era. However, these are not important for the piano double, with so many bones, maybe the town demon tower will be the last layer.

Therefore, Qin double will sacrifice the town demon tower, zoom in the air, open the tower door of the town demon tower, the golden light sweeps, the dead bone on the ground began to flood into the town demon tower like a river.

It took a long time for the bones of all the monsters on the ground to be collected into the town demon tower. I haven't waited for the piano to take the town's demon tower into the sea, and the town demon tower is rumbling and closed.

Qin Shuang took the town demon tower into the sea and looked back at the island. Losing the ability to enter the town demon tower, Qin double did not dare to go back, once the face of the ghost face turned over, she did not have the opportunity to enter the town demon tower, isn't it looking for death?

"Forget it, go from here to the sea and walk around the island."

Qin Shuangguan came up with a basalt, sitting on the back of Xuanwu, riding the wind and breaking the waves.

It is surrounded by sea water and is very quiet. The piano doubles seem to walk in a lost world. Looking up to identify the direction, there are some memories in my heart. If you continue to move forward in this direction, after about five or six days, you should have gone to the place where you left the military to go to Luofuzong, deliberately angering the demon, the sea that was chased by the demon. At that time, he was there to enter the town demon tower, and got into a fish belly to escape.

"I don't know if the demons have gone back. It has been a few months."

The piano looks around in both directions. Now I have reached the critical point of breakthrough in all aspects. There are no traces everywhere, but it is a good place to break through. Find a small island.

A dark spot was seen from afar, and the doubles of the piano drove Xuanwu to the black spot. Looking back, I saw that the towering grimace tree gradually disappeared into the field of vision.

After two hours, Qin double set foot on a small island. This small island is not big, it is only a dozen miles away, and there is no mountain above, just a bare island with reefs everywhere.

Qin double scattered to see Xuanwu, flying to the island, looking to the next, really bare. Nothing, no plants, no reefs. Looking into the distance, there is no danger.

"Just break through here!"

Qin double walked to the middle of the island and sat down on a large reef. Then take out the flag and set up a defensive array. It was only the strongest defensive formation before the flag to deal with the three demons. The level of the array that was laid this time was a little worse. Qinqin took out the Lingshi and set up a polyling array, and then there was some headache. This breakthrough can not extract the spiritual power in the town demon tower. As a result, the time for breakthrough can be much longer. The original three hours or so, I am afraid to become three days.

"Well, the fire attribute has a fire phoenix inside, the metal has a white tiger dan liquid, but it can maintain the original three hours or so, but this shui water attribute has no good auxiliary resources, only rely on medicinal herbs and Lingshi It’s piled up, but fortunately, today’s aura has recovered very well, otherwise even if the piano double wants to break through, it will not break through. The lack of aura is not enough to make up for it.”

Qin Shuang first spent a day, diluting five bottles of white tiger gas and five bottles of phoenix. Then I started to break through. It took a day to break through the properties of the phoenix and the sharp metal, and then it was a long breakthrough.

Three days later, the long breakthrough finally ended. Qinqin spit out a long breath, and this breakthrough did not encounter any trouble. Think about it, it is really difficult to encounter any trouble in this vast ocean. Close your eyes and check your own cultivation.

The Ruijin Law Road repair broke through the eighth floor of Yuan Ying, and Wu Dao Xiu broke through the fifth floor of Wushen.

Xuan Shui Fa Tao repaired the eighth floor of Yuan Ying, and Wu Dao Xiu broke through the seventh floor of Wushen.

The Fenghuo Law Taoist repair broke through the third layer of the Huashen period, and the martial arts repair broke through the eighth layer of Wushen.

The power of the soul reached the peak of the tenth layer of Wusheng. The body is repaired with no whispers, and it is still the third peak of Wusheng. However, Haoran’s liquid in Haoran’s heart has reached eight battles and has become the eighth realm of Confucianism and Taoism.


Something is wrong with Xuanwu, as if he would fall into a sleep at any time. Qin double road:

"Xuanwu, you won't sleep again?"

"Shantou, I have gained a lot of benefits in this breakthrough. After this slumber, I am afraid I will return to the peak and even go further."

"That's a good thing!"

"No!" Xuanwu shook his head and said: "I mean, if I wake up again, I might break the void."

"Broken void?"

"Well, I was originally a half-celestial body. I was seriously injured at first. I didn't expect to follow you, but I left it and recovered so fast. And the heaven and earth aura recovered so richly. And your soul has a very realm." High, every breakthrough has made me have a substantial recovery. The most important thing is that after hundreds of thousands of years of rehabilitation, my mood has already reached the level of immortality."


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