Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 681: Fierce



Quickly wrote four words on the note paper.


When the nib was picked, the piece of paper flew past a three-layered demon.

"Booming" thunder, the third layer of the demon sanctuary was killed by Thunder, and the body fell toward the sea. This thunder is so scary that the demon can't help but feel slow.


The piano double squeezed its own potential, opened the fire phoenix body and fled away from the distance. Only she just opened the fire phoenix body, and her body surface began to crack. In the state of her serious injury, she could not withstand the opening of the fire phoenix. Only she could only bite her teeth and continue to flee in the fire.

Qin's injury is aggravating. In today's body state, the fire and phoenix body is turned on, so that the body of the piano pair is rapidly approaching collapse. Even with the fruit of Vientiane, the speed of recovery cannot keep up with the speed of destruction. Just fleeing for a dozen times, Qin double had to close the fire phoenix body.

After a long time, the monster behind him pulled in the distance again. The piano double quickly wrote the thunder on the paper, and then the tip of the pen jumped toward the back.


A thick Thunder will kill a third layer of the Holy Spirit.


It was three thunders and smashing three demon saints and demon saints. At this time, the three layers of Wusheng, which were chased behind the piano doubles, were gone. The highest level was Wusheng. There are only a dozen of the first layer of the demon and the first floor of the demon, and the rest are demon gods and devils.

So those demons saw that the piano pair was so fierce, and the pace of catching up could not help. Let the piano double open again and their distance. It’s just that Qinqin really went to the end of the mountain, and the last two battles in the heart of Haoran also consumed the fine light. Turning on the fire phoenix body made her injury worse, and now only one percent has been repaired.

"噗" spewed out a blood, and the body shape fell from the air toward the sea. Although it only fell more than ten meters, the piano double controlled the body and fled again, but exposed the serious injury of the piano pair, the essence of spiritual exhaustion. .


The demons chased again to the piano.


Qin double sighed and caught her figure in the air. She knew that she could not escape with her current physical condition. Run away again, different demons kill themselves, and they die and die. However, the town demon tower is in a state of closed integration, so that there is no place to hide.

Only one fight, before the death, pull a few demons.

The blow of hundreds of monsters sneaked, and the damage to her was too great. That blow has already put her at the tip of the frequency. If you give him time, Vientiane will naturally cure her.


Her body is full of cracks, and blood is flowing. Her knowledge of the sea is painful, her soul is in pain, her mind is stunned, and the sight in the field of vision appears to be a ghost.

The double teeth once again bite the tip of the tongue, letting the sorrowful mind wake up, slowly turning over the body in the clouds, looking to the opposite demon. The killing of the body is like a tide.

The demon figure on the opposite side is a meal, looking at the piano double like a **** person, the color of fear appears in the eyes.

At this moment, the scene just experienced has flashed out of their minds.

Hundreds of demons suddenly saw the piano pair, and joined the ambush pair, and then the piano double resisted their attack. Finally, the piano doubled the sacred three- to eight-layered demon all the way to kill the light, leaving them only these Wu Sheng two layers of the demon.

The whole body shivered involuntarily.

This is so scary!

I was in a crazy pursuit, but I didn't think of it. Now that it has stopped, this scene has flashed out, and no one has dared to step forward.

Qin double looked so quietly at the opposite demon, the effectiveness of Vientiane restored her body.

"More delays for a while, more delays for a while!" Qin double secretly prayed in his heart.

But, obviously, she thought more!

It’s just a matter of ten days, and the demons reacted. If the piano is still able to play, it will not escape. If the piano is still able to escape, it will not stop. She is not able to escape.

The demons exchanged their eyes, and the doubles of the piano were a sigh in the heart. Knowing that he has been seen by the demon, immediately wait for the demon to start, and then swell the power of the last soul, and the soul is screaming out from the mouth.


The demon spirit on the opposite side is a groan, and the shape of the piano double rushes out, dragging the blood ejected from the body, and the dragon sword swings out.


The heads of the two demon sacred were smashed by a pair of swords, but the palms could no longer hold the dragon sword. The dragon sword broke away from the palm of the hand and swayed toward the sea. Several demons attacked the doubles of the piano. The piano doubled up the final knowledge, mobilized eight water thunder beads, and smashed toward the eight demon. Eight demons waved weapons to resist.


The eight demons were thrown out by the water mines, and they were squatting on the body of the demon behind them, and the figures in the air rolled. The eyes of the piano doubled and the figure fell toward the sea.

"Double children..."

A figure ran from a distance, and his eyes fixed on the pale face of the piano. The eyes showed deplor and anger.


Every step of the man gave birth to a sword at his feet. A handle is very powerful, carrying him, like the galaxy upside down, rushing into the demon, cutting the body of the demon, swooping down to the piano double. Stretching out the left arm and holding the piano in his arms.

Qinqin tried to open his eyes and whispered in his mouth: "God..."

"Double children, don't talk, I will take you out."

Tianci put the piano on his back and tied the piano to his body with a ribbon. Holding a giant crocodile sword in his hand, the cold killing thoughts filled out.


The god-given heart beats the sound of the sword.

That is the soul of the sword!

The god-given momentum suddenly became sharp, such as the same handle, the sword, and sometimes like a sword light interspersed in the attacking gap of the demons, and sometimes sharply cut the body of the demon into two halves, rushing toward the encirclement.

A demon **** leads to the godsend attack, and the gods give the giant crocodile a sword to fly. The sword spirit makes his attack extremely sharp. At the same time, the body is moved, the front chest is greeted by the attack of the demon, and the back of the piano is tightly protected, so that the piano is not hurt.

"Puff puff……"

The attack of nearly a hundred demons, let Tianci bear the unbearable pressure, but also protect the piano doubles on the back. Let his chest, arms and thighs have scars everywhere, and blood is shot.

Fortunately, the strongest demon at this time is only the first layer of Wusheng, and the rest are demon gods and devils, otherwise the godsend may have long since died.

Even so, in less than twenty interest hours, Godsend will be bloody.

"He can't do it, go up and kill him!"


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