Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 688: All the way


In the sky, thousands of stars fell, like a sturdy sword rain, and those demon monks were like dumplings, falling from the air.


The piano doubled from the high air like a strong wind, and at this time, a large number of demon people flew from both sides, only when they came to the battlefield, they only saw the fleeting back of the piano, looking down and everywhere. The dead bodies not only made these demon people have a glimpse of their hearts, but they also fought a cold war. Looking at each other, I don't know if I will chase it.

They are far from seeing that the Qin double is a pair of demon, but only two styles, one of which is still a sword, it kills hundreds of demons. This is even more horrible than the rumor.

If you can't catch up, if you catch up, then the repair of these demon people is also a life.

At this time, the piano has a foot on the phoenix and has been swaying for thousands of miles. Looking at it, I saw that the opposite day seemed to be dark. As if the night is consuming the white.


It was the Mozu, the flames of the flames, and the twins flew forward. The two sides approached quickly. This time, Qinqin did not wait for the Mozu to take the lead in attacking, and she saw her body burst and burst into the air. Before the Mozu reacted, he turned into nine figures and rushed into the Mozu.

Jiugong swordsmanship: Jiugong is one.


A Mozu monk was smashed into the body, and then the nine figures of the figure were again turned into nine figures, flying toward the front. Nine figures criss-cross, such as the star pill jump, nine swords light burst into brilliant light.

Immediately after the nine figures, the nine swords lighted from all sides, breaking a demon,

Hundreds of Mozus were looking at the figure of the double pair and they were divided into nine figures, and they merged into a sword. Although they kept the fighting posture, they did not do it for a long time.

Can't do it.

The piano double shuttles in the middle of the Mozu, moving like lightning. Don't say that you can't capture the doubles, even if you capture them, attacking the doubles, that is, attacking the demons. Because the piano pair is in the Mozu.

"Good mysterious body, fast sword!"


The piano double rushed out of the Mozu, leaving behind a group of sluggish Mozu, and the broken bones of the land. The wind screamed and blew the clothes of the piano pair. In front of her, there was another sky of demon clouds, and the demon cloud went straight into the sky, strong and demon. Just watching the demon cloud, you know that the demon monk in front is much better than the demon and the demon that he encountered before.

The opposite Yaozu also saw the scene of the Fangcai double battle of the Mozu, and it was not made to look dignified.

"The piano is not a moon emperor, but after all, it is a human race. Her blood is not as noble as our demon, and the power is not as strong as our demon. Look at the power that she just released, although it is only the spirit of the demon, but it has a demon. Mid-term power. However, we have a lot of demon sacs here, and killing him should be no exception."

"Of course, it’s not a problem. Our demon people are supposed to be stronger than the human race, and they have a sacred power. Is it a humble human race?"

"Go, kill her, let the people know that the spiritual leaders they worship are under our demon, but they are a scum."


A figure fell in front of the public demon, waiting for the public to see the people, the eyes are not shrinking. Although these dozens of demons were the lowest ones, they were also the demon sacred layer. The highest level was achieved on the fifth floor of the demon sacred, but when they saw this figure, they showed jealousy in their eyes. And the demon of this person's look is only the peak of the demon.

"High Road Friends!" The demons opened their mouths.

Gao Xiaoxiao nodded. "You should also stand by and watch me alone."

The words fall, not paying attention to the demons, but moving forward in the clouds. He smiled at the piano and said:

"The opposite is the moon emperor double?"

The piano doubled in shape and arched: "The chords are double, are you?"

"The Yaozu Gao Xiaoxiao!"

How does Qinqin not recognize Gao Xiaoxiao? Only now that her identity is a double, it is natural to pretend not to know. I nodded in words:

"I heard it for the first time."

Gao Xiaoxiao's look was a stagnation, and then he smiled and said: "The piano friend has not heard of it, it is not surprising, I just came out from the demon world."

The double pendulum swings: "Actually, listening to it has not been heard, it doesn't matter. You intercept me and the result is death. So knowing your name is not necessary."

Gao Xiaoxiao’s anger surged, but then he resumed calm. Said faintly:

"Qindaoyou, you can adjust your interest, I hope to be able to fight with you fairly."


The piano doubles her head and she doesn't want to waste time here. More involved in a little time, she has the danger of being surrounded by demons. Stride forward:

"You have to fight and fight, you can roll without fighting!"

"I am so angry!" Gao Xiaoxiao's anger has disappeared, but in his eyes, he has a feverish color: "As a Valkyrie, you can kill the demon and the devil, and become known as the soul of the young people. You can be like this." The strongman fights and kills you, and will surely help me to build a higher level. Qin double, fight!"

The two figures went against each other and no one wastes more words. Gao Xiaoxiao’s figure suddenly grew up, and a pair of armor appeared on the body. The armor was raised like a hill. Looking forward, Gao Xiaoxiao is like a giant built from a mountain.

On the body of the piano, there is a star wearing a moon, and the moon is on the head, and the starlight flows.


The two men collided together, and neither of them used the channel of God. Instead, they actually attacked the body strength, but neither side stepped back half a step, but the shoulders swayed slightly, and then each punched and rumbling. The land is hit together.

"Qindaoyou, a strong body. You still use Dafa, and fight with our Yaozu, I won't win."

"Your body is still better than me, you still use supernatural powers." Qin doubled a punch, the tone was faint.

The demons retreated around, and the two monks only fought on the body, and they made a hollow crack in the void, but in the fighting, the tone was gentle, as if sitting and chatting, the pressure on them was too great.


The Mozu in the rear chased them up, and more demons came from all directions. The brows of the piano brow slightly.


Qin Shuang and Gao Xiaoxiao made a hard fight. The piano doubled back and the left fist suddenly slammed. In another place, Qin double was willing to seriously discuss with Gao Xiaoxiao. But at this time, you must be quick.

The palm of the hand blasted, the shock swayed in the body, and the twenty-five dragons came out around the arm, gathered in the palm of their hands and slammed toward Gao Xiaoxiao.

Seeking a monthly ticket! Seeking a recommendation ticket~!


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