Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 693: Helian Shaozhuang


"Repair does not mean strength." Jin Longxing shook his head: "Now the monks of the mainland of the warriors know that the Yaozu has Fengming, and the Terran has a piano pair. However, in Fengming City, Fengming’s opponents, The highest level of cultivation is the peak of the three layers of the demon. Qin Shimei is able to fight with the eight layers of the demon, but the Fengming is pressed down."

Qin double shook his head and said nothing, Jin Longxing smiled and said: "After this war, you must name the world, completely overwhelm the Fengming, and play the prestige of our human race. Now we are in need of people like you to cheer up. ""

Qin double shook his head again: "Golden brother has a reputation, with your strength, if you want to press Fengming, don't talk."

Jin Longxing is shaking his head: "I have seen Fengming and the demon monk battle, her spiritual power is still repaired, his body strength is very strong. The reason why I can challenge more than just because of my body strength Far beyond my spiritual strength, but the body of Fengming is stronger than me, so I want to press him, it is very difficult."

Speaking of this, Jin Longxing looked at the piano and said: "If there is a chance, Qin Shimei may wish to fight with Feng Ming to see if it is a young generation of the Terran, or the youth of the Yaozu."

In the heart of the piano, a slight jump, the heart is dark, how does he always say Fengming? And also encouraged me to fight Fengming? Is he wondering that Fengming is my avatar? What flaws have I exposed?

When I saw Jin Longxing’s eyes staring at her, she immediately blinked and warned:

"There is a chance to play with Feng Ming to see who is weak and who is strong."

"Qin Shimei!"

At this time, a heroic voice sounded up, and the piano looked up and saw Qin Lie. Next to him was Zhao Zirou, Duan Hong, Huozhongyu, Sun Qiaomu, Hua Jinxiu, and the fifth Bold, ancient thousand.

"Ha ha ha..." Qin Lie laughed and flew over: "I heard that you are the demon slayer, and we will come over and see your heroic attitude."

Qin Qin moved in the heart, what to see her heroic, this is to hear her being chased by the demon, to help her. Jin Longxing came to help her, followed by Wu Dongying, the first master of the civil servants of the mainland, and Qin Lie, but they took the mentality of going to death. Especially when I saw the jade in the fire, the piano doubled in the heart. Going forward to Qin Lie and others:

"Thank you!"

"Thank you for your help!" Hua Jinxiu came to the side of Qinshuang and grabbed the arm of Qinqin: "We haven't seen you for a long time, we all miss you. You won't be born with us?"

"How come?" Qin double smiled.

"Walk away!" Qin Lie waved: "Go back to the fortress, we are not drunk."

A group of people flew toward the Eighteen Fortress. The piano was double-eyed and the heart was a jump. She did not see the blue moon, and she could not help but ask nervously:

"What about the moon?"

"He?" Qin Lie said: "He went to the Crescent Moon Empire to find you, you have not seen him?"

The piano double looks awkward, and thinks that Lan Mingyue alone went to the Jiuyue Empire. He hasn’t seen him for so long. Maybe it’s a fierce and a little, so he shook his head:


The look of everyone was stunned. It was not far from the 18th fortress, and everyone soon came to the 18th fortress. Entering the 18th Fortress, the people searched for a restaurant, complained of parting, and finally left the restaurant drunk. Qin double lived in Hua Jinxiu's home that night.

When the first rays of the morning sun came in from the window, the piano double opened his eyes slowly. She hasn't slept so much for a long time. Sitting up from the bed, holding his knees in his hands, looking out the window, he sighed leisurely.

"Mingyue, you won't have anything, right?"


The door was pushed open, and Hua Jinxiu came in from the door and saw a head. When he saw that Qinqin had already woken up, he pushed the door and walked in.

"Qin Shimei, let's go out?"

Qin double suddenly thought of the face tree, and nodded: "Well, wait a minute."

Qin doubled up and washed it, and walked with Hua Jinxiu to the door. Before I got to the door, I heard the knocking of the door, and then it was Qin Lie’s big trick:

"Qin Shimei, Hua Shimei."

"Qin brothers, they are coming."

Hua Jinxiu ran two steps and opened the door. He saw Qin Lie and others standing outside, and Jin Longxing stood there with laughter. After everyone saw the ceremony, Qin Li looked at Qin Double Road:

"Where are you going to go?"

"We have to go out and walk." Hua Jinxiu said.

"I want to buy some ghost tree seeds." Qin double road.

"Ghost face fruit?" Qin doubles a condensed look, up and down the piano double track: "Qin Shimei, you..."

Ghost face has no other use, it can only make people feel excited and have excellent effects of relieving pain. It’s just that the thing is too much to eat. Therefore, Qin Lie is very worried about Qin double.

"Don't think too much!" Qin double pendulum swing: "I am a Dandao teacher, recently studied several kinds of medicinal herbs, I want to try with ghost face."

"That's good! Scared me, I thought you were seriously injured."

"Is there something to sell here?"

"Yes!" Qin Lie nodded, his face stunned: "Now we fight with the demon and the two, every time there are people who are seriously injured, so the ghost face is very market, there are many monks to buy back to relieve pain. I take you Go ahead."

Under the leadership of Qin Lie, everyone came to a pharmacy.

As soon as I entered the pharmacy, I smelled a mixture of various medicinal herbs.

There are more than a dozen guests in the pharmacy, and they are buying the medicinal herbs or herbs they need under the hospitality. At this time, a young man saw Qin Lie and others, and he hurriedly took two steps and came to Qin Li’s court in front of him:

"Qin brother."

Qin Lie took a picture of the shoulder of the young man to the piano. "This is the son of He Lian and Zhuang, the master of He Liangong."

Qin binoculars is a move, she naturally remembers the Grand Qin Dynasty seven-level alchemy master He Liangong. At this time, Qin Lie also said to Helian:

"Less, you don't always want to see the Yuehuang Qin double? She is."

Helian Shaozhuang suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the piano pair, his face full of excitement and redness. Stuttered and said:

"Piano... piano..."

Qinqin saw that Helian was younger than himself, and smiled and said: "Call my sister."

"Sister Qin, I always worship you..."

"Stop!" Qin Lie quickly stopped He Lian Shaozhuang, and then to Qin Double Road: "Qin Shimei, this kid regards you as an idol, as long as you talk about you, he will be excited, let alone see you. There are few strong, do you have ghost faces here?"

"Qin Big Brother, what's wrong with you? Wounded?" He Lian Shaoqiang looked nervously at Qin Lie.

"No, it’s Qin Shimei’s ghost face and alchemy."

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