Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 695: Assessment of Dandao



Hua Jinxiu was so shy and flushed and hated. Helian climbed up from the ground and said:

"Hey, the piano sister is coming."

"What piano sister?"

Qin double came out of the crowd and prayed to He Liangong: "Qin double has seen his predecessors."

"Qin double? When did you come?"

"Yesterday." Qin double smiled: "I wanted to see my predecessors earlier, but they were drunk yesterday."

"Oh..." Jin Longxing and Qin Lie and others could not help laughing.

He Lian Gong blinked and said: "What smiles? A group of men, drunk a female baby, what do you want to do?"

"Oh..." The crowd was suddenly stunned by the neck.

"Go, double, don't take care of them. Let's go to the lobby."

Qin doubled his head and followed He Liangong's footsteps toward a big house. Qin Lie and Jin Longxing and others also followed.

Entering the hall, the guest is seated. Tea, pastries and fruit were brought up. He Lian is looking at the Qin Double Road:

"Qin double, your recent name is loud!"

Qin double smile, but no words.

"What is repairing now?"

"The ninth floor of the Valkyrie!"

"On the ninth floor of the Valkyrie?" He Lian Gong said.

Qin double is a speechless, what is the ninth floor of the Wushen. And He Liangong shook his head again and again:

"No, I heard that you can kill the demon sacred, how can you be the ninth floor of Valkyrie?"

Qin double looked at the jade in the fire and took back his eyes: "I just cultivated every stage to the extreme."

There was a glimpse of the jade on the face of the fire. He did not cultivate the phoenix phoenix to the extreme, but only cultivated nine golden dan.

Everyone couldn’t help but look at the jade in the fire, but they immediately took back their eyes and looked at the piano pair. At the beginning of the Qin and the fire homes have been raging, everyone knows that the piano is also a collection of fire and phoenix. The same cultivation of the Feng and Feng Dian, the strength of the jade in the fire can not be compared with the Qin double, everyone can not help but see, it seems very important to cultivate each stage to the extreme, eager to improve, not necessarily a good thing.

He Liangong was frowning, and there was a trace of regret on his face: "You have cultivated every realm to the extreme, so there is no time to study Dan Dao. You have given up Dan Dao?"

“I don’t give up,” said Qin. “It’s just that the juniors said to their predecessors that alchemy is just my hobby.”

"Hey..." He Liangong sighed with regret: "Your alchemy talent is very high, so giving up, it is a loss of the alchemy world. Have you seen the alchemy notes that you gave to you?"

"seen it already."



"Okay, let me test you."

Everyone looked at He Liangong in a wrong way. They didn't think that Helen Gongyi would come up with the Dandao. Qin double is now best known for martial arts?


Is there a martial art in Dan Dao?

Nowadays, the demon is everywhere, and a powerful warrior is needed to demonize the demon. If the genius of the martial arts is like a genius, you should specialize in martial arts. Even the hobby of Dandao should not be there.

He Lian Shaozhuang also looked at his father without words. He said in his heart: "Hey, don't you know the name of Qin double on the mainland of the warrior? That is, people are killed by the martial arts, but you are evaluating others. Do you want to be so funny?"

Sun Qiaomu and Hua Jinxiu are bright eyes. They know the alchemy talent of Qinshuang. They are also Dandao teachers. They also want to know whether the Dandao realm of Qinqin is not as good as them.

There is some helplessness in Qin’s heart. She does not want to reveal the realm of her own Dan Dafeng’s great master. However, she can’t bear to refuse to see Herlen’s serious look. Then nodded gently. So, He Lian Gong began to ask questions to Qin. The problem at the beginning was only the level of Master Dan Dao. Soon, the difficulty of He Liangong reached the peak of Master Dan Dao. When the problem was still easily answered by Qin Double, He Lian Gong’s eyes were excited and his look became Seriously, raised a question.

This problem came out, Sun Qiaomu, Hua Jinxiu and He Lian's young look. Today's Sun Qiaomu and Hua Jinxiu are all three-level Dandao masters. He Liangong is also the top ten master of Dan Dao, and they are very aware of the importance of this issue raised by He Liangong.

Once this question is answered, it means that Qin double is now a master of Dan Dao.

Is it true that Qinqin is repairing for a thousand miles, breaking through to the ninth floor of the Valkyrie, and having time and energy to break through Dandao to the guru?

However, after the double answer of the piano, the three looks were embarrassing.

Jin Longxing and Qin Lie and others have completely understood the communication between He Liangong and Qin Shuang at this time, and they are boring to look around. When they saw the look of the three men of Sun Qiaomu, Duan Hong could not help but whisper:

"Sun brother, what happened to you?"

Sun Qiaomu’s eyes are still awkward: “Qin double she... is already a master of Dandao...”

"What?" Everyone looked at the piano double.

At this time, He Liangong was excited, a problem was constantly thrown out, and the difficulty was upgraded one by one. And Qin double did not stop to answer a single question. At this time, Sun Qiaomu and Hua Jinxiu, who were awake from the hustle and bustle, found that the two of them could not understand the communication between He Liangong and Qinshuang.

This shows what?

This shows that the Dandao realm of Qinshuang has surpassed the three-level master!

How can this be?

The two of us have studied Dandao with one heart and have delayed the cultivation. Nowadays, it is the ninth floor of Wuwang. And the piano double? Not only did the martial arts reach the ninth floor of the Valkyrie, but Dan Dao surpassed the third-level master.

How can this be?

Their two erroneous looks were seen by the bored people, and they could not help but whispered:

"What happened to both of you?"

“Qin double her...” The flower splendidly swallowed a mouthful of water: “Her Dan Dao’s realm has... more than two of us...”

"Ah?" The crowd could not help but sound a light "ah" sound. Jin Longxing’s face suddenly showed a hint of indifference: "If Qinqin can specialize in martial arts, I am afraid that it has now broken through Wusheng. Nothing to refine What Dan?"

Sun Qiaomu and Hua Jinxiu immediately glared at them. Jin Longxing smiled, pretending not to see, turning his head to the direction of the piano double.

At this time, Helian has been stunned. He did not think that the Dan Dao realm of the Qin double would be so high. Suddenly, she jumped in her heart and hurriedly took out the jade slip that Qin double gave him, and transmitted the power of the soul into the jade. Then he was immersed in it.

Here, He Liangong and Qinshuang are still communicating. However, gradually it was not asked by Helen Gong, Qin Qin was answering. It was the two people who started the real exchange. Later, it was often a few words of the piano. He Liangong had to think for a long time.


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