Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 702: Danwu

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Qinqin carefully measured the humanoid patterns on the mountain wall and found that each person's shape and Xiaohuang were very similar, and could not help but ask:

"What are they?"

"We are all my children."

"your child?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Huang said with a big head: "But they still have no adulthood."

"How can I take them away?"

"Baby, wake up!" Xiao Huang yelled at the neck and shouted.


The surrounding mountain walls moved, and I saw a group of less than one meter of yellow jade stone jumping from the mountain wall. It was only an instant, the surrounding mountain walls disappeared, and a group of small people stood in front of Qin double. There are more than 10,000 people in Huang Yushi. Qin doubled his mouth and twitched his eyes, his heart hurt, and he raised his leg toward Xiao Huang’s thigh.


Kicked the piano with a toe headache, but the heart hurts. Pointing at the medicine garden, heading for Xiao Huang:

"Look, look!"

Xiao Huang inexplicably looked at the piano and said: "What are you looking at? They are all my children."

"I want you to look at their feet." The piano screamed.

"Under the feet? Nothing?"

"Nothing? I won't make you anything." Qin double "When" kicked on Xiao Huang's thigh, and there was a pain in his toes. Grinning and swearing:

"Those herbs, those herbs!" Qinqin squatted in his body, licking his toes, and crying without tears: "This little yellow body is too hard. There are seven peaks of Wusheng."

“Ah?” Xiao Huang grabbed his head and said: “You said those herbs, it’s no big deal. If you don’t, then you will plant it again. Anyway, I can give you a planting place.”

"You, you, you..." Qinqin stood up and pointed at Xiaohuang, and the wind trembled: "I won't talk to you, let them go off."

"Flash off, flash off!" Xiao Huang waved the big hand.


More than 10,000 small topaz people ran to both sides, and the piano doubled his head and slammed his head on the ground. A big hand patted on her shoulder.

"Master, they are all gone!"

"Yeah, it’s all gone!" The voice of the piano doubled with a cry: "The herbs have also been smeared."


Qinqin stood up and looked at the good herbs that were stepped on and the heart was broken. These are half-sweet-grade herbs! These herbs are made into medicinal herbs and help her too much. To know that she thought that the number of medicinal herbs needed for the cultivation of exercises and multiple attributes was an astronomical figure, but if these herbs were used to refine the medicinal herbs, one of the original one hundred medicinal herbs.

Carefully walked into the valley, smashed the broken leaves and the petals that had not yet been sticky, and collected them in different categories, and dug them out and collected them. It was a busy day, and it stood up in a sullen face.

Xiao Huang has been holding a big hand and standing uncomfortably. Those little topaz people are like a stone, standing behind Xiao Huang.

Qin double came to Xiao Huang's body and glanced at him with a sigh of relief: "I will not damage my herb in the future. Do you understand?"

"Understand, I understand." Xiao Huang nodded.

The piano double took out the town demon tower and sacrificed it in the air. The town demon tower was enlarged in the air, showing a portal, "opening the door", and a strong aura poured out.

"Go in." Qin said faintly.

"Baby, come in with me."

Xiao Huang’s eyes lit up, and with more than 10,000 Huang Yushi people rushed into the town demon tower. Qin double also entered the town demon tower, and he saw Xiao Huang carrying the more than 10,000 Huang Yushi people and ran towards the mountain range of Zhongpin Lingshi Mine. Qinqin flew behind him and saw Xiao Huang rushing into a valley. He nodded with satisfaction:

"It's here."


The more than 10,000 small topaz people jumped up one by one and soon formed a small valley. Xiao Huang strode to the center of the valley, then lay down on the ground and sinking into the ground.


A whirlwind is formed, and the rich earth is surrounded by the valley before.

Qinshuang’s face showed a happy color, and those roots that were already dug up were half-scented and planted one by one. Then I went to the medicine garden that I had opened before, and I picked some rare herbs and transplanted them. Indulging in the valley for a while, it came out of the valley.

Flying into the air, the eyes looked at the direction of planting the face tree. It has been three days since the planting of the Grimace Tree. In the town demon tower, there are nine years. At this time, the face tree has grown up, but it has not yet begun. It takes a hundred years for the Grimace Tree to start the result. That is to say, the Grimace Tree wants to be an adult and needs a hundred years. Through conversations with the ghost face tree ancestors, Qin double knows that the ghost tree wants to reach the level of the demon, at least a thousand years.

However, Qin double is not in a hurry, the outside world, for the town demon tower, it is only a year.

The figure fell on the southern volcano, and Feng Ming was sitting cross-legged on the foothills, with three horns in front of her. Seeing the double falling of the piano, Feng Ming pointed to the three horns:

"I have refining three, and you can see if it is appropriate."

The piano nodded and picked up a horn and looked at it: "Yes, wait for me to try the pattern."

Waved the three horns and looked at Feng Ming: "Feng Ming, you still stay in Fengming City."

"Good!" Feng Ming nodded.

"I am going to refine some medicinal herbs for you. This time I got some semi-precious herbs and I should be able to upgrade your cultivation quickly."

Half a year after the town demon tower.

The piano double came out of the alchemy room, and the body was full of spirits and sensation.

"It’s not a semi-precious grade of herbal medicine. It’s just a refining of the medicinal herbs for half a year. It absorbs Dan, and it allows me to reach the critical point of the breakthrough. Well, the phoenix fire is still worse, the rest can be The choice is broken."

Qin double came to Fengming's front, took out two storage rings and handed it to Fengming:

"Feng Ming, this storage ring is the medicinal medicine that I specially made for you. It is made from semi-immortal herbs. The next time we meet, your repair will definitely increase. This storage ring is built. They are all ordinary medicinal herbs. They are the master medicinal herbs from the sixth grade to the master ten. You can slowly sell them to the Yaozu, so that they think that your alchemy realm is gradually upgraded from the master level 6 to the master level 10. You Already the first master of alchemy in the demon world, it has a strong protective effect on Fengming City. I am afraid that except for the Qingniu, there will be no demon who will be right with you as the first alchemist in the demon world.

Feng Ming happily took two storage rings, took out a bottle of medicinal herbs, opened the lid, and took out a three-grain red dragon from the inside, and the eyes were bright.


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