Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 708: Heart



In the recent continuous breakthrough, Qin Double can understand the fusion of Tao in the rhyme when he accepts the rhyme, and finally let the path of integration grow slowly.

Although it is only 70% of the fusion, this kind of integration, Qin double did not dare to break into Wu Sheng. Did not reach the integration of 10%, once it broke into Wusheng, who knows what will happen?

However, Qin double saw hope. And the distance to achieve this hope does not seem to be far away. And it doesn't seem to require too much time.

Because the Qin double was discovered, it would be very difficult to retreat to understand the way of integration. Because the daily barriers are very strong, it is not easy to capture the heavens and understand the heavens. Therefore, the epiphany is extremely important for the monks. The epiphany is a resonance with the heavens, so that the monks ignore the barriers of heaven and can understand the heavens.

However, this situation is unavoidable.

Therefore, the breakthrough becomes very important. Whenever a monk breaks through, the heavenly barrier will disappear, and the rhythm of the silk will fall. Therefore, there will be monks who will be surrounded by others and comprehend the heavens.

Therefore, Qin Double will have the opportunity to comprehend the way of integration in the time of his breakthrough. This way is not suitable for others. Because other monks are single-item cultivation, how many times have they broken through in their lives?

However, the piano is different. She not only cultivates three attributes, but also divides the Fa and the martial arts. She has more than five or six breakthrough opportunities, which means she is five or six times more absorbed than others. opportunity. It is precisely because of this opportunity that her integration has taken root and grown up, and it is precisely because of this opportunity that her Confucianism and Taoism continue to enhance the realm. It has reached the realm of a great master who has never been before.

Therefore, Qin Shuang is still emphasizing the integration of the road in the breakthrough. Now that there is a 70% integration, she believes that the day of complete integration will not be too far.

"Just my current Xuanshui martial arts and Fenghuo martial arts have been cultivated in the early tenth stage of Wushen, and then broke through to reach the tenth peak of Wushen, to break through Wusheng. Before the integration of the three spiritual powers, it is absolutely impossible to break through. Wu Sheng. In this way, Feng Huo and Xuan Shui Buddhism could not be cultivated afterwards. If they could not cultivate, they would lose two breakthroughs. The rest, Ruijin Budo and the three attributes of the law breakthrough. A third of the opportunity to comprehend the road of integration!

Forget it, not only can not cultivate the Fenghuo and Xuan Shui martial arts in the future, but also try to suppress them so that they do not reach the critical point of breakthrough so quickly. ”

Qin double quits from Dantian and enters the soul space. He sees a huge soul lotus and sits on the knees with a shadow. At this time, the realm of Yin God has reached the peak of the tenth layer of Wusheng, but the realm Although it was achieved, it gave the piano a feeling of weakness. The piano double thinks a little, and the heart will be lost. This is because Qinqin did not use the results of Yuehua's training and warming.

In other words, in the Qin double condensed Yin God, it is really not a few times to use Yuehua to wash and warm, and weakness is normal.

"It seems that I have to find time to absorb the moon."

However, Qin double has been busy, where can I have time to absorb Yuehua?

"Look at the situation later! Anyway, my martial arts repair has not yet reached Wu Sheng, nor is it very anxious."

Qin double quits from the soul space and enters the heart of Haoran. The heart is sad, because Xuanwu is no longer there.

Gently sighed, the piano looked at the ten gold buckets arranged like a tower. At this time, in the ten golden buckets, there were already eight gold buckets filled with Haoran’s liquid, and two golden buckets. Empty and empty. This has already made Qinqin very satisfied, and she has made a breakthrough in the continuous breakthrough, and she has a profound way to make her Confucianism and Taoist sentiments continue to deepen. She has a feeling, in the ninth golden battle, It should also give birth to Haoran liquid, that is to say, her current Confucianism and Taoism realm has been upgraded to a nine-level master. It is still to be verified.

The guqin above the golden bucket has a four-pointed appearance, which makes the piano double surprise. This indicates that the piano will play the sound again with this guqin, and the power will be even more powerful.

Qinqin was introduced from the heart of Haoran and entered the sea of ​​knowledge.

The colorless sea of ​​knowledge is swaying, and a huge sea of ​​knowledge floats on the sea. In the sea below the sea of ​​hainan, hundreds of phoenix swords hover around the sea, like a fish, and Such as the fiery red clouds. In the center of the sea, the gods sit on it, a blood piano is placed on the knees, the left hand is placed under the navel, the right hand is holding the merits, and there are seven fiery red behind her head. The aura rotates, showing that the phoenix fire method has been repaired to reach the seventh layer of the god.

On the other side of the sea, a white tiger runs while he knows the sea, sometimes tumbling, chasing a bead, playing and playing. The bead is the town demon tower, and hundreds of handles of Jinpeng sword follow the white tiger's body, like a group of golden fish, like a golden cloud. The power of the white tiger also showed that the Ruijin method was completed to reach the thirteenth floor of Yuan Ying.

On the other side of the sea, there is also a basaltic martial art swimming in the sea. On the back of it is holding eight water thunder beads, hovering around it with a large white needle, like a group of silver fish, like a white cloud, that is the needle-shaped spirit of the piano with a big mouth fish . The power that Xuanwu exudes shows that Xuan Shui Fa Tao has already reached the thirteenth floor of Yuan Ying.

The piano opened his eyes, raised his right hand, and gripped it with force. Shaking his head slightly, there is still no improvement in the strength of the body, and it is still the peak of the three layers of Wusheng. For this, the piano double is not unexpected. After all, she has cultivated too many things, and she has not practiced the copper body forging for a long time.

"In the future, you don't have to cultivate Fenghuo and Xuanshui martial arts. You should take a little time every day to practice the copper body forging."

Qin double stood up from the desert, did not alarm others, quietly flew into the air, flew to the center of the rejuvenation array. She and Feng Yan's mind are connected, Feng Yan's all arrangements, she has all know at this time.

Came to the center of the rejuvenation squad, the piano double standing in the air, meticulously perceived, and found that the surrounding aura is rapidly becoming rich.

But this is not enough!

Because this rejuvenation big array still lacks a line of heart, this position of the heart of Feng Yan has been laid out, only one heart is put into it. This line of mind is the pulse.

The two hands of the piano played a pattern of lines, and they saw a huge gap in the ground beneath the rumbling. The creases in the gaps, the double heart of the piano, the next product in the town demon tower The Lingmai was moved out by the piano. The huge mountain range was volleyed. The piano was bright and happy. Now this time of the next product, during the time of her breakthrough, under the strong spiritual strength of the town demon tower, it finally turned into The middle of the spirit. So, should the spirit of the middle school also become the top quality?


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