Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 712: Fiery construction



"Yes!" Li Yan did not have any surprises about the combination of the Qin and the monastic circles. Can Qins accommodate these **** warriors, and what are the strangers who accommodate the monks?

"You go back as soon as possible, and distribute the first batch of medicinal herbs. At the same time, let those people go into the mountains and forests to avoid them. The war is coming. I don't know if the demon gods and the demon gods will cross the Wansha Huangsha. Enter the territory of the Crescent Moon Empire."

Li Yan’s face became serious: “Yes, I will go right away.”

Li Yan gave a gift to Qin, and he left in a hurry. Qin double looked at the Emperor Shangshu Chu Xing Emperor.

"Chu Xing Emperor!"


Qin double took out three storage rings and handed them to Chu Xingdi: "Here are three storage rings. Each storage ring contains more than one billion medicinal herbs, which are suitable for Wusheng, samurai and martial arts practitioners. The medicinal herbs. When the armed warriors arrive, the responsibility for issuing the medicinal herbs is managed by the Ministry of Housing. Similarly, don't let me find corruption, otherwise I will see one killing one."

"Yes!" Chu Xingdi took over three storage rings with delight.

Qin Shuang’s eyes swept through the crowd: “As for the medicinal herbs from Wu Wang to Wu Sheng, I will give my second brother, which will be distributed by my second brother.”

Everyone also nodded and no objections.

"Liang Xingdi!"


"You will immediately meet the people of the city, and organize all the people who can't cultivate. Now there is no material for the city, let them transport all kinds of fortification materials outside, and then they will build the city. This matter will be handed over to your Ministry of Industry. Be responsible for."


"The rest of the people who can't cultivate, they have to take up various kinds of work, such as planting land. Nowadays, the outer moon empire can't afford the idlers."


"Everyone continues to cultivate. After two days, the people who have migrated are coming, they should be busy."

"Moon Emperor, where did Feng Yan’s Grand Master go?" Shen Qiu asked.

"Oh, she went to refine the identity card. In the future, each person will issue an identity card, drop a drop of blood onto the identity card, and wear the identity card to enter and exit the Wanli Yellow Sands and the Rejuvenation Array. Once that person dies, The identity card will be void. Even if someone has an identity card, they will not be able to enter the big circle."

Shen Qiu and other people's eyes lit up, nodded, and Qin double resigned, returned to their tents. Qin double also returned to his tent and entered the town demon tower to begin cultivation.

After another three days, the martial artists who had come to the rescue arrived, and they couldn’t see the end. Some of these people have been to the innocent desert, and some have never been to. Before they came, they heard that their emperor invited a great master to turn the innocent desert into a fertile land and become a holy place of cultivation. At this point, a piece of yellow sand, a heart of hope with excitement, could not help but sink to the bottom.

Is this a fertile soil?

Is this the cultivation of holy places?

Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun stand side by side, looking at the long yellow sand, but also a bitter smile. Looking at each other, they walked towards the innocent desert.


The two men changed their looks and found themselves alone in a long yellow sand. The overwhelming gravel hit him. He could feel the power of the gravel and hurriedly propped up the defensive shield.

At this time, Qin double came out of the tent, and she felt that someone had entered the Wansha Huangsha. When the mind and the big squad were united, they saw Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun and others, and immediately made a pattern.

Qin Wu and others are watching the yellow sand that is blowing in the face, and they will drown them. It was suddenly disappeared without a trace. Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun looked at each other and saw each other. The sound of Qin double is coming from far away.

"Go ahead and let everyone enter the desert."

Qinwu and Qin Jingyun listened, and began to organize 5,000 people to march toward the desert, and there is no desert direction. Anyway, Qin double did not say to go in that direction, until 50 million people went to the Wanli Yellow Sands day and night. after that. These people felt a groan, and they moved to the stars, and when they saw the surrounding scene again, they widened their eyes and opened their mouths.

Where is the desert here?

A fertile soil!

At this time, one-third of the millions of deserts have turned into fertile soil. One warrior could not help but get excited and jumped up.

Qin double summoned all Wu Sheng, Wu Shen, Wu Di and Wu Wang to open a meeting in the open air, the meeting opened very quickly, only Qin double announced several orders.

The first one is that Qin Double took out a large number of identity cards and handed them to the Emperor Shangshu Chu Xing Emperor. The family department distributed them through various layers of the door. With this identity card, you can ignore the Wanli Huangsha big array.

The second article is still the distribution of Wusheng to the martial arts by the Shangshu Chuxing Emperor.

The third article is the responsibility of the Shangshu Yan Xing Emperor of the Ministry of Justice to develop an examination system for the military.

The fourth article is that the Ministry of Military Affairs Shangshu Qin Xingdi is responsible for the formulation of the Dabi plan, and each year chooses the military from Dabie as the generals at all levels.

In the fifth article, Qin Shuang handed four storage rings to Qinwu, and later distributed the medicinal herbs to Wu Wang, Wu Di, Wu Shen and Wu Sheng, all of which were handled by Qin Wu.

Article 6, the establishment of the military system, the division of more than 50 million warriors into groups, squads, squadrons, brigades, battalions, regiments, military, groups, etc., form a fighting force, ready to usher in the upcoming war. Of course, the first thing to do is to build a temporary tent and work hard to cultivate it after the division.

The rejuvenation of the earth suddenly became a lively one, but the piano double no longer managed to do this, and began to enter the town demon tower to practice. In the evening, continue to open the acupuncture points outside the town demon tower, wash and warm the Yin God, and comprehend the stars.

It took another eighteen days to pass.

Qinshuang still does not fully understand the rhythm of the ninth phoenix, although she feels that she is very close to the ninth phoenix rhyme. But the closer she is, the more she feels that she is elevating very slowly, as if she is at her feet, but at the end of the world.

A total of eleven points have been opened, but the stars are gathered to realize the realm of Zhongcheng.

This day.

The stars are a little bit, the night is shrouded, and the strings are like swords, piercing in the air. The sky star power gathers, and a star-studded sword forms at the tip of the piano's fingers, releasing endless power. The piano double tapped his finger and the starlight dissipated. Shaking her head slightly, now her starlight is only a little different from Dacheng, but there is still no breakthrough.


The piano doubled his eyes and his body shape disappeared into the place. A long line of fiery red was pulled out in the sky, like a fire and a phoenix.



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