Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 723: Twilight as a sword




The sword of the sea in the endless month of the month and the sledgehammer of a demon family slammed together. At this time, the Terran monks had less than 50,000 left, and the war died more than half, and everyone was extremely exhausted and exhausted. The endless moon is surrounded by a circle of demon corpses, bloody, but the body's breath is very weak. Her spiritual power and the power of knowing the sea are running low, and at this time they are fighting by the power of the body.

up in the air.

Yang Yingtian, Wanzhongshan, and Zhang Zongzheng were surrounded by five demon saints and were at risk.

The moon in the fierce battle turned a blind eye, because she had already felt that the piano was coming, and she was hiding in a big tree not far away. Come, but don't help her, she knows that this is Qin double want to see how far she is now. However, knowing that the piano is coming, her tight nerves and desperate emotions have been alleviated. There is no need to keep the last little knowledge and power.


The Dinghai sword in the hand and the sledgehammer of the opposite Yaozu collided again. The gods moved, and a piece of grass behind the demon stalked quietly from the ground, and instantly gathered into a green sword, toward the demon. The heart spurred away.


The long sword gathered by the handle of the grass was bombarded in the back of the Yaozu. The long sword exploded and turned into a ball of grass. The back of the Yaozu had a wound and the bone was visible. In the endless month, the Dinghai sword in the hand crossed a white light in the air, and the head of the Yaozu was cut.


A series of large and explosive air intensive and fast sounds, let the moon endlessly swelled, and Huoran turned back, blocking the sea sword in front of himself.


A loud noise, a big stick swept on the Dinghai sword, the endless figure of the moon flew backwards, and three large trees were broken in succession, and the back of the tree hit the trunk of a big tree. A corner of the mouth oozes a blood, looking at the opposite side of a demon family holding a big stick and rushing over her, the endless figure of the moon toward the left side, flying away.

"Where to go!"

The big demon screamed and chased after the endless months. After an endless flight, I have already come under a big tree, my feet are on the ground, just like a sharp arrow, lasing in the middle of the dense leaves, on the top of a branch, has been changed The piano pair on the emerald green dress is full of laughter and endless moon. When the moon flew in front of her, Qin Qin doubled her mind and took her into the town demon tower, leaving her a message.

“Hurry and recover!”

Then he reached out and held the Dinghai sword floating in front of his eyes. Looking at the big demon that came crashing. Raise your hand and stab it out.

There was a fluster in the opposite demon eyes. This sword was stabbed, full of mysterious, like a heavenly road, and it was natural. This sword he once saw the endless display of the moon, a sword to kill dozens of demons, if not the moon is endless by the layers of demon siege, the consumption is too large, but with this sword want to escape, may not be able to escape. He also saw that the endless months of exhaustion of exhausted lights, dare to come to this cheap.


Now, seeing the power of this sword, where is the appearance of the exhaustion of the lamp?


Starlight, power is unlimited. Just like being in a starry sky, it is beautiful and grand.

Xiao Zhoutian Kendo!


The body of the big demon has been strangled into a powder.

The piano looked up at the highest point in the air, where several figures fluttered and swayed. It is the three Mahayana periods and the five demon saints of Luo Fuzong.

Wanzhongshan is fighting for three demon saints. Yang Yingtian and Zhang Zongzheng each fight a demon saint. Wanzhongshan has already been bathed in blood, and the breath is rapidly falling.

Wanzhongshan has just broken through to the middle of the Mahayana period, which is the fourth floor of the Mahayana period. The three demon saints who besieged him are all four layers of the demon. If Wanzhongshan had a field, and desperately, and the three demon shuns did not want to be injured and killed Wanzhongshan, Wanzhongshan at this time should have become a corpse.

The eyes of the piano are slightly stunned. With the strength of today's piano pair, even if it does not integrate three kinds of spiritual powers, it does not open the fire phoenix body, and it also reaches the peak of the six layers of Wusheng.

The eyes are getting cold and the sky is empty. A streak of light.

Glimmering light!

It was only an instant that came to the back of a demon who besieged Wanzhongshan, and a light was shining.

The demon and Luo Fuzong have been fighting for three days and three nights. They will kill Luo Fuzong for three thousand miles. They have a full understanding of the strength of Luo Fuzong. The three strongest Luofuzongs are the three who are now surrounded by them. No one in Luofuzong can participate in the battle between them. Not to mention participation, it is impossible to get close, and it will be smashed by the enthusiasm between them.


There was an accident, and at the moment when the three demon sacredly filled the mountain with great confidence, there was a glimmer of light in the sky.

That glimmer of light is so gorgeous.

That glimmer of light is so unpredictable.

As the glimmer of light flashed, an emerald human figure swept past a demon sacred, like the same glint, rushing toward the second demon sacred to the Wanshan. The remaining two demon people were shocked. A demon stunned the big gun in the hand and greeted the piano pair. The last demon sac suddenly broke out all the power, and a long sword in his hand turned toward the already faltering Wanzhong Mountain. Go.

"you dare!"

The piano double snorted and waved at the third demon, and the five fingers continued to pop up.

Fu Qin refers to: Qin Jian drifts zero.


A road refers to the wind like a sword, hitting the long sword of the demon saint, the little finger, the ring finger, the middle finger, the index finger, the thumb, one more than a fierce, the long sword of the demon saint is continuously hit, rising, and finally disengaged. And fly. At the same time, the demon saint facing the piano double was caught in a vast and starry sky, and thousands of stars were running on a small Sunday and strangled.

Wanzhongshan stared at everything that happened in front of him.


The first demon's neck squirted a circle of blood, and the head slid from the neck and fell, and the body fell toward the ground.


A figure flew out of the splendid nebula and swooped toward the demon saint who lost the sword. Behind her, the nebula dissipated, leaving only a piece of broken meat falling from the air.


It was another sword, and the vast sword made the sword long, and the last demon of the arm numb was caught off guard, and it was split into two by a sword.


Looking at the figure, Wanshan is unbelievable. The piano turned to look at the other end of the air battlefield. As she turned her head, her eyes burst into the finest, and an arc was drawn in the air.

Twilight like a sword!


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