Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 732: Blood face



The strings of the piano were slightly picked up, and the **** sea was squeezed into themselves. They were eroding her swords. Looking at the sky above the sword field, the piano is no longer a clear sky, but begins to become gloomy, even with a touch of blood.

Looking out through the sword field, the sky is red. The white clouds were covered by blood and sea, and instantly turned into a blood cloud, boundless, and the swords of the doubles were completely covered, so that the piano could not distinguish clearly.

The piano doubled up the sword field and propped up the defensive shield to resist the **** sea. The blood sea instantly eroded the defensive shield of the piano pair and spread to the body of the piano pair.

"Thunder of the Thunder!"

Qin double quickly extracts the awe-inspiring liquid in the heart of Haoran, and there is a thunder in the **** sea, such as the golden snake dancing, flowing in the blood.


A dense line of lightning is centered on the piano and spreads around, like an expanding thunder pool.

The blood sea was quickly ascended, became thin, and eventually disappeared. When the sun shines, the blood cloud will have white clouds.

The face of Qin double suddenly changed. A herd of blood appeared suddenly behind her, and a human figure was condensed silently. It was Tianri. A big hand grabbed the neck of the piano.

The piano eyes flashed, and the dragon sword in the hand was not slammed back. The figure of the piano double slammed forward, because she felt that her sword was hollowed out.

This embarrassment, the flying phoenix dance to the extreme, a hundred miles, suddenly hovering, turned around, looking toward the back.

The opposite is empty.


Qin Shuang's gaze condensed, she saw a drop of blood in the air with a large drop of blood floating, then the drop of blood suddenly expanded, turned into a **** sea, the blood sea suddenly turned into a giant face.

A huge blood face!

Opened a huge blood port, swallowed toward the piano.

The piano double stalked the dragon sword, held it in the left hand, and held the hilt in the right hand, posing a sword-drawing posture.


The piano doubles out of the sword!

Star Sword: Starlight shake!


A sword built by a star force spurred toward the huge blood face.


The huge **** mouth ejected a dense blood arrow and spurred toward the star-shaped sword. The two sides quickly collided and actually offset each other. The starlight swords of the doubles of the piano became dim and dissipated, and the blood arrows on the opposite side could not penetrate the starlight swords and dissipated.

The huge **** face was distorted and seemed to be violent, and the blood lines trembled on the giant face.


The mouth of the blood basin opened wide, and suddenly the dense **** tentacles from the mouth of Tianrui spurted and spread toward the double.

The eyes of the piano flashed, and the corners of the mouth were bent, revealing a hint of ridicule. Only under the panic, released the art of Confucianism and Taoism, but a speech method with the release of a Thunder of anger, it cost her half-baked liquid. Now calm down, don't want to waste. When the mind is moving, the stars and swords are flowing in the heart, and the stars are gathering in an instant. The moon hangs down, and there is a round of moons hanging on the head. The body is covered with a layer of starlight and envelopes itself.

Stars wear moon ~!

At the same time, the dragon sword in the hand crossed a mysterious trajectory in space. As the dragon sword in her hand crossed the air, the temperature around her rose sharply and the whole space began to fluctuate.

The **** tentacles quickly approached, and the body around the piano became a sea of ​​fire. As the sword of the dragon sword finally spurted out, the fire was turned into a huge phoenix, and swooped toward the opposite side.

Dragon and Phoenix sword skills: Phoenix is ​​pouring into the sky!


The **** tentacles swayed and smashed, and the phoenix was so smashed. The temperature in the air drops sharply. The eyes of Qin double are a glimpse, suddenly open to see the fire phoenix body, but also a kind of phoenix spread out.


A phoenix sounded, and the whole fire phoenix covered the sky.


In the mouth of Tianrui, a more dense shot was again sprayed, and the phoenix was swayed to the phoenix. However, this time, the phoenix sky is obviously much stronger than before, and the tentacles are blown, and one head hits the **** giant face.


The **** giant face was broken, and countless pieces spurred around. This makes the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu in the sky and the underground involuntarily breathe a sigh of relief.

There was a painful color in the eyes of Qin double, and the mouth whispered:



The piano double changed color, and the eyes showed a faint color.

Then I saw that the **** pieces suddenly turned into a **** face, and the **** face quickly enlarged, and it became a piece of blood, forming a **** sea, just this **** sea and the previous blood. The sea is different, it is composed of a huge face of blood.


Like the tide of the tide, the **** sea spread rapidly toward the doubles, and countless **** faces came out from the piano.

The piano double face is white, and the dragon sword in his hand is lifted high and leans down.

The stars are flat and wide!


Thousands of stars descended and pierced the blood. The **** face in the **** sea is sore. However, the original appearance was restored in an instant. Pentium covers the piano. The **** face was constantly rubbed over the moon, and a piece of blood was bitten on the moon, and on the shoulders of the piano, the star was wearing a gap, and a piece of meat was bitten.


The painful piano doubled up and took a breath, and a sigh of relief emerged from her body.

Words and phrases follow: Thunder's wrath.


Countless Thunder rushed into the sea of ​​blood, and the blood of the mouth made a sharp scream, the face was twisted, and then broken, and the blood was dull, like a mist.


The layer of **** mist appeared in a vaguely faint face, and a face opened his mouth and sucked toward the ground.


The blood from countless corpses on the ground sprang from the wound and spurred toward the **** sea in the air.

"Thunder of the Thunder!"

The piano was tight in the heart and hurriedly released the wrath of Thunder again. The intensive Thunder descended from the sky, and slammed into the mist of the blood, making the **** mist become even thinner, and the blood that had already hit the air hit the ground.


The faint blood mist instantly condensed into a heavenly reversal and spurred toward the ground.



That is falling, and Tianrui suddenly hands up to the top.


The blood flowing down on the ground suddenly vacated, and on the corpses on the ground, in the wounds, blood spurted into the air, and the human races and demons standing on the ground, not dead, as long as there were wounds on the body, the blood from Their wounds are rushing out.

Like a blood-dropping arrow, it thundered and thundered into the air.


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